Please try to make any plans (appointments, vacations, etc.) avoiding these dates.
May 14 – 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. – English L.A. (Part A)
June 20 – 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. – English L.A. (Part B)
June 23 – 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. – Social Studies
June 24 – 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. - Science
June 25 – 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. - Math
June 26 – Last Day of School
Where to study: A comfortable, quiet place away from distractions (TV, phone, friends) and equipped with study tools (pens, highlighters, paper), good lighting, and a solid surface on which to write.
When to study: Set aside a regular time each day to review your work: plan ahead --don’t cram. Start now!
What to study: vocabulary, definitions, charts, diagrams, lists (pros/cons, cause effect), formulas, W5+H (who, what, where, when, why, how); pay particular attention to lists and bold words from your textbooks, and to material that was stressed and repeated in class; review the end-of-chapter or unit questions and quizzes.
How to study: Use a variety of learning channels (visual: writing, reading; oral: reading aloud, explaining a concept to your parent; auditory: Listening to someone read to you) because the more ways information is processed, the easier it is to recall.
Draw mind maps/webs to show relationships between main ideas and details.
Draw chains or flow charts to show cause and effect relationships and processes; devise acronyms for important key words in lists (e.g. HOMES = Huron Ontario
Michigan Erie Superior = Great Lakes). Draw charts, diagrams, and timelines of important facts and ideas.
Make up test questions and quiz yourself; for those you answer incorrectly, go back to your notes, textbook, or teacher in order to understand the correct answer.
Re-do the chapter summary questions in your textbook.