Occupational Administrators Council Meeting Wednesday, April 4, 2012 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. District Maricopa Room Mission Statement: The Occupational Administrators Council collaborates to support the creation and implementation of programs that meet the workforce development needs of our communities. We accomplish our educational objectives by using current workforce data and by deploying human and physical resources to serve students efficiently. We promote economic vitality and quality of life by emphasizing the importance of college-level career and technical education among our internal and external partners. Minutes Members Present: Dean Hermanson (SCC) Cindy Odgers (SMCC) Sharon Halford (PC) Michael Glisson (GWCC) Phebe Blitz (MCC) Maria Reyes (CGC) Heather Weber (EMCC) Gary Marrar (GCC) Randy Kimmens (DO) Jo Jorgenson (RSC) MaryLou Mosely (PVCC) CJ Wurster (MSC) Linda Maier (GCC) Rick Kemp (RSC) Sandra Cooper (DO) Steve Kiefer (DO) Mark Hamilton (ADE) Kristina Scott (LAP Mentee) Jennifer Kaufman-Fourness (DO) Leah Palmer (MCC) Guests: 8:35 Call to order Introductions were made. Gary Marrer announced that this would be his last meeting and introduced Dr. Linder Maier as the incoming Dean for GCC. Gary will be going back to Math Faculty. The group discussed that the next Chair of the Occupational Administrators Council would be Sharon Halford (PC). Update from Healthcare Education (Sandra Cooper) Faculty background check information is rolling out with 161 already checked. This is 25% of all Faculty and considered good progress. The deadline for background checks has been extended past May 1 to June 1, 2012. There is a rumor floating around that Mayo may start charging clinical coordination fees. Sandra met with Mayo and they shared that the Rochester location does charge clinical coordination fees and the same approach is being researched for the Valley. If instituted, there is the possibility of a waiver for community colleges. Jo asked if wait list information could be available drawing from the Surprise area, with a PC/NAU pathway BSN pathway being a possibility at the Communiversity. The Nursing profession job market is still tight, however students and graduates need to be better informed about opportunities outside of the hospital setting. The preference of BSN continues. Approval of March 2012 Minutes: Mary Lou moved that the minutes be accepted as amended and Phebe seconded and all approved. Cindy will submit with corrections. Instructional Council Approvals Yesterday, an email was shared my Andrea Buehman regarding the recommendation of the Math IC to remove MAT102 from the course bank and replace with MAT115, which would provide a higher level of math. The Math IC is reasoning that MAT102 is not transferrable and is not at a college level. It was noted that over 90 AAS degrees in the District allow MAT102 as meeting the math requirement and the District was collecting feedback from impacted Faculty and programs regarding this possible change. It was discussed how with the increasing importance of completion, how we do not want to make it more difficult for students to complete occupational programs due to a math class that is beyond what is required to do the job. If MAT102 is not of college level, it was also discussed how MAT102 could be enhanced some, instead of deleting MAT102 and having to modify a large number of program. The OAC inquired how many students utilized MAT102 toward completion and Rick shared he would try to get the data. It was also shared how although AAS degrees are much more transferable than ever before, the main focus is job preparation, not transfer to the state universities. OAC members were asked to encourage their Occupational Faculty impacted by this change to submit their feedback. The feedback is to be compiled at each college and submitted to Andrea B. Workforce Development Center (Randy and Jennifer) Carl Perkins: Jennifer indicated that the new requirements for Programs of Study are becoming more clear. As part of Perkins, ADE wants high school CTE students to get college credit and has mandated that 10% of the college funds be used for this purpose. To accomplish this, east valley and west valley consortiums have been established and initial pathways identified, with a lot of the credit going to the college Dual Enrollment Coordinators. Of the $113,000 Perkins set aside for high school consortium pathways, $48,000 has been approved and $64,000+ still needs to be allocated. Since it looks bad not to spend the dollars, Jennifer will contact colleges whose plans were not approved in an offered to utilize the full amount. Rather than open the unused funds for other colleges to use, the OAC empowered Jennifer to work with colleges to spend the rest of the money is supporting CTE programs. Jennifer said that there was much accomplished in a short time and considerable learning took place in this first year. One lesson was that the program of study application was not a good idea. Next year, the 10% is likely to be merged in each college’s larger Perkins application. Tech Prep funding is in its final year, but reporting is still in effect. The east and west side high schools are each dedicating $10,000 to develop a database