Year 2 - Tymberwood Academy

Tymberwood Academy
Curriculum Newsletter – Term Five – 2015
Year Two
Together we grow and learn.
Welcome Back!
Dear Parents/Carers,
We welcome you back after half term. This curriculum newsletter is designed to inform you about what your
child will be learning about this term. We hope you find it useful. Please remember that your child’s
attendance and punctuality are important as they need to be in school and on time to help them have the
best chance to progress – being 10 minutes late every day for a week equates to a whole English/Maths
lesson lost just that week! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to arrange an appointment to
see the class teacher.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Foxwell and Mrs Martin
P.E. Day: Monday
P.E. kits should be kept in school Monday – Friday to ensure if days are changed for unforeseeable reasons,
or P.E. is being incorporated in to other areas of the curriculum children can still access their lesson.
Our Topic – What we are learning about
Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. Throughout this topic your child will be learning about ordering events in history; different
castles and their historical inhabitants; stories involving castles, tunnels and turrets and the locations of different castles,
tunnels and turrets throughout Britain. There will be a writing focus throughout our topic, engaging children in the stories
and locations of history. If you would like to visit a castle, tunnel or turret with your child we will give them the
opportunity to share their experience with their class.
English Objectives
Mathematics Objectives
This term we will be focusing on:
Using description to engage the reader. We will be
describing both people, characters and settings as well as
writing a story with a beginning middle and end. By using
grammar and applying our use of punctuation, as well as
developing our use of paragraph, we will ensure that our
writing is engaging for our readers.
Each Friday children will have a chance to show their
newly learnt skills during an extended writing task.
We will be practising Handwriting weekly and undertaking
daily Guided Reading tasks.
This term we will be focusing on:
Number: using the inverse to check operations; addition
and subtraction facts; written methods of addition and
Children will also take part in additional Daily Maths
sessions where children have another chance to practice
and apply skills that they have been learning during the
lesson and to be challenged! A real focus is number bonds
to 100 and multiplication facts for the 2,5 and 10 times
table as these will ensure that your child is quick and
successful in applying their maths to everyday situations
with confidence
Daily book sharing/reading
-One book banded for ability and decoding - One for pleasure, sharing between adult and child.
*Once a free reader children to take one book home*
Books are changed (or monitored once a free reader) twice a week - Tuesdays and Fridays.
Five differentiated spellings set weekly with sentence writing (with specified punctuation and grammar links with class
work) and spelling test. Set on a Monday and tested on a Friday.
These will be set weekly using My Maths website. Hopefully you have now all received another copy of your login to
access these weekly activities. If your child is unable to complete their maths at home then there is access to
computers during the week to ensure that they do not miss out on their learning.
Topic task
Children are set an age appropriate task related to their topic being learnt at school. One per topic – each topic lasts
approximately 4 weeks. You will be made aware of the deadlines and tasks.
In order to help the children to look after their belongings, please ensure their uniform is labelled and they have a PE kit
in school every day. If your child loses any item of clothing then it will be placed in the school lost property which is
situated by the infant main door. Please ensure that if your child is wearing shoes that have laces, that they are able to
tie these up themselves. Thank you.