Poem - Our Saint by Hilda Buck

Our Saint
Sr. Mary Cecile was the epitome
Of all God intended us to be.
Ever humble and willing to serve
She gave of her life without reserve.
RCIA, hospital visits, organist, CRHP, Faith Formation,
Yet never too busy to stop and listen.
When life shattered once joyous hearts
She gave comfort and helped them make a new start.
She did not shun work that had to be done,
Although it was not in her job description,
But joyously performed the most menial task
As if the Lord Himself had lovingly asked.
It was always inspiring to hear the pleasure
She got from working our Festival’s Hidden Treasure.
When spending time with this beloved nun
You had the feeling you were the only one.
We have our very own saint now, Mary Cecile,
And help us face life’s challenges, imagined or real.
Hilda Buck 3/2/09