1 2 3 4 Disturbance cues in freshwater prey fishes: does urea function as an ‘early warning 5 cue’ in juvenile convict cichlids and rainbow trout? 6 7 8 Grant E. Brown*, Christopher D. Jackson, Patrick H. Malka, Élisa Jacques & Marc- 9 Andre Couturier. 10 Department of Biology, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, 11 Quebec, H4B 1R6, CANADA 12 *Corresponding author: email: gbrown@alcor.concordia.ca, telephone: 514.848.2424, ext 13 4327, telefax: 514.848.2881 14 15 Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 2 16 17 Abstract: 18 Freshwater vertebrate and invertebrate prey species commonly rely on chemosensory 19 information, including non-injury released disturbance cues, to assess local predation 20 threats. We conducted laboratory studies to (1) determine if urea can function as a 21 disturbance cue in juvenile convict cichlids and rainbow trout and (2) determine if the 22 background level of urea influences the behavioural response to a subsequent pulse of 23 urea (‘background noise’ hypothesis). In the first series of trials, juvenile cichlids and 24 trout were exposed to urea at varying concentrations (0 to 0.5 mg L-1 for cichlids and 0 to 25 1.0 mg L-1 for trout). Our results suggest that both cichilds and trout exhibited 26 functionally similar responses to urea and conspecific disturbance cues and that 27 increasing the concentration of urea results in an increase intensity of antipredator 28 behaviour. In the second series of trials, we pre-exposed cichlids or trout to intermediate 29 or high concentrations of urea (or a distilled water control) and then tested for the 30 response to a second pulse of urea at at intermediate or high concentrations (versus a 31 distilled water control). Our results demonstrate that pre-exposure to urea reduces or 32 eliminates the response to a second pulse of urea, supporting the background noise 33 hypothesis. Together, our results suggest that pulses of urea, released by disturbed or 34 stressed individuals, may function as an early warning signal in freshwater prey species. 35 Keywords: Disturbance cue, metabolic wastes, chemosensory risk assessment, predator- 36 prey interactions, convict cichlids, rainbow trout. 37 38 Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 3 39 40 Introduction: 41 The ability to reliably assess local predation threats is critical for prey to balance the 42 conflicting demands of predator avoidance and energy acquisition (Lima & Dill 1990). 43 Within aquatic ecosystems, prey often rely on chemosensory cues as a source of 44 publically available information to assess the presence and level of local predation risk. 45 In addition to the well-studied damage-release chemical alarm cue system, (Chivers & 46 Smith 1998; Ferrari et al. 2010), a growing number of prey species have been shown to 47 respond to the so-called ‘disturbance cues’. Disturbance cues, unlike damage-released 48 alarm cues, do not require mechanical damage to facilitate their release. Rather, 49 disturbance cues are released, likely in the urine or across the gill epithelia, by disturbed 50 or stressed prey prior to an attack by a predator (Wisenden et al. 1995; Jordão & Volpato 51 2000). Typically, the response to disturbance cues are of a lower intensity compared to 52 the response towards other risk assessment cues (i.e. damage released alarm cues; Ferrari 53 et al. 2008a) and may increase vigilance towards secondary sources of information 54 (Wisenden et al. 1995). As such, disturbance cues are argued to serve as an ‘early 55 warning signal’ of local predation risks (Wisenden 2000). 56 Disturbance cues have been shown in a variety of invertebrate (Northern crayfish, 57 Oronectes virilis; Hazlett 1990a, hermit crabs, Calcinus laevimanus; Hazlett 1990b, red 58 sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus; Nishizaki & Ackerman 2005) and 59 vertebrate (red-legged frogs, Rana aurora; Kiesecker et al. 1999, Iowa darters, 60 Etheostoma exile, Wisenden et al. 1995, slimy sculpins, Cottus cognatus, Bryer et al. 61 2001) prey taxa. Recent work by Vavrek and Brown (2009) has shown that the relative Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 4 62 concentration of disturbance cue detected by prey provides sufficient information to 63 allow for threat-sensitive behavioural trade-offs in both juvenile convict cichlids 64 (Amatilania nigrofasciata) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). They have shown 65 that the intensity of predator avoidance