Moving towards zero waste A Sustainable Waste Management Strategy for the University of Worcester 2008 – 2012 Revised May 2009 Introduction The first Waste Strategy was adopted by the University in December 2007, this is the first review, which takes into account the completion of a dedicated recycling and waste compound constructed at the rear of the Facilities Department, the re tendering and awarding of the trade waste contract to Worcester City Council, investment in new corporate waste and recycling receptacles and the introduction of a structured and joint communications and awareness campaign with the University and the City Council. This joint campaign uses the same colours and graphics in all University accommodation, including Halls of Residence to assist in training students and staff in the City’s recycling regime. This work which began so successfully in the Halls (recycling rates have increased by 123%) is being rolled out now to the rest of the campus, through pilot programmes. Policy and Targets UW adopted an Environmental Policy in February 2008 which was reviewed in October 2008 which gives an overall commitment to continually improve UW’s environmental performance and develop an Environmental Management System (EMS) to achieve this in a structured way. The Executive Management Board has undertaken to provide the human and financial resources required to implement this EMS which covers all operations and sites of the University. In order to achieve the policy statements, UW has set objectives and targets to both prevent pollution and mitigate the University’s significant environmental impacts. Within the overall policy there are three pertinent clauses for waste, dealing with re-use, re-cycling and complying with legislation, as summarised in the table below. UW has chosen both quantitative targets and qualitative targets and these are reviewed regularly. The most recent review has seen a change in the volume of waste sent to landfill from a target of 2% per annum per tonne per full time equivalent student and staff upwards to 5%, so that the University aims to have reduced the amount it sends to landfill by 20% from its baseline year covering the lifetime of this Strategy. It has also established a new target to increase the amount of recycling by 5% annually (20% by 2012) covering the period of this Strategy. Table 1 below also sets out the qualitative targets which remain unaltered and the quantitative targets. Table 1: Policy Re-use resources whenever possible rather than dispose of them Encourage the use of recycled materials and recycling initiatives Comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and requirements Qualitative targets Regularly review practice against benchmarks Train all relevant staff Segregate and label waste clearly and accurately Improve waste storage Monitor volume produced Increase re-use and recycling Increase staff and student awareness to reduce waste 2 Quantitative targets Reduce volume of waste to landfill by 5% annually (20% over the 4 year period 2008 – 2012) (metric tonne per fte) Increase the amount of recycling by 5% annually (20% over the 4 year period 2008 – 2012) Progress review Both the quantitative and qualitative targets were reviewed at the beginning of January 2009, and are reported on our website and shown in the tables below. Table 2 : Progress review of quantitative targets as at July 2008 WASTE Metric tonnes per full time equivalent (fte) staff and students Baseline year 2005/6 0.27 2006/7 0.25 2007/8 Progress 0.25 Change from baseline year by 6.4 % waste sent to landfill per fte 48 Metric tonnes sent for recycling 83 Increased amount sent for recycling from baseline year but no increased in the amount in 07/08. 83 Table 3 : Progress review of qualitative targets as at April 2009 Qualitative targets Comment Regularly review practice against benchmarks Benchmark data in Business in the Community- Universities that Count, Estates Management Statistics and People & Planet Green League Train all relevant staff Training programme in place Segregate and label waste clearly and accurately Designated storage areas with clear signage installed at the rear of Woodbury and within the Halls Improve waste storage Dedicated waste storage areas established and operational procedures agreed for all types of controlled, hazardous and non hazardous waste Monitor volume produced Electronic records of waste and recycling established and program for publishing records being developed Increase re-use and recycling Recycling established in Halls of residence both on and off campus. Recycling rates increased by 123%. Pilot programs for recycling schemes for office and academic space ongoing Increase awareness-raising Ongoing programme for staff and students using joint resources with Worcester City Council, innovative student Eco Reps and a communications strategy is being developed. 3 Aspects and Impacts The University under took an environmental aspects and impacts study and the waste that the institution produces was highlighted as having a significant impact on the environment. The impact that waste has on the environment can be summarised as follows: ‘Less waste sent to landfill reduces methane and other greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to climate change. Correct disposal and storage of all waste has environmental and human benefits in terms of reduced pollution and risk to health, reduced depletion of natural resources/deforestation, soil erosion and habitat loss. Significant benefits in terms of rodent/pest control and minimisation of waste storage facilities. Reduced potential contamination and eco-toxicity but negative contribution to climate change arises from CO2 emissions and resource use from transport and some energy-inefficient recycling processes.’ Minimising the amount of waste sent to landfill, storing and dealing effectively with waste prior to disposal and increasing the amount re-used or recycled is clearly a priority. Legislation Waste and waste disposal is subject to numerous pieces of legislation, with new legislation coming into force regularly. Appendix 1 shows an extract from the University’s environmental legal register which identifies 18 pieces of legislation, 15 of which currently affect the University. These range from The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Waste Management Licensing) (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 SI 1085 for the disposal of electronic and electrical goods to Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2007 SI 3538 which covers the storage, treatment or disposal of controlled waste onsite, including composting and burning green waste and compacting of cardboard. Monitoring changes in the law and the implications of changes to the University’s operations is an important factor in this Waste Strategy. Being able to respond to change and resourcing, both with physical changes to infrastructure and processes, and keeping staff informed of changes are important to the management and continual improvement of our environmental performance. Location of waste and recycling facilities Appendix 2 shows the location of the recycling and waste facilities, and compost bins for the St John’s Campus (SJC), Battenhall and the City Campus. As the University grows and new sites become operational these plans are updated, including Hylton Road, the extension of SJC to include Regency High School, Stephenson Terrace and Grove Farm. Servicing strategy Waste to landfill All waste generated by the University is removed from the campuses either by contractors or in the case of recyclables by the City of Worcester’s kerbside household collection service. The University’s Cleaning and Environmental Services Manager is responsible for the segregation of waste streams in order to reduce the volume going to landfill. The Facilities Department provides an internal waste collection service from all areas of the campuses which is operated by the porters. The students are responsible for emptying their own waste directly into eurobins, both rubbish and recycling. Cleaning staff are responsible for emptying waste bins and recycling bins in office and teaching areas. Pilots are being undertaken to 4 reduce the frequency of the collection of waste, and make regular (rather than on request) collection of recyclables. Trolleys with green and black re-useable bags are in use to facilitate collection. Cleaners deposit in agreed locations filled re-useable green/black bags. These bags of waste and recyclables are transported by the porters using electric vehicles to the appropriate eurobin located in designated areas. Waste from St John’s Campus is removed by Worcester City Council’s trade refuse department Monday to Friday at midday. A 26 tonne laden weight vehicle of 27,900 litres capacity is used. This collects from up to six locations on campus and only takes full bins. Collection takes on average half an hour per day. Summary of collection data is shown in Table 4 below. The University has one skip (capacity 20m3) permanently on site located in the recycling compound at the rear of Woodbury Building. The compound is now covered by CCTV and management of waste being deposited in the skip is dealt with by the Cleaning and Environmental Services Manager. Estates contractors are no-longer permitted to utilise these facilities, and they are used primarily for surplus furniture which cannot be re-used, non reuseable fixtures and fittings and green waste by the grounds team. Recycling and composting Since 2005, the University has been participating in Worcester City Council’s domestic recycling collection scheme. The City Council provide free bins at two University Halls of Residence, Foresters and Sansome Halls, which have the University’s awareness stickers affixed to them. The University provides its own euro bins for all other locations. The City’s recycling is co-mingled and collected on a fortnightly basis. Additional receptacles for comingled glass are also provided free and are located behind the Students’ Union, and close to the Halls of Residence on St John’s Campus. Jute bags are also provided free for the students to assist them in recycling glass, but since the provision of the green eurobins, students now segregate less glass. They are still heavily used by the Students’ Union bar and the Catering facilities. Collection of recyclables is by 26 tonne laden weight vehicle of 27,900 litres capacity once a fortnight. Collection is from six collection points on St John’s Campus and only full bins are emptied. Collection takes approximately half an hour. Glass bottle banks are emptied on request usually within 48 hours of notification. Textiles are emptied once per semester on a request basis. Cardboard is segregated by campus users, primarily catering and the Students Union, and moved in wheeled trolleys to the card board storage area in the recycling compound, and stored in garages prior