Exam Date


Name _________________________________________________________ Exam Date __________________


DUE: _______________________

Unit 9 – Protein Synthesis:

1. Describe three differences between DNA and RNA.

2. The process by which the DNA code is transferred to mRNA is called _____________________.

3. List and describe the functions of the three types of RNA.

4. The sequence of 3 nucleotides in mRNA that codes for a specific amino acid is a _____________.

5. The process by which amino acids are assembled into proteins at the ribosome is called _____________

6. If part of the DNA strand is GCT, what is the corresponding mRNA? _______ tRNA? _______

7. Define mutation.

8. A mutation that changes a single gene is called a__________ mutation, whereas a mutation that changes the number or structure of

chromosomes is called a ________________ mutation.

9. A ______________ mutation occurs is a change of one nitrogen base to another.

11. A _______________ mutation is a shift in the reading frame of the genetic message in DNA.

12. Identify the type of chromosomal mutation shown in each picture below.





Unit 10 – Introduction to Genetics:

1. Genetics is the study of ___________________.

2. Who is the “Father of Genetics”? _______________________________________

3. The unit that determines a trait is known as a ________. They are located on ________________________.

4. What is the phenotype? _____________________________________________________________________


What is the genotype? _______________________________________________________________________


The type of cell division which halves the chromosome number to form gametes is known a ________________.

7. What is the end result of meiosis? _________________________________________

8. What are gametes? Are they haploid or diploid? ____________________________________________

9. ______________________ is the exchange of pieces of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.

10. Alleles are different forms of a ___________.

11. Identify the type of inheritance described: a.

red flowers X white flowers = pink flowers _______________________________ b.

more than one gene controls a trait such as hair color or eye color _____________________________ c.

white feather chicken X black feather chicken = black & white feather chickens ________________________ d.

more than two alleles are common such as human blood type _____________________________________

12. If G = green and g = yellow, give the phenotype of the following

Gg ---- ______________________

gg ---- ______________________

GG ----_____________________

13. If R = wrinkled and r = round, give the genotype of the following: a.

Homozygous recessive - _________________ b.

Homozygous dominant - __________________ c.

Heterozygous - _________________________

14. Key: E =free earlobes; e =attached earlobes

a. Cross: Homozygous dominant x Heterozygous

What is the probability of offspring with free earlobes? ___________________ b. Cross: Heterozygous x Heterozygous

What is the probability of heterozygous offspring? ________ Homozygous dominant? _________

15. If G = green, g = yellow; T = tall, t = short, what are the genotype and phenotype ratios of the offspring in the cross, GGTt x GgTt?

How many are Green & Tall ____________

How many are Green & short ____________

How many are yellow & Tall _____________

How many are yellow & short ____________

16. Identify which diagram represents mitosis and which represents meiosis.

Unit 11 - Human Genetics:

1. Define autosome. _____________________________________________________________________

2. How many autosomes are found in human somatic cells? _______________ Gametes? _______________

3. The sex chromosomes found in female somatic cells are ________. The sex chromosomes found in male somatic cells are ________.

4. A diagram that follows the inheritance of a gene through several generations is known as a ____________________.

5. The following diagram shows the inheritance of an autosomal recessive trait. a. The diagram shown above that shows the inheritance of a trait through several generations is known as a _______________. b. Males are represented with _______________ and females are represented with ____________________. c. How many generations are shown? _______________ d. How many children did Parents I


and I


have? ________ How many boys? _______ Girls? ________ e. How many children did Parents II


and II


have? ________ How many boys? _______ Girls? ________

f. Identify the genotype of each individual shown.

6. A photograph of chromosome pairs that identifies number disorders is known as a _____________________.

7. Give the name and a brief description for each of the following number disorders: a. 45 XO b. 47 XXY c. Trisomy 21

8. What is “sex-linked inheritance”?

9. Which is more likely to have a sex-linked disorders – males or females? Why?

10. List the three sex-linked recessive disorders we discussed. a. b. c.

11. For each of the following autosomal disorders, provide the path of inheritance (recessive, dominant, or co-

dominant) and a brief description of the disorder. a. cystic fibrosis - c. albinism - d. sickle cell anemia – e. Huntington’s disease –

Unit 12 Evolution

1. Define the following terms: a. fitness ______________________________________________________________________________ b. adaptation ___________________________________________________________________________ c. vestigial structure _____________________________________________________________________ d. speciation ___________________________________________________________________________ e. evolution ____________________________________________________________________________ f. homologous structures __________________________________________________________________

2. What is the name of the islands that influenced Darwin the most? _____________________________________

3. A ____________________ is a group of similar-looking organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring.

4. In ___________________________ selection, organisms that are best-suited to the environment survive and reproduce.

Unit 13 – Skin, Bones, and Muscles

1. Describe the three layers of skin. a. b. c.

2. The protein that waterproofs the skin is __________________.

3. The protein that protects the skin from UV light is _______________________.

4. What two glands are found in the dermis of the skin? __________________________________________

5. Name a pair of opposing muscles.______________________________________________________________

6. What are the parts of a bone?

7. Describe the three types of muscle tissue. Including where is each type found & if it is voluntary or involuntary? a. skeletal b. smooth c. cardiac