response increases with the concentration of 66 disturbance cue detected, consistent with a graded threat-sensitive response. In addition, 67 juvenile rainbow trout (Ferrari et al. 2008) and Iberian green frog tadpoles (Gonzalo et al. 68 2010) exhibit an additive response when exposed to conspecific disturbance cues and 69 damage-released alarm cues. Increased predator avoidance and vigilance behaviour in 70 response to damage-released alarm cues and disturbance cues, even at low relative 71 concentrations (Mirza & Chivers 2003), have been shown to increase survival during 72 encounters with live predators (i.e. Mathis & Smith 1993; Mirza & Chivers 2002; Leduc 73 et al. 2009). Together, these studies suggest that disturbance cues provide a valuable 74 source of risk assessment information to aquatic prey. 75 Disturbance cues have been argued to consist of nitrogenous wastes, released as 76 metabolic byproducts through the urine or across the gill epithelia (Hazlett 1990a, 1990b; 77 Kiesecker et al. 1999). As such, they should elicit a generalized, non-species specific, 78 response. The findings of Vavrek et al. (2008) which show that two phylogentically 79 distant prey species (convict cichlids and rainbow trout) respond to each others 80 disturbance cues with similar intensities supports the supposition that disturbance cues 81 are a generalized metabolic waste product. In amphibians (Kiesecker et al. 1999) and 82 crayfish (Hazlett 1990a), ammonia has been shown to function as a disturbance cue. 83 However, Vavrek et al. (2008) have demonstrated that while cichlids and rainbow trout Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 5 84 produce and respond to a generalized disturbance cue, ammonia in ecologically relevant 85 concentrations does not elicit any increase in predator avoidance behaviour. 86 Thus, if not ammonia, then what may function as a non-specific disturbance cue 87 in freshwater prey fishes? One possible candidate could be urea. While most freshwater 88 fishes excrete the majority of nitrogenous wastes as ammonia, approximately 10 to 20% 89 of nitrogen wastes may be released as urea (Smutná et al., 2002; Wilkie 2002, Altinok & 90 Grizzle 2004, Weihrauch et al. 2009). Moreover, urea is typically released in pulses 91 (Wilkie 2002; Altinock & Grizzle 2004) rather than continuously, making it a suitable 92 candidate as an early warning signal of local predation threats. 93 Damage-released cues are said to be honest indicators of risk because they are 94 only released when the prey’s skin is mechanically damaged (Chivers & Smith 1998; 95 Chivers et al. 2007). However, given the nature of their release, disturbance cues may be 96 of lower risk assessment value, possibly due to the presence of ambient levels of 97 nitrogenous waste products. Metabolic byproducts that may function as disturbance cues 98 would be continually released, either directly prey species or indirectly through 99 decomposition, within microhabitats at low levels. As a result, under ecologically 100 realistic conditions, there should exist some level of ‘background noise’ that may limit 101 the value of pulses of disturbance cues as a source of risk assessment information. The 102 background noise hypothesis (Vavrek & Brown 2009) predicts that only when a 103 disturbance cue above the background levels of nitrogenous wastes (‘noise’), will prey 104 exhibit a behavioural response. Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 6 105 Thus, our aim here is two fold. Initially, we test the prediction that urea elicits 106 short-term increases in antipredator behaviour, consistent with the response to naturally 107 occurring disturbance cues in two taxonomically diverse prey fishes. Juvenile convict 108 cichlids and rainbow trout were exposed to varying concentrations of urea to test if the 109 response pattern follows a threat-sensitive response (Vavrek & Brown 2009). We predict 110 that if urea does serve as an active component of the natural disturbance cue, we should 111 see a response intensity proportional to the concentration detected by focal fish. 112 Secondly, we test the prediction that background levels of urea will inhibit the presence 113 and/or intensity of behavioural responses to pulses of urea at varying concentrations. 114 Juvenile cichlids and trout were pre-exposed to three levels of urea and then tested for the 115 behavioural response to low, intermediate and high levels of urea. Given that urea is 116 relatively stable in freshwater (Park et al. 1997), we predict that as the background of 117 urea increases, the response to a secondary pulse of urea should decrease. 