to compacting. Eco Reps regularly compact card board into bales which is collected for recycling once a week by a local Hereford company. A bottle bank is located permanently on campus outside the front of Hines building and this is used by both staff and students. Worcester City Council provides a mixed recycling collection service so glass jars and bottles can also be placed in the green recycling bags in Halls of Residence and in the mixed recycling receptacles placed around the campus in office and teaching spaces. A textile, clothing and shoe collection bank is provided on campus, currently located at the front of the Hines building. This will be moved back to the Halls of Residence area once construction work is completed on SJC. This bank is provided by BCR Global Textiles and proceeds from the sale of donations go to the Meningitis Trust. The same company also provide a bra bank, located alongside the textile bank, and proceeds from this recycling bank are donated to Acorns Children’s Hospice. There are eight domestic compost bins located on St John’s Campus, located close to halls and kitchens as shown in Appendix 2. A large compost facility is situated at Battenhall for 5 grass and green waste generated by the grounds team. The University has plans to install an accelerated composter to deal with catering and halls organic waste. Operational procedures Operational procedures for all aspects of waste management and recycling can be found at O:\Cross Departmental Information\Eco Campus\EcoCampus Steering Group. The operational procedures relating to waste and recycling are listed below: Waste Management - general Composting food waste Recycling of paper, plastic bottles and cans Recycling of cardboard Recycling of toner and printer cartridges Inter-departmental re-use of stationery Disposal of Hazardous Waste Production, storage and disposal of controlled waste Production and storage of Hazardous Waste Disposal of WEEE (Electronic and IT Equipment) Disposal of WEEE (Electrical equipment) Disposal of batteries Disposal of mobile phones These are reviewed and amended on a regular basis, and are for all the University’s sites as appropriate. Table 4 : Rubbish euro bin collections data for 5 Months from 1 December – 20th April Total Collection Average Collection Maximum Average Daily Rear of Kitchens Student Union Rear of Woodbury Wyvern Hall Chandler Hall Worcester Monday 455 Tuesday 192 Wednesday 206 Thursday 359 Friday 194 Weekly 1406 22 33 9 12 10 14 17 25 9 14 67 83 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 8 5 Possible Collections 10 10 4 4 2 8 4 2 1 0 4 2 1 0 3 2 1 8 3 2 1 0 18 12 5 16 45 30 10 50 6 Variance 2 5 26 18 4 34 Table 5: Recycling eurobins collection data for 5 months from 1 December – 20th April Collection Point Student Union Rear of Woodbury Wyvern Hall Chandler Hall Worcester Halls 1 Worcester Halls 2 Total Green Bins 1 17 2 2 4 4 30 Total collections 9 82 15 9 25 19 159 Possible collections 9 153 18 18 36 36 270 Variance Maximum 0 71 3 9 11 17 111 2 14 2 2 4 4 Average The data in Table 5 shows that there is spare capacity within the recycling and as further initiatives and awareness-raising is rolled out the University can cope with a growth in recycling. Additionally, the institution owns the eurobins and plans to re-spray bins from black to green as recycling requirements increase. Waste Management at City Campus In general the types of waste and treatment methods relevant to the City Campus will be similar to those already in place at St John’s Campus. However, there will be a reduction in the proportion of hazardous waste generated as there will be no science laboratories and limited green waste due to very few amenity grassland areas. Approaches to the management of waste at the City Campus will also, in general, adopt existing practices. Management structures will be the same as those in force at St John’s. A similar system of internal waste collection by Facilities Department staff using electric vehicles will be utilised. Students will be required to empty their own waste and recycling into eurobins provided in designated refuse and recycling compounds. Interim waste management strategy for City Campus for 12 months commencing September 2009 The University will occupy 177 bedrooms from September 2009; these will be the only part of the City Campus that is occupied for 12 months, whilst the refurbishment of Mulberry House and the Infirmary is completed. UW intends to service the Halls in the same way that it currently services Sansome and Foresters Halls of residence, by utilising the City Council’s free fortnightly household collection service. However, it will provide its own eurobins. UW will purchase 24 eurobins with tow bars (12 for recycling - green, 12 for rubbish – black) which will be labelled with UW’s labelling and awareness stickers. Experience from Sansome Halls with 83 bedrooms and 12 euro bins indicates there is sufficient capacity to store two weeks’ waste and recycling in 13,200 litres of eurobin for the number of residents. If more eurobins are required there are spare bins on SJC and these can temporarily be located to the City Campus, as not all bins both black and green are in use. See Tables 4 and 5 above. The eurobins will be located adjacent to block 3, in an area of hoarding segregated from the construction, and will be accessible to students. Facilities staff, using the tow bars and an electric vehicle will move the full bins to the bridge on Infirmary Walk for emptying into the City Council’s waste or recycling refuse vehicle on the household collection rounds. Facilities staff will ensure the empty eurobins are moved back to the temporary bin compound adjacent to block 3. 