Workshop Specifications

ROUTE 2.0 Workshop Specifications
This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. The content of this project
does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community or the National Agency, nor
does it involve any responsibility on their part.
PREFACE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR PARTICIPANTS .......................................................................................... 4
ROUTE 2.0 WORKSHOP SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 4
HOW TO DESIGN THE TRAINING MODULE UNIT ...................................................................................... 4
TIPS & W ARNINGS ............................................................................................................................. 6
HOW TO PREPARE A POWER POINT PRESENTATION .............................................................................. 6
HOW TO PREPARE ONE CASE STUDY RELATED TO YOUR UNIT ............................................................... 8
TO PRODUCE A MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST FOR YOUR UNIT ....................................................................... 8
TO DEVELOP A GLOSSARY ON YOUR UNIT ............................................................................................ 9
TO DEVELOP A QUESTIONS & ANSWERS SECTION FOR A UNIT .............................................................. 9
1 Preface
Designing training modules involves creating a package of material about a specific subject or
activity from which people can learn. In some cases, it may involve providing a framework and
content which others can use to teach that subject. It is important to be clear who your module is
for. Whether it is for a subject or activity, both types of training modules are similar in that they
contain clearly stated learning objectives and a sound structure with user-friendly supporting
This course combines a presentation, with online demonstrations, discussion and practical
activities. By the end of the workshop participants will have a social media marketing plan for their
business, have a broad understanding of social media marketing, have made a start on creating
social media assets such as Facebook and Twitter pages during the session and have the
confidence to choose and use a range of social media marketing tools appropriately and
This two-day session is not a theoretical class. Attendees work on an actual case study to apply
social media strategies and tactics to their current business challenges. By engaging in an actual
project, attendees gain real experience in how best to use social media marketing strategies and
tactics to build their business. This two-day seminar will cover:
The basics of social media-based marketing, with key terminology and concepts
How to create your company’s Facebook and Twitter accounts
How customer stories make their way onto the Social Web, and how the Social Web
impacts image and purchase behavior
Key social media channels and how to measure the impact of social media, including
customer sentiment
How to keep your brand ahead of the competition, and out of trouble
How to assess your audience and choose the most effective social media channels
How ratings and reviews can drive your social media programs
How to spot the traps and avoid the pitfalls that exist on the Social Web
How social media marketing should integrate with the rest of your marketing programs
How to make social media “connect” for their business
New tools and new ways to grow their business in ways they might not have thought of
How to define their strategy and create their plan before taking the plunge into social
The most common mistakes being made— how spot them on the horizon and take a
2 ROUTE 2.0 Workshop Specifications
2.1 How to design the training module unit
Provide an outline of the content of the module. Describe clearly what is covered and what is not.
State who the module is intended for and what level of previous knowledge they will need to have.
Give details of the intended learning outcomes using a phrase such as, "At the end of this module
students will be able to...". Describe how the module relates to other similar modules and whether
it is part of a series.
Break down the content of the module into a topic framework to provide a logical structure. Topics
should move from the general to the specific and from easy to increasingly difficult. Indicate the
approximate amount of time each topic area should take and recommended time to spend on
additional exercises or reading. If the module is being written for trainers, provide a suggested
timetable for delivering the content.
For every module unit the designer has to fill out the following table
By the end of the session the trainee
should able to:
Chapter &Topics
1. Have an understanding of social
media marketing strategy
2. Appreciate how social media
integrates with other digital
marketing – and offline marketing
– to meet objectives
3. Have the confidence to guide staff
on the strategic use of social
media marketing
4. Be equipped to develop social
media marketing strategy, policies,
guidelines and planning tools.
Managing Social Media – an overview of
principles and planning tools for developing
a social media marketing campaign. This
setting objectives, identifying calls to action
integrated marketing campaign that includes
a range of online and offline channels will
be discussed. A workflow for planning,
monitoring and measuring social media
campaigns will be introduced.
Tools – a
strategic overview of social media marketing
tools such as blogs, podcasts, video, and
social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn
and Twitter. This will include risks and
benefits of using social media, which will
inform the discussion around developing
guidelines/policy in the afternoon session.
Managing Time – Since budgeting for a
digital marketing campaign is often in time
rather than money, strat egies and tools for
managing time will be presented, including
aggregation, planning and scheduling, using
spreadsheets, editorial calendars and online
third-party tools.
Managing People and Resources – W hat
sort of help do you require? W ho will
actually be doing the day-to-day updates
and content creation? What guidelines and
support can you offer them? W hen and how
should you hire a social media manager, use
a technical specialist or outsource key
Marketing Campaigns – W hat guidelines,
policies, procedures and workflow will you
implement? How will these be communicated
within the organization? W hich planning
tools can you provide to staff to support
their digital marketing efforts? How will you
manage risk? How directive should you be?