118 119 General methods: 120 Test fish 121 Juvenile convict cichlids originated from our laboratory stock population. These fish 122 were descendants from laboratory crosses made approximately four generations 123 previously from laboratory stock and wild caught cichlids from Costa Rica. Prior to 124 testing, cichlids were held in 110 L glass aquaria filled with continuously filtered 125 dechlorinated water. Tanks were held at approximately 26-27°C under a 12-12 hour 126 light-dark cycle. Holding tanks contained a gravel substrate and artificial vegetation. Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 7 127 Juvenile cichlids were fed, twice daily, with commercial flake food (Nutrafin) and brine 128 shrimp (Artemia spp.). Juvenile rainbow trout were purchased from a commercial 129 hatchery (Pisciculture des Arpents Verts, Ste. Edwidge de Clifton, Quebec). Prior to 130 testing, trout were housed in 390 L recirculating tanks, with a continuous supply of 131 dechlorinated water (~750 mL min-1). Trout were housed at ~ 18°C under a 12-12 light- 132 dark cycle. Trout were fed, twice daily, with commercial trout chow (Corey Mills). 133 134 Stimulus preparation 135 We generated disturbance cues and the odour of undisturbed donors for use in 136 Experiment 1. Shoals of ten donor cichlids or trout were placed in a 20 L glass aquaria 137 (filled with 15 L of dechlorinated water) and allowed a 24 hour acclimation period prior 138 to cue collection. Cichlid donor tanks were held at ~27°C, contained a gravel substrate 139 and a charcoal filter. Trout donor tanks were held at ~18° C, contained a gravel substrate 140 and a charcoal filter. One hour prior to cue collection, we turned off the charcoal filter. 141 To collect the odour of undisturbed donors, we simply siphoned ~ 200 mL of tank water. 142 In order to collect disturbance cues, we passed a realistic model predator (15 cm) attached 143 to a glass rod through the tank 20 times. We were careful to avoid contact with the 144 donors to minimize the chance of introducing damage-released alarm cues into the tank 145 water. The model predator had an elongate body shape, typical of ambush predators and 146 was realistically painted to resemble a common Esocid predator. Mean (± SD) standard 147 length of donors was 3.82 ± 0.65 cm (cichlids) and 5.58 ± 0.72 cm (trout). This 148 procedure has successfully been used to collect disturbance cues and the odour of Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 8 149 undisturbed donors from both cichlids and trout (Vavrek et al. 2008; Vavrek & Brown 150 2009). Urea solutions, used in Experiment 1 and 2, were generated using reagent grade 151 urea (CH4N2O, 99.5% purity, 60.06 M). We created fresh stock solutions daily (3.5 g L- 152 1 ) and diluted the stock solution to the desired concentration in distilled water. 153 154 Experiment 1: Response to urea as a potential disturbance cue. 155 Here, we exposed juvenile convict cichlids and rainbow to urea at varying concentrations 156 to test the hypothesis that urea may function as a disturbance cue. 157 Test tanks used for the cichlid trials consisted of a series of 37 L glass aquaria, 158 filled with exactly 35 L of aged, dechlorinated tap water. Each test tank contained a 159 gravel substrate, and was held at ~ 26° C (cichlids) under a 12-12 light-dark cycle. Test 160 tanks were not filtered. We affixed an air stone to the back wall of the tank. In addition, 161 we attached an additional 1.5 m length of airline tubing, terminating immediately above 162 the air stone, to allow for the introduction of chemical stimuli without disrupting the test 163 fish. Tanks were wrapped on three sides with black plastic to eliminate visual 164 communication between tanks. Test tanks used for trout trials were the same as described 165 for cichlids except they were held at ~18° C. 166 We placed focal fish into test tanks and allowed a 24 hour acclimation period 167 prior to testing. Cichlids were tested in pairs as singleton cichlids are generally inactive 168 (Brown et al. 2006). Trout were tested individually. Both cichlids and trout were fed ad 169 libitum up to 1 hour before testing. Mean (± SD) standard length at time of testing was 170 2.42 ± 0.58 mm (cichlids) and 4.62 ± 0.33 cm (trout). Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 9 171 Behavioural trials consisted of a 5 minute pre-stimulus and a 5 minute post- 172 stimulus observation period. Prior to beginning a trial, we withdrew and discarded 60 173 mL of tank water from the stimulus injection tube. We then withdrew and retained an 174 additional 60 mL. Immediately following the pre-stimulus observation period, we 175 injected 10 mL of stimuli (see below) and slowly flushed it into the tank using the 176 retained 60 mL of water. Once the stimulus was fully injected, we began the post- 177 stimulus observation trial. During both pre- and post-stimulus injection observations, we 178 quantified the time spent moving and frequency of foraging attempts. Pairs of cichlids 179 typically moved together within the test tank, so we arbitrarily followed one of the two in 180 order to quantify time moving. For cichlids, foraging was defined as pecking at the 181 substrate, with the body at an angle greater than 45° relative to the substrate (Grant et al., 182 2002). For trout, foraging behaviour was defined as any visible snapping movement 183 directed towards the substrate or within the water column (Vavrek et al. 2008). Given 184 that focal fish were fed ad libitum prior to testing, there was sufficient food remaining to 185 allow us to quantify foraging without the addition of a food stimulus (Vavrek et al. 2008). 186 In the first series of trials, we exposed cichlids and trout to either conspecific 187 disturbance cues or the odour of undisturbed conspecifics to provide confirmation that the 188 test fish do indeed respond to conspecific disturbance cues. In the second series of trials, 189 we exposed cichlids to dilute urea such that the final concentration within test tanks (35 190 L) was 0.01. 0.1 or 0.5 mg L-1 or a distilled water control. Trout were likewise exposed 191 to urea at concentrations of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1, and a distilled water control. The 192 range of concentrations were higher for trout as pilot studies revealed that they did not 193 respond to urea at very low concentrations (mean (± SE) change in time moving = 5.93 ± Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 10 194 9.44 vs. 4.40 ± 4.31 sec (0.01 mg L-1 and DW respectively), t28 = 0.148, P = 0.88; mean 195 (± SE) change in foraging attempts = 1.20 ± 0.97 vs. 0.80 ± 1.07 (0.01 mg L-1 and DW 196 respectively) t28 = 0.276, P = 0.79). This range of concentrations was chosen because 197 they were similar to the range use by Vavrek & Brown (2009) and they represent the low 198 to intermediate range of urea previously reported for eutrophic freshwater systems (Park 199 et al. 1997; Savin et al. 2007). New urea solutions were generated immediately prior to 200 testing. The order of trials was randomized and observers were blind to treatment. For 201 the first series of trials (natural disturbance cues), we conducted 10 (cichlids) or 12 (trout) 202 replicates per treatment. For the second series (urea) we conducted 15 replicates for each 203 treatment for both cichlids and trout. 204 For time spent moving and foraging attempts, we calculated the change between 205 the pre-stimulus and post-stimulus observation periods (post – pre) and used these 206 difference scores as dependent variables in all analyses. As the change in time spent 207 moving and foraging attempts are likely highly correlated, we employed a multivariate 208 approach. Initially, we compared the change in time spent moving and foraging attempts 209 in response to disturbance cues vs. the odour of undisturbed conspecifics using a 210 multivariate ANOVA. We similarly tested for the change in response to varying 211 concentrations of urea using a multivariate ANOVA. We used a priori polynomial 212 contrasts to test the prediction that the intensity of antipredator response should increase 213 proportional to the concentration of urea (Vavrek & Brown 2009). All data met the 214 assumptions of parametric tests (Levene’s test, P > 0.05 for all). 215 Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 11 216 Experiment 2: Background noise hypothesis. 217 Here, we test the hypothesis that the background level of nitrogenous waste (urea) will 218 influence the response of prey fishes to pulses of urea. We pre-exposed cichlids and trout 219 to varying concentrations of urea and then tested their behavioural response to urea as a 220 proxy for conspecific disturbance cues. 221 Test fish were placed into test tanks as described above for Experiment 1. 