8. Describe the three types of burns.

9. Tendons connect _____________ to _____________, whereas ligaments connect ________________ to _______________,

10. What are three types of moveable joints? Give an example of each.

Unit 13 – Circulatory & Respiratory Systems

1. What are the three components of the circulatory system?

2. What is the function of the circulatory system?

3. Describe the following: a. atria ________________________________________________________________________________ b. ventricles ____________________________________________________________________________

4. List and describe the three types of blood vessels: a. b. c.

5. The force of blood on the walls of the arteries is known as the ______________________________.

6. Describe the following: a. red blood cells b. white blood cells c. platelets

7. What is the function of the respiratory system?

8. List the pathway of air through the respiratory system.

9. What is the diaphragm?

10. List the pathway of blood through the heart.

11. What is the function of the lymphatic system?

Unit 13 – The Nervous System

1. What is the function of the nervous system?

2. The ________________ carry an impulse toward the cell body of a neuron.

3. The _______________ carries the impulse away from the cell body of a neuron.

5. What is a synapse? How does an impulse travel across a synapse?

6. What is the central nervous system? Peripheral nervous system?

7. What is the function of each of the following? a. cerebrum b. cerebellum c. brain stem

8. The _____________ is the colored part of the eye that controls the size of the pupil.

9. The _______________ is the white of the eye that surrounds and protects the eyeball.

10. Sound waves entering the auditory canal trigger vibrations of the ______________, then the ___________, the _____________, and the ______________.

11. What structure located in the ear helps to maintain balance? _______________________________________

12. What areas of the body have the most touch receptors, and are therefore, the most sensitive?

Unit 13 – Digestive and Excretory Systems

1. What is the function of the digestive system?

2. What is the function of the urinary system?

3. In ___________________ digestion, food is broken down into smaller pieces of food.

4. In __________________ digestion, enzymes are required to break chemical bonds and break large molecules into simpler molecules.

5. Where does digestion begin? ______________________

6. What enzyme is found in saliva? What does it do? __________________________________________________

7. Describe each of the following: a. pepsin- _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. HCl-_________________________________________________________________________________________ c. mucus-______________________________________________________________________________________ d. bile-_________________________________________________________________________________________ e. liver-________________________________________________________________________________________ f. pancreas-_____________________________________________________________________________________ g. gall bladder-__________________________________________________________________________________ h. sodium bicarbonate-____________________________________________________________________________ i. esophagus-___________________________________________________________________________________

8. The small intestine absorbs ____________________ while the large intestine absorbs ________________.

9. What structures are found in the small intestine to increase surface area for absorption? ________________

10. A swallowed wad of food is known as a ______________.

11. The smooth muscle contractions that move food through the digestive system are known as ________________.

12. What is the function of the kidney? _____________________________________________________________

13. The functional unit of the kidney is the _______________________.

14. The waste product that results from metabolism of proteins is ________________.

15. Describe the two steps involved in washing the blood. a. b.

16. Describe the importance of the following structures: a. glomerulus b. Bowman’s capsule c. renal tubule


What is the pathway of urine?

Unit 14 Microbiology

1. How many chromosomes are found in a bacterial cell? ____________________________________

2. Compare and contrast Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.

3. Rod-shaped bacteria are called ____________________________.

Spherical-shaped bacteria are called __________________.

Spiral-shaped bacteria are called ______________________,

4. Gram positive contain more ___________________________ in their cell walls and appear _____________ under the microsope,

whereas Gram negative bacteria are more __________________ to antibiotics and appear ___________ under the microscope.

5. Describe binary fission.

6. What is conjugation?

7. What is an endospore?

8. What are some benefits of bacteria?

9. Although they are non-living, all viruses are considered to be ________________________ because they require a living host and they

harm that host.

10. What does a virus consist of?

11. Describe the events that take place in a lytic cycle.

12. Describe the events in a lysogenic cycle.

13. What is a retrovirus?

Unit 14 - Disease and Immunity

1. Define pathogen.

2. Which two scientists developed the Germ Theory of Disease?

3. A organism that transmits a disease-causing organism from host to host is called a _________________.

4. What is used to treat bacterial infections?

5. A white blood cell that can engulf and destroy bacteria and other pathogens is called a _____________________.

6. Describe the two types of immunity.

7. A protein produced when the body is exposed to disease is an _________________________.

8. A substance that triggers the body to make these proteins is an ____________________.

9. Define the following terms: a. T cells b. B cells c. helper T cells

10. What are memory cells?

11. An overreaction of the immune system to an antigen is called an _____________________.

Diagrams of the skin, skeleton, heart, respiratory system, brain, eye, digestive system, excretory system will be on your final. Study the pictures in your Unit 13 spiral.
