„POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “ADVANCED DATABASES” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN /SPECIALIZATION: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Year of studies: I MASTER Semester: 2 Course instructor: prof.dr.ing.Ionel JIAN Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation E Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIFS This course presents define and use Oracle PL/SQL packages and objects, physical and logical organization of data in databases on RAM and disc memory. Configure and administration Oracle Infrastructure components with enterprise Manager, database optimization, queries optimization by cost and heuristic methods. Distributed database design used Internet access technology. Applications developed by Forms&Reports Builder. B. COURSE SUBJECTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Define and use Oracle PL/SQL Packages. (2 ore) Packages structure, specification and implementation. Define and use Oracle object types in object-relational databases. (2 ore) Data collections in databases and Nested tables. (2 ore) Methods of databases implementation. (2 ore) File organization, dynamic hashing methods for store records, virtual disc space. 5. Indexed file methods. (4 ore) Cluster and dense index type. Multilevel and B+ tree dynamic index type implementation. Dynamic hashing index. Compacted index. 6. Logical and physical oracle database organization on disc. (4 ore) Database disc structure. Table spaces, DB segment, structure of DB blocs, DB dictionary, segment for DB integrity. 7. Structure of Oracle database in main storage. (4 ore) Oracle concept of buffers and programs. Structure of System Global Area, management of DB buffer cache, Shared pool for SQL statements and PL/SQL procedures, shared and private SQL area, Dictionary cache, Program global area, Oracle main process. 8. Distributed databases. (4 ore) Architecture of distributed Oracle databases, Data Links for access to external database. Security and management in distributed databases, distributed application developing, global names. 9. Internet access to databases. (2 ore) Oracle Forms&Reports for web acces to databases. Web design of interface pages, Reports and graphics design. 10. Database optimization. (2 ore) Server and database instance optimization. Queries optimization with heuristic and base cost methods. Query tree optimization. C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) Object-Relational Database Project with Internet access, used Oracle DBMS, SQL and PL/SQL language, Oracle Forms& Reports Builder D. REFERENCES 1. Ionel Jian, Advanced database design and management, electronic format, 2006 2. T.Luer,s.a,PL/SQL, Sams Publishing 1999(Teora Oracle on-line documentation 2007 http://www.oracle.com/pls/db10g/portal.portal_demo3?selected=1 3. SQL Reference 4. PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference 5. Performance Tuning Guide 6. Administrator's Guide 7. Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Examine – theoretic subject and application PL/SQL program ( 50% laboratory) F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. Stanford University Computer Engineering&Science CS345: Advanced Topics in Database Systems CS347: Transaction Processing and Distributed Databases http://infolab.stanford.edu/db_pages/classes.html 2. California University Riverside- Computer Science major CS 236. Database Management Systems http://www1.cs.ucr.edu/store/docs/UCR_CSE_Catalog_0708.pdf 3. Ottawa university CSI3130 Databases II http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/info/regist/calendars/courses/CSI.html#CSI3130 Date: 20.04 2008 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU prof.dr.ing.Ionel JIAN