222 Behavioural observations consisted of a pre-exposure phase, followed 30 minutes later by 223 a 10 minute observation phase. The 30 minute period between the pre-exposure and 224 observation phases was sufficiently long to ensure that cichlids and trout had returned to 225 baseline activity levels (i.e. were not exhibiting additive responses to multiple exposures 226 of urea). During the pre-exposure phase, we injected dilute urea such that the final 227 concentration was 0 (distilled water), 0.1 or 0.5 mg L-1 for cichlids and 0 (distilled water), 228 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1 for trout, as described for Experiment 1. Thirty minutes following the 229 introduction of the pre-exposure cue, we began the behavioural observation. Trials 230 consisted of a five minute pre-stimulus and a five minute post-stimulus observation 231 period as described for Experiment 1. Immediately following the pre-stimulus 232 observation period, we introduced a distilled water control or an additional pulse of urea 233 at a concentration of 0.1 or 0.5 mg L-1 for cichlids or 0.5 or 1.0 mg L-1 for trout (as 234 described in Experiment 1). Thus, we have three levels of pre-exposure fully crossed 235 with three experimental stimuli. Behavioural measures were as described for Experiment 236 1. All treatments were randomized and observers were blind to treatment. Mean (± SD) 237 standard length at time of testing was 2.30 ± 0.41 cm (cichlids) and 4.93 ± 0.45 cm (trout). 238 For both cichlids and trout, we conducted 10 replicates per treatment combination. Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 12 239 Difference scores for time spent moving and foraging attempts were calculated as in 240 Experiment 1. We tested for the effects of pre-exposure and experimental stimulus using 241 a multivariate ANOVA. All data met the assumptions of parametric tests (Levene’s test, 242 P > 0.05 for all). 243 244 Results 245 Experiment 1: Response to urea as a potential disturbance cue. 246 Juvenile cichlids exhibited a significant increase in antipredator behaviour (reduced time 247 moving and foraging attempts) when exposed to conspecific disturbance cues versus the 248 odour of undisturbed conspecifics (F2, 27 = 4.11, P = 0.028, Figure 1). Likewise, we 249 found a similar effect of urea concentration on the intensity of antipredator responses (F3, 250 56 251 univariate effects of urea concentration for both the change in time moving (F3, 56 = 3.10, 252 P = 0.034, Figure 1A) and foraging attempts (F3, 56 = 3.49, P =0.021, Figure 1B). The 253 response pattern for both behavioural measures is best described as linear versus 254 quadratic contrasts (Table 1; Figure 1), suggesting that antipredator response with 255 increasing urea concentrations. = 8.25, P < 0.001, Figure 1). Our planned contrasts analysis revealed significant 256 We found a similar response pattern for juvenile rainbow trout. Trout exhibited a 257 significant increase in antipredator behaviour in response to conspecific disturbance cues 258 (F2, 21 = 3.72, P = 0.041, Figure 2). We also found a significant effect of urea 259 concentration on the antipredator response of trout (F3, 56 = 8.59, P < 0.001, Figure 2). As 260 with convict cichlids, our planned contrasts revealed significant univariate effects of urea Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 13 261 for both the change in time moving (F3, 56 = 5.79, P = 0.002, Figure 2A) and foraging 262 attempts (F3, 56 = 3.01, P = 0.038, Figure 2B). The observed response for time moving 263 and foraging attempts is best described as linear (Table 1, Figure 2). 264 265 Experiment 2: Background noise hypothesis. 266 For convict cichlids, we found significant main effects of pre-exposure (F2, 81 = 4.69, P = 267 0.012) and test stimulus (F2, 81 = 23.53, P < 0.001) on the observed intensity of 268 antipredator response. We found no significant pre-exposure by test stimulus interaction 269 (F4, 81 = 1.91, P = 0.12). Overall, when pre-exposed to distilled water, cichlids showed a 270 strong response to urea at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.5 mg L-1. When pre-exposed to 271 urea at 0.5 mg L-1, cichlids showed no response to urea at concentrations of 0.1 mg L-1 272 (response was similar to the distilled water control group), and a weaker response to 0.5 273 mg L-1 of urea (Figure 3). Interestingly, when pre-exposed to 0.1 mg L-1 of urea, cichlids 274 exhibited a strong response to 0.5 mg L-1 of urea, and a weaker response to 0.1 mg L-1 275 (Figure 3). 