for Tech Prep. The OAC agreed to match this $10,000 contribution in the creation of this database. This database should allow parents and students to see program pathways. UOP Articulation: Rick Hansen introduced Leah Palmer from MCC, who has worked with UOP on a Manufacturing degree pathway. Leah shared that they have been working on a pathway process since May of 2011, shortly after UOP eliminated Axia College, which offered lower division offering the competed with the community colleges. Cari Mallory from UOP is charged with partnering with the District and has been the UOP lead. At the beginning of the discussion, it was shared by Maricopa that the degree pipeline was too narrow and needed to expand. In working with District Articulation and MCC, a new manufacturing sector pathway was presented from Maricopa to UOP. If you want to be included in the discussion, please work with Rick H. Gary shared that the programs don’t seem to fit in manufacturing. In general, the OAC likes pathway options for students, including with UOP, but not necessarily deeper partnering arrangements, as many university providers are now courting community colleges for students. Randy shared how ADE needs to better address the needs of post-secondary and not focus almost exclusively on the secondary market. It is important to improve the relationship with ADE so that some of this change will occur. Mark Hamilton, Associate Director CTE with ADE: Mark introduced himself and provided his experience. Mark shared that in his role he represents secondary education and he wants to open the door for more secondary and post-secondary CTE. Regarding Perkins, he shared that it is not an entitlement, rather a program improvement source. We will see more competitive grants from the federal government which means that he is not sure if the 85% to 15% split will matter in the future. He is looking for more collaboration of secondary and post-secondary and further alignment with state workforce development integrating greater accountability measures, such as rates of employment, post-secondary awards, and post-secondary enrollment in secondary. He hopes to push to improve workforce development through partnerships. ACTEAZ Summer Conference: The conference will be July 13-18 and there will be one shared both for the District. Some rooms are still available and let Randy know if you cannot get one. OAC/Career Services/Continuing ed council: Meeting April 6th at Rio Conference Center and 36 have RSVP’d. OAC, CE, Career Service meeting is scheduled for April 6th 9:00 am to coordinate activities. Randy is planning the agenda. Send suggestions to him. Arizona Skill Standards Update: Randy distributed a MCCCD Workforce Development and Training Needs Assessment Proposal. He shared that information will be shared with Faculty. Career Assessment System Update: A new career assessment system will be selected and all colleges and related departments are involved in the vendor selection. Dr. Harper-Marinick has approved $300,000 funding for the first year. Workforce Survey Update: A draft survey was distributed and private sector funding is currently being sought. Some funding has already been committed. District Paramedic Training: A fee needs to be paid for paramedic accreditation for each program. The fee is due now and Randy will ask if District will cover it. Sonja from MCC was initially contracted to keep track of accreditation process. Committee Updates District Curriculum Committee (Cindy): cancelled Council for Teacher Education (Maria): At the February meeting it was indicated that the ADE was considering a tool to evaluate principals and teachers, with student feedback being included in the performance feedback. Maria will send it out. Course Placement Council: (Heather): meeting in two weeks Maricopa Integrated Risk Assessment: (Gary): no regular meeting, but a new risk assessment identification and prioritization meeting was held among a cross section of District employees. MIRA representation will shift to Linda from GCC. Student Success Pilot Project (Sharon): none OAC Instructional Council (Rick): none VPAA Updates: Most of the meeting consisted of a presentation from Human Resources regarding the new hiring process. The new process is to reduce the steps from 52 to 19 and save 4 plus weeks. The interview committee can now be different from the screening committee in an effort to bring in some external participation. More of the duties are going to be pushed to the colleges. The IT Governance group also shared their new ROI tool that they are implementing. Catalog Common Pages (Dean): none Dual Enrollment (Denise, Randy): none TAA Grant (Jo. J): Jo shared that Rio is moving forward with implementation of the TAA Grant and reminded that PC, PV, and EM were noted as affiliates and work will soon begin. Updates to come. OAC Retreat: To be held in June at GCC North with possible dates to be sent out. Early/Early Alert: Rio is in early development stage at of Digital and Social Media program. The program will include a certificate and degree and had grown out of a non-credit program led by the radio stations, including KJZZ. The program will go under the Journalism IC. Adjournment: 11:30 A.M. Minutes respectfully submitted by Rick Kemp