7 1.0 9.1 1.7 1.0 2.8 2.1 Interim waste management strategy for City campus from September 2010 until the campus is fully constructed Over the summer of 2010, the University will move the Business School into Mulberry House and the Infirmary building, and will establish a Well Being Centre and small cafe in block 9. UW will then extend its trade refuse contract with Worcester City Council to include a Monday to Friday daily collection of refuse. Eurobins will be re-sited in the purpose-built rubbish and recycling compounds- see Appendix 2 - at the end of the court yard between blocks 2 and 3, in front of Mulberry House. In addition two euro bins, one of each type will be located in front of block 9 to provide a facility close to the cafe. As at SJC, the green euro bins can be rotated when full by Facilities staff. The recycling will remain on the household collection service which is the same for SJC and the University’s other campuses. City Campus waste management once the campus is fully occupied It is anticipated that the City Campus will provide accommodation for around 3,500 students and 270 staff with approximately 370 bedrooms. The gross internal area will be about 15,000 sq metres non-residential and 18,000sq metres residential, on the 5 acre site. In rough terms this equates to about 1/3rd of UW’s current population of 8,000 students and 750 staff. The University has 60 eurobins (30 of each colour) which are not being utilised to their full capacity under a daily (Monday to Friday trade refuse contract and fortnightly recycling) collection at SJC. The SJC’s population includes nearly 700 bedrooms. Therefore, it is anticipated that 24 euro bins with similar management arrangements will be sufficient. Once the campus is complete in addition to the bin storage areas noted in Appendix 2, there will be at least one railway arch 47sq metres available for additional bin storage should this be required. External recycling between City campus and St John’s campus In co-operation with Worcester City’s Cleaner and Greener team, UW intends to create the first area of co-located public waste bins and recycling bins on the pedestrian route between the City Campus and St John’s Campus, which includes the new cycle way and bund protecting the river from flooding. The receptacles will have the joint awareness graphics developed between the City Council and UW. Waste streams At the University of Worcester, waste is generated from the following activities: Office/administrative activities Laboratory teaching, which produces chemical waste Demolition, construction and refurbishment of buildings Grounds maintenance Maintenance of a transport fleet and parking facilities Catering services On-campus residential accommodation Students’ Union shop, social and catering outlets Much of the waste produced at the University falls into two specific categories – hazardous and non-hazardous. In addition, there is a significant amount of catering waste. 8 Hazardous Waste produced by the University is summarised below in Table 6 Table 6: Type and Method of Disposal of Hazardous Waste Type of Waste Batteries Chemicals Electronic/Electrical Equipment Fluorescent Tubes Fridges and refrigeration Equipment IT equipment Mercury Mobile Phones Nappies/sanitary items Oils Paint Products containing CFCs Solvents Toner and printer cartridges Method of Disposal Small number generated - recycling introduced May 09 Review and disposal of all chemicals on campus carried out, new storage facilities completed Disposed of in accordance with the WEEE Directive and/or donated to charity Stored in specialist containers and removed periodically by Mercury Recycling Stored in a designated area and collected by Chemtech Waste every 6 months for safe disposal Disposed of in accordance with WEEE Directive and/or donated to charity To be assessed and reviewed Disposed of in designated boxes and collected by Green source solutions for recycling and re-use when required PHS Group To be assessed and reviewed To be assessed and reviewed To be assessed and reviewed To be assessed and reviewed Disposed of in designated recycling boxes and collected by Greensource Solutions for recycling and re-use as and when required Non Hazardous Waste is summarised below in Table 7 Table 7 : Type and Method of Disposal of Non-Hazardous Waste Type of waste Method of Disposal Books Collected by Print Waste or donated to local charity shops/Education resources for Africa Compacted on site and removed by Hereford Waste Paper for recycling Deposited in skips provided by Clearaway and removed to landfill Recycled via the Worcester City Council kerbside recycling scheme Recycled via the Worcester City Council kerbside recycling scheme Shredded on site by Shred-It as and when required and recycled Recycled via the Worcester City Council Cardboard Furniture Magazines and light card - office/domestic from Halls of Residence Paper – office/domestic from Halls of Residence Paper – confidential Plastic Bottles – office/catering outlets/Halls of Residence 9 Cans (aluminium and steel) – office/ catering outlets/Halls of Residence kerbside recycling scheme Recycled via the Worcester City Council Kerbside recycling scheme Catering services waste is summarised below: A wide