276 Rainbow trout exhibited a similar response pattern. We found significant main 277 effects of both pre-exposure treatments (F2, 81 = 4.18, P = 0.019) and test stimulus (F2, 81 = 278 3.66, P = 0.03). There was no interaction between the two main effects (F4, 81 = 2.35, P = 279 0.06). As with cichlids, the overall intensity of response decrease with increased pre- 280 exposure urea concentrations. Trout pre-exposed to distilled water showed reduced time 281 moving and foraging attempts when tested with urea at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mg 282 L-1 and no change (compared to the distilled water control) when pre-exposed to urea at Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 14 283 1.0 mg L-1. When pre-exposed to 0.5 mg L-1 of urea, only trout exposed to the highest 284 concentrations exhibited a reduction in time moving and foraging attempts (Figure 4). 285 286 Discussion: 287 Our results suggest that pulses of urea may indeed function as a disturbance cue in 288 freshwater fishes. Both cichlids and trout exhibited significant reductions in time moving 289 and foraging rate when exposed to urea. Moreover, the intensity of these responses 290 appear similar to that elicited by conspecific disturbance cues. The results of our first 291 experiment suggest that the intensity of the predator avoidance response is proportional to 292 the concentration detected, consistent with the predictions of the threat-sensitivity model 293 (Helfman 1989). These results are consistent with previous studies by Vavrek & Brown 294 (2009), which demonstrated a graded threat-sensitive response pattern for juvenile 295 convict cichlids and rainbow trout exposed to conspecific disturbance cues. Similar 296 graded threat-sensitive response patterns have been shown for prey fishes responding to 297 damage-released chemical alarm cues (Brown et al. 2006) and visual cues (Helfman & 298 Winkleman 1997). 299 The results of our second experiment provide support for the ‘background noise 300 hypothesis’. Unlike the damage-released cues, there is likely always some background 301 level of ‘disturbance’ cues brought about by passive release or stress associated with 302 competitive interactions among conspecifics and/or heterospecifics. This may be 303 especially true for shoaling species or populations utilizing slow moving and/or littoral 304 habitats. Our data suggest that pre-exposure to urea results in the reduction or Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 15 305 elimination of response to subsequent pulses of urea. For cichlids, pre-expose to 0.1 mg 306 L-1 of urea resulted in weaker responses to a 0.1 mg L-1 pulse of urea detected 30 minutes 307 following pre-exposure. Likewise, pre-exposure to 0.5 mg L-1 urea eliminated the 308 response to a 0.1 mg L-1 pulse and inhibited the response to a 0.5 mg L-1 pulse of urea. 309 The results of our rainbow trout trials follow a similar pattern. Trout pre-exposed to 0.5 310 mg L-1 of urea only increased their antipredator behaviour towards the highest 311 concentration of urea, while pre-exposure to 1.0 mg L-1 of urea eliminated the response to 312 all concentrations. Thus, both cichlids and trout responded to a pulse of urea only if it 313 exceeded the background (pre-exposure) levels. 314 Two possible, non-mutually exclusive mechanisms may account for our observed 315 results. Initially, the initial pre-exposure to urea may have altered the behavioural 316 decisions of focal fish following the second pulse of urea. For example, test fish pre- 317 exposed to the low dose (0.1 mg L-1 for cichlids or 0.5 mg L-1 for trout) would have likely 318 shown a short-term increase in predator avoidance. Since this initial response was not 319 paired with an actual attack, subsequent exposures at the same concentration may 320 increased vigilance towards a predator but not trigger an overt behavioural response. 321 Effectively, the prey would attend to the cue, but devalue the potential predator avoidance 322 benefits in favour of continued foraging (Foam et al. 2005; Brown et al. 2006). 323 Alternatively, the pre-exposure treatment may have increased the ambient urea 324 concentration, effectively masking the second pulse of urea. In the absence of primary 325 producers and/or bacteria, urea is highly stable in aquatic ecosystems (Park et al. 1997). 