Meeting Minutes February 7, 2012

Town Campus Center Planning Sub-Committee Meeting
Lyme Town Hall
Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2012
A meeting was held on February 7, 2012, with Mac Godley, Allen Petri and Bruce Tuthill in
response to an email from Dick Lightfoot, dated January 12, 2012, in which Dick expressed
his concerns over the simplicity of the exterior appearance of the proposed library building.
The email was initially discussed at the Committee Meeting of February 2 where it was
agreed that Mac Godley and Allen Petri would meet with Bruce Tuthill and discuss the
matter in more detail.
Drawings of the floor plans, exterior elevations and building sections were reviewed. It
was agreed that the floor plan would not be changed; however, options were available to
enhance the exterior appearance and character of the building which included:
1. Use of stone veneer and/or different styles of wood siding at the entrance to the
2. Further develop the design of the sidewalks leading into library and the Town Hall
and those which connect the two buildings. Sidewalk materials, patterns and
lighting will all be investigated.
3. Delete shed skylight over entrance lobby. Add “trellis” type canopy over entrance
doors extending beyond face of building walls.
4. Add roof overhangs, freeze/fascia and trim boards, corner boards, roof returns at
gable ends, yardarms, etc. to emphasize roof lines and massing of building elements.
5. Emphasize roof monitors, louvers, etc. that service mechanical equipment. These
can become design features on the roof.
6. Investigate alternate window patterns and mutton spacing.
7. Remove hatchway doors leading to basement. Provide standard stairway to
basement by adding exterior door on east elevation. Door should match exterior
siding with no trim.
8. Consider color of exterior walls, trim, corner boards, etc.
9. Further develop ceiling design to emphasize various areas in the library.
Bruce Tuthill will prepare sketches to illustrate how the above items will affect the overall
appearance of the library.