Epidemiological Characteristics of Infectious Diseases Prepared by: Dr. Hala A. Abed To describe any infectious disease, you should comment on: Definition of the disease( bacterial ,viral, zoonotic ……….etc). Magnitude of the problem. Epidemiology of the disease: Agent. Reservoir: man only, animal only or man& animal. Mode of transmission. Incubation period. Susceptibility: *Distribution of the disease according to time , place person. * Immunity: natural( active& passive) and acquired (active& passive). * Herd Immunity. Diagnosis : - Clinical picture, complication and investigation. Prevention Control 1. Incubation Period(IP): Definition: It is the time between exposure to an infectious agent and the onset of symptoms or signs of infection. Each infectious disease has a typical IP that requires multiplication of the infectious agent to a threshold necessary to produce symptoms or laboratory evidence of infection. Causes of variability of IP: The dose or inoculum of the infectious agent. The route of inoculation. The rate of replication of the organism. Host factors(e.g. resistance, immunity, co-morbidity). Duration of IP: Shortest IP: few hours as in staphylococcal food poisoning. Diseases with short IP period 1-5 days (GISS + DC)are: 1 (Gonorrhea,Influenza,Shigella, Scarlet fever,Diphteria & Cerebrospinal meningitis). Diseases with medium IP 6-12 days (3PRAM) are: (Pertussis, Plague, Poliomyelitis, Relapsing fever, Anthrax & measles). All other diseases have IP period 2-3 weeks except: -Cholera 5days. -Plague 6days. -yellow fever 6days. IP of parasitic diseases is 4 weeks. Diseases with long IP are: -Hepatitis A Virus 1.5 months. - Hepatitis B Virus 2-6 months. Very long IP: -Leprosy 2-5years. -AIDS 6m- 10years. Epidemiological importance of IP: Control of infectious diseases to trace source of infection. Control of contact of cases either by surveillance for maximum IP. International measures for qurantinable diseases. Specific protection of exposed individuals as in: Cases of exposure to small pox early in IP person could be vaccinated as the immunity is produced after 8 days while IP is 14 days. N.B Extrinsic incubation period: This the period taken by the infectious agent outside the human body until it becomes infective again to a new individual. Latent period: The time that elapses between the entry of the agent in the human body to the point when the shedding of the organism starts. Period of communicability: This the duration for which the host sheds the organism. Generation time: The duration between the entry of the infectious agent into the body to the peak of infectivity of the 2 host, it is equal to( latent period + period of maximum communicability). 2. Biological Characteristics of the Organism Infectivity: Definition: It is the ability of the agent to cause infection in a susceptible host. Measurement: The proportion of susceptible individuals who develop infection after exposure ( secondary attack rate) is a measure of the infectivity of an organism. Pathogenicity: Definition: It is the ability of the organism to induce disease. Measurement: The proportion of individuals with asymptomatic or clinically inapparent infections is the measure of the pathogenicity of the organism. Virulence: Definition: it is the severity of the disease after infection occurs. Measurement: It can be measured by case fatality rate or the proportion of clinical cases that develop sever disease. Immunogenecity: Definition: It is the ability of the organism to produce an immune response after infection. Advantage of Immunogenecity: - Some organisms such are measles, yellow fever lead to solid immunity. - Studies of the antigens that produce protective immunity after natural infections have led to development of effective vaccines. - Antibodies may occur that are markers of a previous or current infections. 3 Disadvantage of Immunogenecity: -Immune response that is provoked by some agents may not be protective from future infections. - Sometimes the immune response may be harmful to the host e.g. Rheumatic fever. 3. Infectious process Infection: the entry and development or multiplication of an infectious agent in the body of man or animals. Infestation: the presence of living infectious agents on the exterior surface of the body(e.g. scabies). Contamination: The presence of living infectious agents upon articles( soiled articles). Endemic:…………………………………… Epidemic:………………………………….. Outbreak:…………………………………. Pandemic:…………………………………. Sporadic:…………………………………… Non-infectious diseases:……………….. 4. Classification of infectious diseases according to their reservoir: a) Man only: Cases: Varicella- H.Z-Pertussis-measles-Epidemic typhusInfective conjunctivitis-scabies- Syphilis-GonorrheaLeprosy. Cases& Carriers: Diphteria-Mumps-RubellaStrept.Pharingitis-Meningocoocal meningitis-EntericaPoliomylitis-Shigellosis-Cholera-Viral Hepatitis. b) Animal only: Brucellosis- Botulism-Plague-Q feverAnthrax-Rabies- Rift valley fever- Foot and mouth disease- Encephalitis. c) Man and Animal: T.B- Influenza- Infectious food poisoning – Yellow fever- Tetanus- Gas gangrene. 4 ** Infectious diseases with four types of carriers: EntericaPoliomyelitis- Cholera. ** Infectious diseases with highest incidence at 5-15years old: Mumps- Rheumatic- Pertussis- M.Meningitis- Influenza- HAV. ** Infectious diseases produce neurotoxin: Tetanus- BotulismShigella shiga. Specific prevention of infectious diseases: 5. a) Seroprophylaxis only: Botulism only. b) Active immunization only: Enterica-Yellow feverPneumococcal.pn-H. Influenza b-Epidemic typhus. c) Immunization ,both forms: Diphtheria, Measles-MumpsRubella, Varicella, Poliomyelitis- Hepatitis A , B-Rabies. d) Chemoprophylaxis: Strept. Pharyng- Puerperal sepsisSyphilis- Gonorrhea. e) Seroprophylaxis & Chemoprophylaxis: Gas gangrene only. f) Active immunization & Chemoprophylaxis: InfluenzaM.Meningitis-T.B-Cholera-Plague- Leprosy. g) Immunization ,both forms& Chemoprophylaxis: Pertussis-Tetanus. ** Protective value of vaccines: Absolute: Yellow fever- Varicella- Rabies vaccines. Solid : M.M.R- DT toxoid- HBV (99%). High protection: BCG- Sabin vaccine- Pertussis vaccine (8090%). Moderate: TAB vaccine- Cholera vaccine (40-60%). ** Protective period of vaccines: Short period for some months: Cholera – Plague vaccines. About 3 years: TAB vaccine. 3-5 years: DPT- Tetanus toxoid. 5 or more years: BCG, Epidemic typhus vaccine. Life time protection: Yellow fever & MMR vaccines. 5