Association of Community Mental Health Centers Wednesday

Association of Community Mental Health Centers
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Conference Agenda
7:30 – 8:00
8:00 – 9:15
9:30 – 5:00
General Session – “Cracked Not Broken: Surviving and Thriving
After a Suicide Attempt” – Kevin Hines
6 Hour Presentations
Psychological First Aid – Steve Christenberry/Tom Pletcher
Why Knowing What Trauma Is, Isn’t Enough: Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organizer –
Joyce McEwen Crane/Brittney Hauck
SBIRT Implementation – Lessons from the Field – Christine Boyd/Jan Wrolstad
3 Hour Presentations
9:30 – 12:45
Myth Busting Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Using the Research to
Improve Assessment and Treatment – Dr. Eric Youngstrom
Thinking Failure – The Right Focus – Skip Simpson
1:30 – 5:00
Treating Childhood Anxiety: Developing, Adapting and Evaluating EBP Treatment Models
for a Community Mental Health Setting – Dr. Abby Callis
CMHC Governing Board Roundtable – Moderator, Ann Fritz
Working Smarter Not Harder: Evidence Based Assessment in Clinical Practice and
Differential Diagnosis for Depressive Disorders: A Step By Step Assessment of a
Complex Case - Dr. Eric Youngstrom
9:30 – 11:00
1 ½ Hour Presentations
If You Could Live 25 Extra Years – Dr. Kim Richter
Burned But Blessed – Linda Fields
Hot Topics in Employment Law – Kerri Reisdorf
11:15 – 12:45
SPARK (Speak Like a Leader, Practice Creativity, Access Joy, Resolve Conflict and Kick It
in Gear) – Linda Field
1:30 – 3:00
The Future of Behavioral Health Services: Where Healthcare Change
Meeting Business Success
How to Leverage and Lead in the Shift from Fee for Service to Pay for PerformanceDenny Morrison
3:30 – 5:00
Using Technology to Reach Consumers – Dulcinea Rakestraw/Sandra Dixon/Les
Sperling/Trisha Shopbell
Other Activities:
KAAP LUNCHEON – 11:15 – 1:30
Association of Community Mental Health Centers
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Conference Agenda
7:30 – 8:00
8:00 – 9:15
9:30 – 5:00
General Session – VJ Reddy Award, Legislative Awards/ Terri Cheney ‘Manic”
6 Hour Presentations
DLA-20 – Annie Jensen
3 Hour Presentations
9:30 – 12:45
DSM-5: New Diagnostic Considerations for Pediatric and SUD Conditions – Dr. Dave
Addiction and Its Medical Consequences – Dr. Sosunmolu Shoyinka
Disaster Preparedness Basics – EM Fusion, Ida Kirmse/Danny Hay
Financial Managers Roundtable (ICD-10, Behavioral Health Billing, Web pass and EDI–
Presentation by BC/BS and New Directions
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – Wes Jones
1:30 – 5:00
Integrated Health Care in a CMHC: Behavioral Health Interventions for Everyone!Dr. Dave Barnum
Timely Topics in Mental Health Public Policy – Moderator – Kyle Kessler
Understanding the Mental Health Needs of Trafficking Survivors – Dr. Karen CountrymanRoswurm
Evidence Base of Logo Therapy – Marshall Lewis
Military Culture for Behavioral Health and Substance Use Providers– Brianna Goff
Telepsychiatry – KUMC, Dr. Eve-Lynn Nelson
1 ½ Hour Presentations
9:30 – 11:00
Implementing SBIRT – Christina McFarland
1:30 – 3:00
Empowering Youth Toward Healthy Recovery: Youth Leaders in Kansas –
Brittney Hauck
Infectious Diseases – Beth Covarrubias
3:30 – 5:00
A&D Regulations – What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You – Dulcinea Rakestraw
Association of Community Mental Health Centers
Friday, September 18, 2015
Conference Agenda
8:00 – 8:30
8:30 – Noon
Technology, Rick Management and Ethics in Behavioral Health Sciences
Dr. Dave Barnum
Negotiating and Mediation Healthcare Disputes – Sheli Sweeney