Visiting Team Transmittal Letter

Visiting Team Transmittal Form
Name of school visited________________________________________
Visiting Team Chair___________________________________
Dates of Visit___________________________________________
Please remember that the NWAIS Accreditation Committee recommends accreditation decisions, and
the NWAIS Board makes the final decision regarding a school’s accreditation status.
1. Were there any issues that were discussed by the Visiting Team that were considered to be
serious enough to possibly impact whether the school should be reaccredited (whether or not
the team finally decided to recommend or not recommend accreditation)? If so, please explain
in detail.
2. What are the most significant issues facing the school today (other than those mentioned
above)? Please explain.
3. Visiting Team recommendation concerning initial accreditation (please check ONLY ONE of the
following boxes):
❑ Grant initial accreditation.
❑ Grant re-accreditation.
❑ Condition(s) must be met prior to reaccreditation. [Briefly describe the nature of the
condition(s) you recommend]
4. Is there anything else you’d like the Accreditation Committee to know to help them in their
Signature of Team Chair