326 Given that tanks were cleaned and rinsed between trials, it is unlikely that significant 327 consumers (i.e. algae or bacteria) would be present in the test tanks. Regardless of the Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 16 328 mechanism, our results support the hypothesis that background levels of nitrogenous 329 wastes influence the response to disturbance cues. 330 The prevailing hypothesis is that metabolic wastes released by disturbed or 331 stressed conspecifics (or heterospecifics) function as a reliable early-warning signal of 332 local predation risks. While ammonia has been shown to be a key component of the 333 disturbance cue system in some freshwater prey taxa (amphibians, Kiesecker et al. 1999; 334 invertebrates, Hazlett 1990a, 1990b), Vavrek & Brown (2008) have conclusively shown 335 that ammonia does not function as the disturbance cue in at least two phylogenetically 336 distant freshwater prey fishes. Why then should urea serve as a reliable indicator of risk 337 for freshwater prey fishes? Contrary to conventional wisdom, between 10 and 20% of 338 nitrogenous wastes are released as urea in freshwater fishes (Wilkie 2002; Weirhrauch et 339 al. 2009). Moreover, as opposed to ammonia, urea is released in pulses, either in urine or 340 across the gill epithelia (Wilkie 2002). Though not directly tested, these pulses could be 341 released in response to disturbance or stress. Recent studies have demonstrated that prey 342 fish increase their opercular beat rates upon detecting a predation threat (Barreto et al. 343 2003; Brown et al. 2005; Gibson & Mathis 2006). Either mechanism (or likely a 344 combination of the two) would result in a short-term increase in local urea concentration. 345 If urea pulses are more common among stressed or disturbed fishes (Walsh et al. 1990; 346 Wood et al. 1995), a sudden local increase in urea may be a reliable indicator of local risk. 347 Prey individuals may release a pulse of urea upon detecting a potential predator, 348 providing relevant information to neighboring conspecifics and heterospecifics. 349 350 The most parsimonious explanation for evolution of the predator avoidance function for the damage-released chemical alarm cue system in aquatic prey is the Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 17 351 adaptive value to cue receivers (Chivers et al. 2007; Ferrari et al. 2010). The detection of 352 a damage-released alarm cue is known to be a reliable indicator of local threat (Brown 353 2003; Ferrari et al. 2010) and responding to these cues can result in increased survival 354 benefits to cue receivers (Ferrari et al. 2010). The evolution of disturbance cue function 355 likely follows a similar adaptive mechanism. For chemosensory cues to provide reliable 356 information, they must be temporally linked to the presence of an ecologically relevant 357 predation threat. Given the mechanism of release, disturbance cues are likely less reliable 358 indicators of local risk than the damage-released chemical alarm cues within freshwater 359 prey (Chivers & Smith 1998). Consistent with this prediction, the intensity of the 360 behavioural response to disturbance cues is typically lower than seen in response to 361 damage-release alarm cues (Ferrari et al. 2008a; Gonzalo et al. 2010). While damage- 362 released chemical alarm cues are only released following mechanical damage to the skin 363 (Chivers & Smith 1989), as would occur during a predator attack, disturbance cues do not 364 require actual physical contact for release. As a result, the damage-released are more 365 tightly linked to the presence of an actual predation risk than are the disturbance cues. 366 Similarly, while damage released alarm cues likely degrade rapidly (Brown et al. 2001; 367 Ferrari et al. 2008b), disturbance cues may persist within the microhabitat, depending 368 upon local consumer communities and/or ambient temperature. The results of our second 369 experiment suggest that disturbance cues would elicit a response only when detected 370 above the background levels. Thus, while disturbance cues are capable of eliciting short- 371 term predator avoidance responses in aquatic prey, the relative benefit associated with 372 this response should be less than those associated with responding to a damage-released Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 18 373 alarm cue. As such, a threat-sensitive trade-off model would predict the observed weaker 374 response pattern (Vavrek & Brown 2009). 