
SPRING 2003 – 10:
(4) A laboratory investigation included examining prepared slides of pond water. Singlecelled organisms with a nucleus and either cilia or flagella were visible. These organisms
probably belong to the kingdom —
F Animalia
G Fungi
H Plantae
J* Protista
SPRING 2003 – 10:
(37) Multicellular eukaryotes that are usually mobile and obtain food from other
organisms probably belong to the kingdom —
A Plantae
B Fungi
C* Animalia
D Protista
SPRING 2003 – 11:
Use the illustration below and your knowledge of science to answer questions 12.
(12) The bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, is most closely related to the —
F spotted chorus frog, Pseudacris clarki
G Asian flying frog, Polypedates leucomystax
H* northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens
J African bullfrog, Pyxicephalus adspersus
SPRING 2003 – 11:
(49) Which of these classifications is most specific?
A Family
B* Genus
C Phylum
D Order
APRIL 2004 – 10:
Powerful Plankton
The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory has created an experimental marine fuel cell
that could produce enough electricity to power ocean-monitoring devices. This fuel cell
runs on seawater and sediment, with the help of plankton. Some plankton on the surface
of ocean sediments use dissolved oxygen to break down organic matter, releasing energy;
this is an aerobic process. The plankton in the deeper sediments break down organic
matter without using oxygen; this is an anaerobic process. These two processes create a
difference in voltage between the surface of the sediment and the sediment farther down
in the seabed. The voltage difference can be used to produce electricity—up to 5.0 10 –
2 watts of power. Energy supplied by this type of fuel cell can be obtained as long as
there is organic matter in the sediment.
(17) Some zooplankton belong to the kingdom Protista. Members of this kingdom are
characterized as —
A having segmented bodies with jointed appendages
B* containing one or more eukaryotic cells
C laying eggs with a leathery protective shell
D having a four-chambered heart
APRIL 2004 – 10:
(38) The cell above most likely belongs to an organism of the kingdom —
F Animalia
G* Plantae
H Fungi
J Eubacteria
APRIL 2004 – 11:
(31) The kingdom Animalia includes all of these except —
A jellyfish
B sponges
C* amoebas
D roundworms
JULY 2004 – 11:
32 This organism most likely is a member of which kingdom?
F Eubacteria
G* Protista
H Animalia
J Plantae
OCTOBER 2005 – 11:
10 Which of these is demonstrated by the information above?
F The need for controlling variables in experiments
G* The need for classifying organisms scientifically
H The importance of predicting trends from scientific data
J The importance of questioning experimental evidence
FALL 2005 – 11:
33 Which of the following is the most specific group used to classify
A Kingdom
B Class
C* Genus
D Order
FEBRUARY 2006 – 11:
19 Which kingdom does this organism belong to?
A Fungi
B Archaebacteria
C* Plantae
D Animalia
APRIL 2006 – 10:
31 Which is a characteristic of members of the plant kingdom that distinguishes them
from members of the animal kingdom?
A Storage of energy in chemical bonds
B Exchange of H2O with the environment
C Use of mRNA during protein production
D* Use of chlorophyll for solar-energy transformation
APRIL 2006 – 10:
52 Knowledge of which of these is most important in classifying this new organism into a
F The color of light absorbed by the organism
G The type of radiation emitted
H* The use of photosynthesis
J The color of the organism