
Title of the Study Program
Title of the Module
Faculty, Department
Lithuanian Language
Lithuanian Language, Department of Lithuanian Linguistics
Prof. Grasilda Blažienė
(8 ~ 5) 234 71 94, grasilda.blaziene@lki.lt
Language of Instruction
Required Prerequisites
Suggested Academic Cycle
or Year of Studies
ECTS Credits
Contact Hours per Week
Compulsory/ Elective
Methods of Teaching
Form of Assessment
Phonetics, lexicology, morphology, syntax
Second, Master
Lectures and Seminars
Course Description
To get acquainted with the research object, methods, and notions of the scientific
branch of Lithuanian Lexicology, classification of onims, the main works of Lithuanian onomastics
(anthroponimics and toponimics). To develop students’ ability to understand theory and practice of
onomastic research.
To study onomastcis as a scientific branch exploring consistent patterns of
development, functioning, structure and origin of onims or proper words.
The object of onomastics. Classification of onims (the main classes of onims). The
main terms and notions of onomastics. The object of toponymics. The importance (the main
aspects) of place names or toponims. Collecting of Lithuanian toponims, publishing, scientific
research. Familiarizing with catalogues of onims. The main published collections of the Baltic place
names in Lithuania. The origin of the land name “Lietuva”. The main hypotheses. Research of
Baltic hydronyms in Lithuania. Theory of the Old Europe, its supporters and opponents. Research
of the Baltic land names in Lithuania. The object of anthroponymics. The main classes of personal
names, general characteristics of these onims. The main works on Baltic athroponimics in
Lithuania. The development of Lithuanian onims (the old one-stem and two-stem personal names,
Christian names). Lithuanian surnames: time of the origin, the main sources of the origin and
features of derivation. Derivation and origin of MA students’ names and surnames. Family trees of
their family members with explanation of surname. Systems of onims in European countries.
1. Bloomfield L. Language. – New York, 1933.
2. Lyons J. Language and Linguistics. Cambridge, 1997.
3. Law V. Language and its Students: The History of Linguistics. – Encyclopedia of Language,
ed. by N. E. Collinge. London: Routledge, 1990.
4. The Linguistics Encyclopedia, ed. by Kirsten Malmkjær. – London: Routledge, 2002.