First Nine Weeks Syllabus

Gallia Academy Middle School
Science 8
Instructor: Mrs. Julie Starnes
Room: 205
Education Connection: 446-4320
Teacher Number: 1127
Syllabus I (1st nine weeks)
Course Overview (See the State Indicators attached at the end of the packet)
Textbook: Holt Earth Science
Materials List:
 3-Ring Binder
 College Ruled Notebook Paper
 Pencil or Ink Pen
 Scientific Calculator (you can us what you use for math class)
Grade Scale:
Classroom Format
The instructional time activities will vary with the subject being
studied. The strategies will include lecture, notes, lab activities, developing
models and charts, working on small group projects and large group
projects, and research of appropriate topics.
What I expect from you:
1. Get to class on time. You are to be in the classroom and in your
seat when the bell rings. There will be no exceptions. (See Student
Handbook for tardy policy)
2. Come prepared to class. You must bring your textbook,
homework assignments and/or projects, notebook, paper, and writing
utensils to class everyday. You will not be allowed to go back to your locker
to get them.
3. Do Not bring food or drinks to class. You may bring bottled
water. Any food or drinks brought to class will be thrown away (except
4. There is to be no chewing gum in class.
5. Be respectful and considerate of others. There should be no
cursing in class and no teasing in class. If I have to address this issue more
than 2 times in a class period, you will receive a white card and detention!
6. ALL Homework and Projects must be turned in on time! If you
turn your assignment or project one day late, you will receive half credit for
that assignment or project. I will not accept homework or projects more
than one day late. The only exception to this rule is if the absence is
excused, then the assignment will be graded.
a. There will be crates in the front of the room for each class
period. You will have your own personal folder in the crate
goes with your class period. It is your responsibility to check
your folder to see if you have any make-up work. Students may
also call the Education Connection to find out what that days
assignment was. All make-up work must be made up within
a few days of your return back to school.
7. Do your best and honest work. I expect you to give 100% in this
class. I also expect that all work will be your own. Plagiarism is against the
law and the classroom rules. If you plagiarize a document or work, you will
receive a zero for the assignment. You will also receive a zero if you are
caught copying another student’s test, quiz, homework, project, etc. (See
Student Handbook)
8. No Lounging. Legs and feet should be under your table, not in the
aisle, not on the table, and not on the chairs.
9. Hall Passes. Leaving class is strongly discouraged because you
need to be in here when I am teaching the lesson. The only time you may
ask to go to the restroom or office is during the last 5 minutes of class. If
you are not feeling well, let me know and I will write a pass for you to go to
the nurse. You will not be allowed to make phone calls during class time.
Please do not ask to use the phone.
10. Cell Phones. YOU MAY NOT have your cell phone out in
class at any time. If you do, I will confiscate it and take it down to Mr.
Saunders and you will receive whatever punishment he deems fit.
Grading Policies
1. A major test will be given at the end of each chapter.
2. Homework will include the following: directed reading worksheets
(which go along with each section in the book), review worksheets
in general, and questions at the end of each section in the book.
3. Vocabulary quizzes will be given weekly or every other week over
the terms we are currently studying.
4. Notebooks are required!!! Notebooks are worth 100 points and will
be collected at the end of each grading period! DO NOT throw
anything away! Keep everything unless you are told otherwise.
You will receive a notebook check-off sheet towards the end of
each grading period and you will need to turn in the specific items
that I ask for on that sheet. YOU MAY NOT photocopy
someone else’s notes, worksheets, etc. If you do, you will
receive a zero for the notebook. All work must be your own!
5. Calculation of grades – the Quarter grades will be calculated by
dividing the “total points the student received by the total points
possible for the grading period”. Students will accumulate points
for tests, homework, quizzes, notebook, participation, labs, and any
6. Test procedures ------ During tests, your hands must be visible at
all times. They should not be under the table, in your pockets or
hoody pouches, in your shirt sleeves, etc.
First 9 Weeks (Tentative schedule of Course Topics and State
Chapter 1: The World of Earth Science
Indicators: Scientific Inquiry 1,2,3,4
Weeks 1 & 2
(text: Earth Science)
Section 2: Scientific Methods in Earth Science pp.12-17
Section 4: Measurement and Safety pp. 22-25
Vocab quizzes
Lab Activities
Chapter Test
Chapter 2: Maps as Models of the Earth
Indicators: Science and Technology 1; Science Inquiry 2;
Earth and Space Sciences 11
Weeks 3 & 4
Section 1: You are Here pp. 36-41
Section 2: Mapping the Earth’s Surface pp. 42-49
Section 3: Topographic Maps pp. 50-53
Vocab Quizzes
Lab Activities
Chapter Test
Chapter 3: Mineral’s of the Earth’s Crust
Indicators: Earth and Space Sciences 11, 13
Weeks 5 & 6
Section 1: What is a Mineral? pp. 66-69
Section 2: Identifying Minerals pp. 70-73
Vocab Quizzes
Lab Activities
Chapter Test
Chapter 4: Rocks: Mineral Mixtures
Indicators: Earth and Space Science 13
Weeks 6 & 7
Section 1: The Rock Cycle pp. 90-97
Section 2: Igneous Rock pp. 98-101
Section 3: Sedimentary Rock pp. 102-105
Section 4: Metamorphic Rock pp. 106-111
Vocab Quizzes
Lab Activities
Chapter Test
Chapter 6: The Rock and Fossil Record
Indicators: Earth and Space Science 14
Week 8
Section 2: Relative Dating: Which Came First?
pp. 156-161
Section 4: Looking at Fossils pp. 166-177
Lab Activity
Quiz over Sections 2 & 4
Chapter 7: Plate Tectonics
Indicators: Earth and Space Sciences 9,10,12,15
Weeks 8 & 9
Section 1: Inside the Earth pp.190-197
Section 2: Restless Continents pp.198-201
Section 3: The Theory of Plate Tectonics pp.202-205
Section 4: Deforming the Earth’s Crust pp.206-213
Lab Activities
Vocab Quizzes
Chapter Test
Quarterly Assessment Test (week 8)