COS/OAC Application

Committee on Standards / Organizational Adjudication Committee
Application for Student Membership
Twenty-four students serve on the Committee on Standards (COS) / Organizational Adjudication Committee (OAC)
each term. Half of our student members are elected by the student body during the Spring Student Assembly
elections. The Dean of the College appoints additional students each fall to complete the student complement of
the committees.
Student members must be sophomores, juniors, or seniors who have not been previously suspended from the
College and are not on College Probation during their terms of service. Additionally, students cannot be on
Academic Probation while serving. Students may serve during a leave term. More information can be found in the
current Student Handbook .
All COS/OAC meetings are held on Monday and Thursday afternoons beginning at 2:00pm and often extend into
the evening. Applicants must be available on one of these two days during their terms of service. Students may
be asked to serve up to 6 times per term. All students appointed to the COS/OAC are required to attend training
prior to serving on a hearing panel.
Name: ____________________________________ Class: _________________________________
ID #: __________________________________
Hinman Box: _____________________________
Cell Phone: _____________________________
Contact Address (if not Hinman Box):_____________________________________________________
Please indicate your D-Plan:
_____ Fall
(R=resident, L=leave term, 0=Off-campus Program, etc.)
Are you available on Monday and/or Thursday afternoons beginning at 2:00pm this term? Hearings can
run through the evening hours.
_____ Yes
_____ No (If no, please explain)
2015-2016 Application
Why are you are interested in serving on the Committee on Standards / Organizational Adjudication
What personal qualities would you bring to this work?
Please attach a copy of your résumé if you have one. A résumé is not a required part of the application.
Please give the recommendation form below to a member of the College faculty or administration. This
person should be able to comment on your interests and activities, your academic record, and your ability
to maintain confidentiality and to serve impartially on the Committee(s).
Person submitting reference on your behalf: __________________________________________________
2015-2016 Application
Committee on Standards / Organizational Adjudication Committee
Reference for Student Applicant
________________________________________________ is applying for a position on the Committee on
Standards / Organizational Adjudication Committee and has identified you as a reference. Your feedback
on this applicant would be appreciated.
Members of the COS/OAC serve on hearings to consider alleged violations of Dartmouth’s Academic
Honor Principle and other conduct violations that, if true, could result in our most serious conduct
sanctions (suspension, separation, derecognition of an organization). Effective committee members are
respectful of the privacy of peers, listen closely, value fairness, and have demonstrated an ability to make
thoughtful and difficult decisions.
If you have any questions, please contact the Undergraduate Judicial Affairs Office at 646-3482. Please
return this reference to or HB 6020. Thank you in advance for your time.
Please provide a brief statement about the student using these bullet points to guide your comments.
How do you know the student?
How does this student work in groups?
In what ways has this student demonstrated impartiality, fairness, and/or a deliberative thought
Do you think this student will be able to balance COS/OAC time commitments with his/her
Has this student demonstrated that they can maintain confidentiality?
2015-2016 Application