2.2 How to enrich further the existing material in order to be included
in the new module
Include information in a wide range of formats to meet the needs of different learning styles. Some
people are highly visual learners and learn through reading or viewing. Others like to listen to
material while some learn most through feeling and touching. It may not be possible to address all
learning styles equally in the module, but provide suggested exercises and resource lists which do
reflect this. You can also direct learners toward finding out more about their own learning style.
Use plenty of models, diagrams and case studies to bring your learning material to life. All of
these can make the topic easier to understand. Ask learners to relate the concepts to their own
experience. Incorporate a list of key points and a short quiz at the end of each topic area, so that
learners can use these to check their progress.
If you are providing the module for trainers, provide Microsoft PowerPoint material and handouts.
For both trainers and learners themselves, give plenty of references to additional reading,
websites, videos or other relevant material.
2.3 Tips & Warnings
Avoid confusion. Be as precise as possible in naming the module.
Provide a glossary of all key terms.
Always trial your module with at least one trainer or learner before you launches it.
Be aware of your own familiarity with the material and always fully explain key concepts.
Do not forget that no matter how serious or complex the topic, learning should be
enjoyable and fun.
2.4 How to prepare a power point presentation
2.4.1 PowerPoint Slides
Draft an outline of our presentation highlighting the basic concepts and major points you
intend to cover. Make a list of these main topics and decide which of them need a visual
aid for the purpose of clarity.
Make a basic drawing of each slide and place them in the order you'd like to present them.
Choose the wording for the title slides carefully so there will be little room for
misinterpretation by the audience. Clear categories help people to follow along with the
presentation topics. Also, make sure any art work you'd like to include is relevant and
supports the content you're presenting.
Think big. Large graphics can look a bit tacky, admittedly, but they are also easily seen by
all members of the audience and can be quite memorable. If necessary, use one slide for
the graphic and one for the accompanying text.
Ensure each slide supports one concept only and provides only the basic elements or
visuals needed to drive the concept home. Each slide can be further explained verbally as
part of your presentation.
Be certain all information presented on each slide is clearly visible and easy to read,
otherwise the audience will be spending all their time trying to decipher the visual and not
listening to what you are saying.
Choose a font which is plain, use straightforward language and apply a bright color to
emphasize keywords or concepts. Be careful here, though, as you don't want to create
something garish.
Decide upon a basic color scheme and a slide style, and maintain that style throughout the
presentation. Also, keep the text size, font and position relatively constant throughout as
this generates a sense of fluidity.
Start your preparations early, being sure to leave yourself enough time to make any
essential modifications. Creating effective visual presentations takes time as does
checking the slides for punctuation, grammar and spelling errors.
Practice your PowerPoint presentation using your finished slides. Have someone tape or
film you if possible and then consider the presentation as a whole. Change what feels,
looks or sounds wrong and try it again until you are satisfied with the results.
2.4.2 Tips & Warnings
Focus on creating practical, rather than artistic visuals. One particularly effective
PowerPoint format is to begin and end with the same slide. In the opening, the slide is
presented with a basic summary of what to expect. As the presentation comes to its
conclusion, the slide can be used to review the information that has been presented. This
gives the audience a sense of completion and allows you to hit your main points several
times. Wait 5 seconds after each slide loads before beginning to speak. This will give the
audience time to absorb the information and digest the visual.
Use the PowerPoint template provided to create the slides for every module unit :
The basic principle is to use the PowerPoint slides as a guide, not a book
No more than 5-10 slides per chunk
No more than 6 lines per slide
No more than 5-6 words per line
Use graphs and charts where appropriate
2.4.3 The lecture notes
For every module unit presented in a PowerPoint format there will be a set of lecture notes with
information that the trainer will share in the face-to-face workshop but should be written in a
format that can be uploaded and read by the electronic platform users when they will be following
the workshop on line (in the absence of the trainer). At the beginning of each module unit you
should state the objectives and the topics that will be covered.
2.5 How to prepare one case study related to your unit
The case study is a story related to the module unit. It should be the story of company in your
region/country that successfully applies social media in their marketing strategy.
The case study is about a 300 words story. Then 2-3 questions follow.
2.6 To record a video with an interview/ presentation relevant to your
Some modules may be enriched with a small duration video containing an interesting interview of
a successful new entrepreneur or a small presentation from a trainer or expert
The duration should be 2-5 minutes
The format specifications can be provided by the platform developers (Fundecyt).
2.7 To produce a multiple choice test for your unit
For every module unit there should be 3-5 closed question to verify the trainee’s competency and
knowledge. The questions may be:
multiple choices,
For every question you should mention which is the correct answer.
2.8 To develop a glossary on your unit
The basic terminology should be explained briefly (1-2 lines maximum)
2.9 To develop a Questions & Answers section for a unit
The major topics may be presented also in a Frequently Asked Questions Format. 2 or 3
questions per module unit are enough. Each question should be short and straightforward and the
answer may be no more than 3-5 lines the maximum.