variety of waste is generated by the campus catering facilities operated by Aramark which serves on average 300 plated meals and 250 packets of sandwiches per day during semester time. Approximately 100 staff and students consume their own food in the dining room and café outlets each day. It is estimated that the following wastes were generated in 2006/07: Table 8 : Waste generated by University catering services annually Type of Waste Estimated amount of waste generated: Cardboard packaging Glass bottles and jars Tetra packs Polystyrene cups Plastic cups Milk cartons (2 litre) Plastic bottles Aluminium cans compactor introduced in 2008 3700 – disposed of via on-site bottle bank 2400 – sent to landfill 116,000 – sent to landfill 27,000 – sent to landfill 7,000 – majority recycled 33,800 – some recycling due to increase as recycling facilities expanded more as recycling rolled out across campus and not just in dining room 180 per week sold over the counter Plastic food trays Polythene and clingfilm Cooked food waste Uncooked food waste 800 per week sold from vending machines Quantity unknown Quantity unknown Quantity unknown – sent to landfill 4.62 tonnes composted Quantities of waste produced In 2006/2007 the University produced some 1937 tonnes of waste which was sent to landfill. This figure represents waste produced from all sources on the campus. As the recycling is rolled out across campus the University intends to monitor waste produced on a per building basis. In 2005/6, approximately 3% of the University’s waste was recycled or composted and this figure rose to just below 8% in 2006/07 which equates to 0.25 metric tonnes per full time equivalent student/staff. The amount of 0.25 metric tonnes per fte was the same for 2007/8 but it is notable that the University is the fastest growing university in the UK and both the staff and student population grew. All waste generated by the University is currently removed from its property, either by contractors, or in the case of recyclables, by the local city authority. The Facilities Department maintains records such as consignment notes and is responsible for ensuring that contractors have the relevant licences. The University’s main waste contractor is currently Worcester City Council. 10 Table 9 below summarises recycling and re-use for 2006/07 and 2007/8. Table 9 : Recycling/re-use Initiatives 2006/07 and 2007/8 Material for Recycling Paper Withdrawn library books Organisation Used Worcester City Council Print Waste Print Waste Total amount recycled in tonnes 06/07 19.54 07/08 15.4 7.00 10.4 6.5 6.00 Confidential paper Shred It 4.6 7.6 Plastic bottles Worcester City Council CDL Mercury Recycling ChemTech Waste Management Polyprint Mailing Films Aramark 2.72 2.1 6.00 0.33 8.00 1.1 1.77 4.4 0.006 0.008 4.62 4.5 UW grounds Worcester City Council BCR Global Textiles 78.00 17.64 tbc 9.8 - tbc Greensource Solutions 1.00 1.9 Computers Fluorescent Tubes Fridges, freezers Polyfilm Organic Waste Glass bottles/jars Textiles proceeds to Meningitis Trust/Acorns Children’s Hospice Toner and printer cartridges The future There is a huge potential for waste reduction at source, better waste segregation, more repair and re-use/ re-distribution of educational and office equipment and resources and recycling will all assist in this process. There is already a strong focus on improving recycling and composting to make Worcester among the best performing of the universities in the UK for its recycling and composting activity over the long-term. The provision of the recycling compound, more high profile recycling areas has already assisted in this, as has the high - profile joint sticker campaign for internal and external waste and recycling receptacles. 11 The figures above indicate that there is great scope for the University to improve its performance in the sustainable management of waste. Beyond this, however, is the issue of the University’s future growth. The amount of waste generated and the costs of disposing of it are dependent on the number of staff, the number of students living on and visiting the campus, and the number of visitors. Possible measures of institutional activity include financial turnover, floor space occupied, and the total numbers working on campus. However, at the University of Worcester, the full-time equivalent (fte) of students is probably the best indicator because it represents the most important driver of waste creation – people. The total number (headcount) of both full- and part-time students in 2006/07 was 8593. This figure is projected to rise to a total of 11,809 by 2012. This increase will impact significantly on waste generation and waste disposal costs unless new waste management procedures are adopted. An important element in moving towards zero waste is the repair and/or re-use of redundant goods to prolong their lives which will reduce financial outlay on new goods and reduce the environmental cost of landfill. However, the re-use – or re-distribution of goods – necessitates connecting those with items they no longer have a use for, with those who do have a use for them, or who can repair or refurbish the goods into a usable product again. The University has already engendered strong links with local, regional and national community groups and organisations in an effort to ensure that still useable goods are passed on for repair and re-use. It will be important to strengthen and extend these links in future. Katy Boom/Jan Dyer May 2009 12