375 Unlike damage-released chemical alarm cues, which show a considerable degree 376 of species specificity (Mirza & Chivers 2001; Brown et al. 2003; Kelly et al. 2006) and 377 even population specificity (Brown & Godin 1999; Brown et al. 2010), disturbance cues 378 appear to be non-specific. Vavrek et al. (2008) demonstrated that convict cichlids and 379 rainbow trout exhibit antipredator responses of similar intensities to the disturbance cues 380 of both conspecific and heterospecific donors. Likewise, Hazlett (1989; 1990a) have 381 shown similar generalized responses in crayfish. This is consistent with the hypothesis 382 that the disturbance cue originates as a generalized metabolic waste compound. While 383 our results do suggest that urea may function as an active component of the disturbance 384 cue system in freshwater prey fishes, we cannot eliminate other compounds from serving 385 similar functions. Metabolites of stress hormones such as cortisol (Olivetto et al. 2002; 386 Jordão 2004) may also be released by disturbed individuals. Olivetto et al. (2002) 387 demonstrated water from holding tanks of sea bream (Diplodus sargus) held at high 388 densities contained roughly five times the level cortisol compared to low density tanks. 389 When sea bream held at low densities were exposed to water from the high density tanks, 390 they exhibited a similar increase in cortisol levels. These results suggest that cortisol may 391 also play a role as an active component of the disturbance cue system. It is likely that 392 some combination of urea and stress hormones, released into the water column, may 393 function as a disturbance cue in freshwater prey fishes. 394 Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 19 395 Acknowledgments: 396 We with to thank Drs. James Grant and Chris Elvidge for helpful comments on earlier 397 versions of this manuscript and Dr. Bill Zerges for access to his supply of urea. All work 398 reported herein was conducted in accordance with Concordia University Animal 399 Research Ethics protocol #AREC-2008-BROW. Financial support was provided by 400 Concordia University and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of 401 Canada. 402 403 References: 404 Altinok I, Grizzle JM, 2004. Excretion of ammonia and urea by phlogenetically diverse 405 406 407 fish species in low salinities. Aquaculture 238: 499-507. 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Significant linear terms 533 suggest graded response pattern. Convict cichlids Time moving Foraging attempts Rainbow trout Time moving Foraging attempts 534 535 536 Contrast difference 95% CI P Linear Quadratic Linear Quadratic -23.12 5.10 -1.48 0.50 -38.69, -7.55 -10.48, 20.67 -2.46, -0.49 -0.49, 1.49 0.004 0.51 0.004 0.32 Linear Quadratic Linear Quadratic 27.07 7.75 2.37 -0.43 11.55, 42.59 -28.25, 2.78 0.67, 4.08 -2.14, 1.27 0.001 0.11 0.007 0.61 Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 27 537 538 Figure Captions 539 Figure 1: Mean (± SE) change in time spent moving (A) and foraging attempts (B) for 540 convict cichlids exposed to the odour of undisturbed conspecifics (UC) versus 541 disturbance cues (DC) or urea at one of three concentrations (0.01, 0.1 or 0.5 mg L-1) or a 542 distilled water (DW) control. N = 10 per treatment for disturbance cue vs. the odour of 543 undisturbed conspecifics and N = 15 per treatment for the test of response to urea at 544 varying concentrations. 545 546 Figure 2: Mean (± SE) change in time spent moving (A) and foraging attempts (B) for 547 rainbow trout exposed to the odour of undisturbed conspecifics (UC) versus disturbance 548 cues (DC) or urea at one of three concentrations (0.1, 0.5 or 1.0 mg L-1) or a distilled 549 water (DW) control N = 12 per treatment for disturbance cue vs. the odour of undisturbed 550 conspecifics and N = 15 per treatment for the test of response to urea at varying 551 concentrations. 552 Figure 3: Mean (± SE) change in time spent moving (A) and foraging attempts (B) for 553 convict cichlids exposed to distilled water (open bars), 0.1 (hatched bars) or 0.5 mg L-1 554 (solid bars) of urea, 30 minutes following pre-exposure to distilled water, or urea at 0.1 or 555 0.5 mg L-1. N = 10 per treatment combination. 556 Urea as a potential disturbance cue in freshwater fishes. 28 557 Figure 4: Mean (± SE) change in time spent moving (A) and foraging attempts (B) for 558 rainbow trout exposed to distilled water (open bars), 0.5 (hatched bars) or 1.0 mg L-1 559 (solid bars) of urea, 30 minutes following pre-exposure to distilled water, or urea at 0.5 or 560 1.0 mg L-1. N = 10 per treatment combination.