Four-Step Method Worksheet

Four-Step Method Worksheet
Step 1:
Find Out
A. Write four sentences stating what you know from the problem:
I know _____________________________________________________
I know _____________________________________________________
I know _____________________________________________________
I know _____________________________________________________
B. Write the question(s) you have to answer:
Step 2: Choose a Strategy
A. Which strategy will help you ______________________________
Step 3: Solve It
A. Record your WORK in the box below. Be sure to circle or box in your answer.
B. Record your answer ____________________________________
C. If explanations are asked for, explain _______________________
Step 4: Look Back
A. Reread the problem
Ask yourself
B. Is this a reasonable answer? ______________________________
C. Does the solution answer the question asked? ________________
D. Does your math work match any pictures, charts, writing, or diagrams that you’ve
use in your solution? ____________________________________
If any answers B-D are NO, GO BACK TO STEP 1.