Ancient and Medieval Syllabus - Forest Hills School District

Guidelines to Ancient and Medieval History with Mr. Bridges
Dear Turpin High School Parents, Guardians, and Students
Welcome to a new year of school and your Ancient and Medieval History class. The goals of this class
revolve around constructing a greater understanding of our modern world and its people. We will
accomplish this goal through a comprehensive study of historical situations, events, and themes, along
with a weekly study of current events. We will begin with the earliest civilizations and move to the
Medieval Ear, frequently bouncing around the globe. Student attendance, organization, and participation
are of great importance to this class. If any problems or questions arise I can be reached at Turpin High
School, or by e-mail at
All my classes follow the Turpin High School attendance policy in regard to excused and unexcused
absences. Attendance is taken very seriously regarding tardiness. I allow each student to be late to class
twice each quarter. The third tardy will result in a morning school detention with me. Being tardy is
defined by not being in your seat and ready for that day’s introduction when the bell rings.
Materials Needed for World History
Binder (2 inches suggested size, with pockets and dividers if possible)
Notebook for note taking (OR you can put a lot of loose-leaf paper in the binder if you prefer)
Pen/Pencil (Even if you take notes in pen, you need to have pencils for tests/quizzes)
 World History: Connections to Today (Covered)
5. Student Planer Book
Class Website
The class website is very important for this Ancient and Medieval History course. Students will open it to
view the Media Center assignments most Mondays. I will also post a daily summary of classroom
activities on the website each day (in the ‘News and Announcements’ section). If students are absent they
may review this summary to see what activities, readings and/or homework was missed.
Parents and students can reach the website: go to
1. Click on the ‘Turpin High School’ button on the left (in green)
2. Click on the “Teacher Web Pages button on the left (in red)
3. Finally under “Bridges, Adam,” click on “Ancient & Medieval History.”
Homework and Classwork
I believe that students should be challenged every day in class. For this reason, there will be some
occasions when students will be asked to complete a homework assignment - though the far majority of
work will be done in class. Basically, students will determine when they have work to take home.
Students will have a variety of assignments in class; individual and group; writing, discussions, research
projects, PowerPoint presentations, quizzes and tests. Talking, sleeping, or other disruptions will first be
given a verbal warning, then removed from class. Any removal from class may result in further
punishment and a zero for all work that day.
Late Work
Late work will only be collected one day late for half-credit. Work submitted any later will receive zero
credit. Work will be collected at the beginning of class; any assignment not turned in then will be
considered late. Students are not permitted to go to their lockers to retrieve assignments they did not
bring to class. Late work due to an excused tardy or absence will be accepted for credit on a case by case
Make Up Work Policy
Students will be allowed the same number of days as classes missed to make up missed work. Make up
work that is not promptly ASKED FOR or TURNED IN within the designated time frame will result in
a grade of zero. Opportunities to make up work will only be allowed if the absence is excused. Any
unexcused absences will result in zeros for all assignments. Never turn in make up work to a
substitute teacher. Students must wait until I return to turn in make up work; I am not responsible for
any lost papers because they were turned into a substitute teacher. Remember to check the website
whenever you are absent, it will help you tremendously get back on track.
Daily Participation
I believe strongly in having a classroom where students are encouraged and able to participate in many
ways. Questions are encouraged and formal and informal class discussions will happen every week, if not
every day. Students will receive a participation grade at least twice a quarter. This grade is based on
preparation for class (homework finished, materials present) and participation in discussions. Finally,
students will have the chance every other week to earn points for having an organized notebook/binder.
Weekly Quizzes
Students will have the opportunity to show their knowledge almost every week with a short quiz. The
quiz will be based mostly on in-class notes, though some themes and facts may be drawn from the class
textbook, other readings, and/or videos. If a student is absent on the day the quiz is given (mostly on
Fridays) he/she will have to make up the quiz the next day. The majority of these quizzes will be based
on short answer identifications (which will be GIVEN to students at least one day BEFORE the quiz) and
fill-in-the-blank questions.
Media Center Current Event Assignments
On many Mondays, students will report directly to the Media Center for the day’s activity. It will consist
of reading and interpreting current events articles from Cincinnati, America, and the World. The second
half of the activity will be to do personal research and discovery about the coming unit’s topics. These
assignments will be due the next day at the beginning of the bell. An absence on Tuesday means a
student’s assignment is due Wednesday at the start of the bell.
Extra Credit Assignments
Students may complete ONE extra credit assignment EACH week for TWO (2) extra credit points. A
student must interpret a political cartoon from a local or national newspaper or even a magazine. If a
political cartoon is taken from the internet, it MUST have its source and MUST be current (within
the last week)
You may only interpret one political cartoon per week. If the opportunities are taken advantage of, every
student can earn a significant amount of extra credit – enough to turn a complete zero on a quiz into
100%. All extra credit assignments MUST BE TYPED. No handwritten extra credit assignments will be
accepted. The excuse that your printer is out of ink, jammed, broken, etc. will not be accepted. You will
have the entire week to turn in the assignments, and there are plenty of printers in the Media Center at
school. There may be other extra credit opportunities as I see fit (most likely one or two extra credit
questions on some quizzes/tests).
Student Planners/Hall Pass
Turpin High School will provide each student with a planner book. The purpose of this book is to allow
parents, teachers, and students to have an organized way of keeping up with class assignments and
progress throughout the year. Students will be required to record assignments and quizzes/tests on a daily
basis, and have their planner in class every day. I will check periodically to see if students have their
Classroom Rules
1. Show respect to everyone.
2. Raise your hand to speak.
3. No food, cell phones, IPods, or other devices in class.
4. Academic Honesty (No Cheating)
5. *No talking while I am talking or another student is asking/answering a question.
6. *Be in your seat before the bell rings and prepared for class.
7. *Do not pack up early; I will dismiss you when class is finished.
Grading Scale
97 – 100 = A+
93 – 96 = A
90 – 92 = A87 – 89 = B+
83 – 86 = B
80 – 82 = B-
77 – 79 = C+
73 – 76 = C
70 – 72 = C67 – 69 = D+
65 – 66 = D
Below 65 = F
I understand all rules that have been outlined in this letter and agree to adhere to all of
Student Signature
Home Phone Number
Parent Signature
Parent E-mail Address
*Please have this sheet signed and returned by Friday, August 26, 2011