Imagine Peace Youth Camp Application

Imagine Peace Youth Camp
From 25 to 31 July 2015
Organisers: International Olympic Truce Centre, British Council, under the auspices
of the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace
Date: 25–31 July 2015 (travel days: 24 July and 1 August)
Venue: International Olympic Academy Facilities in Ancient Olympia, Greece
Participants: 50 participants from more than 15 countries
The overall aim of the Imagine Peace Youth Camp is to engage young people in interactive
workshops and sport activities that promote the Olympic Values (Respect, Excellence and
Friendship) as well as peace, intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity.
To share among participants their personal experiences identifying commonalities and
specificities between them
To explore the role of sports in peace building and development
To develop the competences of participants in intercultural learning
To learn about human rights as a framework for conflict transformation and dialogue
Participants will be divided into groups of up to seventeen people. A team of experienced
facilitators, volunteers and Olympic Champions will develop and facilitate the programme.
Each group will be balanced in terms of gender and reflect the diversity of their
The Imagine Peace Youth Camp programme will give young people from different parts of
the world with different cultural and political background the opportunity to share, explore
and reflect on different concepts such as peace, racism and intercultural dialogue through
interactive workshops and sports.
The programme will be based on reciprocal learning situations among participants and will
make use of a variety of working methods.
The working language of the project will be English.
The Imagine Peace Youth Camp will bring together fifty young people aged 18 to 25 from
more than fifteen countries around the world.
Participants should be:
between the ages of 18 and 25
able to communicate in English
available and fully committed to taking part in the Imagine Peace Youth Camp
involved in youth or community projects in their own community and be motivated to
implement youth initiatives for peace-building following the event
curious, open-minded and appreciative of diversity.
Participants are expected to cover their own international travel costs as well as a
participation fee of €450, which includes accommodation, three meals per day, local
transportation and all programme and training costs.
Full or partial scholarships may be available for participants who show a justifiable need for
financial assistance.
Please return your completed application form to or by 25 June 2015.
Application Form
Imagine Peace Youth Camp
Full Name
Organisation or community you represent
Date of birth
Contact details:
Social media username(s)
Please say if you are happy for your email
address to be included in Imagine Peace Youth
Camp pack if you are selected.
How did you hear about the programme?
British Council website
[delete those N/A]
IOTC website
British Council, IOTC social media channel
(Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)
Online search engine
Word of mouth
Other (please specify)
Please answer the following questions:
1. Please provide a brief biography about you, what motivates you and topics that interest you.
2. Give a brief description of your experience in youth work / community work.
3. What is your motivation to participate in the Imagine Peace Youth Camp?
Fair Collection Notice
The British Council will use the information that you provide for the purposes of selecting participants
for the Imagine Peace Youth Camp, and for setting up and administering it. The British Council will
treat all personal data in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and our global privacy
policy. We may share your information with other organisations that need it in connection with the
running of the Imagine Peace Youth Camp, however, the British Council will not sell or disclose your
details to third parties for commercial purposes.
Under UK Data Protection law you have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on you,
for which we may charge a fee, and the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in that information.
If you want more information about this, please contact your local British Council office or the Data
Protection Team or visit our website at