ACHC is Recognized as a WellPoint Accreditation Body

Press Release
Contact Information:
Tom Cesar
Accreditation Commission for Health Care
ACHC is Recognized as a WellPoint Accreditation Body
Raleigh, NC – The Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Inc. (ACHC) is pleased to
announce that the WellPoint, Inc family of companies have officially recognized ACHC as an
Accreditation Body. In a letter dated September 25, 2006 Karla Enrequez, Director,
Credentialing Policy wrote that the WellPoint National Credentials Committee has voted to
recognize ACHC Accreditation for Home Health Agencies.
WellPoint is one of the nation’s leading health benefits company with approximately 34 million
medical members. WellPoint’s family of companies are the Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield
independent licensee in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine,
Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Unicare.
ACHC is a not-for-profit corporation that has been committed to improving the quality of
healthcare organizations since 1986. ACHC’s core mission is to support healthcare organizations
and providers in optimizing wellness through standards that promote the effective, efficient
delivery of quality services and products. WellPoint is also committed to help improve health
care quality. WellPoint collaborates with physicians and hospitals to help improve healthcare
quality by supporting greater use of evidence-based medicine and adherence to quality protocols,
thus helping to reduce medical errors.
ACHC appreciates recognition by WellPoint, Inc who is also committed to improving healthcare