FFEELLLLO OW WSSH HIIPPSS COMMONWEALTH ACADEMIC STAFF FELLOWSHIP Deadline: December of each year. Eligibility: Candidates should normally be Commonwealth citizens or British protected persons and must be permanently resident in a developing country of the Commonwealth. Candidates must hold a doctorate (or other postgraduate qualifications accepted as sufficient for the career he/she is following. Candidates must have been awarded their doctorate no less than five years from the date of taking up the Fellowship. Candidates should have at least two years’ experience as a staff member of a university or similar institution in their home country. Candidates must not be over the age of 50 on 1 October of the year of application. Form: Available from the Research Office (Details below). How often? Once a year. Web site: http://www.acu.ac.uk/scholarships/commonwealth.html Purpose: The aim of the Fellowships is to enable universities in the developing countries of the Commonwealth to enhance the experience and build up the numbers of their locally born academic staff. The Fellowships are intended for men and women of high intellectual standing who may be expected to make a significant contribution to their institutions on their return home. Requirements: The Fellowships are tenable in any academic subject (including medicine and dentistry) and are primarily intended for younger established teachers (not for senior members of departments) who require an in depth programme of study to enhance their teaching and/or research experience. The Fellow's study programme will be closely related to the academic work s(he) will return to take up on completion of the award. Candidates should normally be Commonwealth citizens or British protected persons and must be permanently resident in a developing country of the Commonwealth. Commonwealth Fellowships are NOT available for study towards a higher degree. Commonwealth Fellowships are tenable for six months. Awards will be expected to commence in October of the next year. A later start date can only be considered in special circumstances. The employing/nominating authority is required to ensure that the candidates will be given the appropriate leave for the duration of the proposed course of studies. Commission needs 3 confidential references (rather than testimonials) specifically relating to the candidate’s suitability for the planned studies. Chapter 3 Research Funding Updated Feb. ’06 84 In recent years, placement of successful candidates has sometimes been delayed by the process of gaining admission to their host university. For this reason, candidates are strongly encouraged to make independent approaches to their preferred institutions prior to, or at the time of, their nomination, without waiting for the result of the selection process by the Commission. Candidates are expected to state their preferred institutions on the application form, but the final decision on host institution will be made by the Commission. Conditions: Contact: The holder of an award will be expected to reside in the United Kingdom during the tenure and the Commission must be informed in advance of any proposed absence. The award holder may not, during the tenure of the award, serve on the staff of his or her country's official representative in the United Kingdom or, without the prior written consent of the Commission, undertake paid employment. All award holders sign an undertaking to return to their own countries at the end of their awards with a view to resuming or taking up the university appointment in connection with which they are nominated. A Commonwealth Fellowship may not normally be held concurrently with any other award. A Fellow will be expected to take up the award from the date stated by the Commission. If a Fellow cannot take up an award during the UK academic year for which it is offered, the fellowship offer will lapse. Ms SS Kom-Mahlulo Research Office Department of Research and Innovation Tel: 650 2892 Fax: 650 5768 E-mail: koms@bremner.uct.ac.za Notes Chapter 3 Research Funding Updated Feb. ’06 85 ERNEST OPPENHEIMER MEMORIAL TRUST – OVERSEAS SABBATICAL SUPPORT Deadline: Ad hoc (apply well in advance of proposed sabbatical support). Eligibility: Full-time academics undertaking medium to longer-term overseas research and sabbatical visits. Purpose: The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust awards a limited number of grants each year for full time academics undertaking medium to longer-term overseas research and sabbatical visits. Preference is given to candidates with a proven record of academic and teaching excellence coupled with financial need. How often? Ad hoc. Requirements: Applicants should submit a detailed motivation for support to the Manager of the Trust and include the following information: Personal Information and Academic and Teaching Record; Intended Research; Financial Position; Motivation. Conditions: The Trust only provides part contribution towards the overall costs. Contact: The Manager The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Tel: 011 377 7312 Fax: 011 834 3682 ERNEST OPPENHEIMER MEMORIAL TRUST – OVERSEAS STUDY GRANTS Deadline: Ad hoc (apply well in advance of proposed study period). Eligibility: The grant does not provide assistance for undergraduate and honours studies nor does it consider application for study towards professional qualifications such as MBAs. Preference is given to candidates with a proven track record of academic excellence coupled with financial need. Purpose: The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust awards a limited number of grants each year at post-graduate level towards the costs of overseas study where the specialisation cannot be pursued locally. How often? Ad hoc. Requirements: Applicants should submit a detailed motivation for support to the Manager of the Trust and include the following information: Personal Information; Current Qualifications; Intended Study; Financial Position; Motivation. If certain documents cannot be produced or information is lacking from the application, reasons for their omission should be provided. Failure to comply with these requirements leads to protracted evaluations of appeals and could result in the candidate being disqualified form consideration. Kindly note that the Trust expects applicants to submit the proposals themselves, third party applications or those made by parents on behalf of their children are not encouraged. Conditions: The Trust only provides part contribution towards the overall costs. Contact: The Manager The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Tel: 011 377 7312 Fax: 011 834 3682 Chapter 3 Research Funding Updated Feb. ’06 86 ERNEST OPPENHEIMER MEMORIAL TRUST – LOCAL STUDY GRANTS Deadline: Ad hoc (apply well in advance). Eligibility: The Trust does not provide assistance to undergraduate, honours and masters study nor does it consider applications towards professional qualifications such as MBAs. Preference is given to doctoral candidates with a proven records of academic excellence coupled with financial need. Purpose: The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust awards a limited number of grants each year at the doctoral level for local study for individuals who are teaching at academic institutions and intend to pursue an academic career but do not have sufficient funding to successfully complete their studies. How often? Ad hoc. Requirements: Applicants should submit a detailed motivation for support to the Manager of the Trust and include the following information: Personal Information; Current Qualifications and Job Description; Intended Study; Financial Position; Motivation. If certain documents cannot be produced or information is lacking from the application, reasons for their omission should be provided. Failure to comply with these requirements leads to protracted evaluations of appeals and could result in the candidate being disqualified form consideration. Kindly note that the Trust expects applicants to submit the proposals themselves. Conditions: Where support is agreed, applicants would be expected to contribute something towards the costs of their studies, based on their financial situation. Contact: The Manager The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Tel: 011 377 7312 Fax: 011 834 3682 Notes Chapter 3 Research Funding Updated Feb. ’06 87 FULBRIGHT: NEW CENTURY SCHOLARS PROGRAMME Deadline: October. Eligibility: Scholars and professionals in any area of the social sciences or humanities concerned with the study of women or gender are welcome to apply to the New Century Scholars Programme (NCS). Please note that participation in this programme is not limited to women; both men and women are encouraged to apply. Candidates should be active in the academic, public or private sector, demonstrate outstanding qualifications and a distinguished record of experience, research and accomplishment in an area clearly related to the New Century Scholars Programme theme. Applicants must be conducting current research relevant to the programme’s theme and objectives, and be open to exploring and incorporating comparative, interdisciplinary approaches in their investigations. For academic applicants, a Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree in a relevant field. Selected New Century Scholars from South Africa will be expected to: a) b) c) d) e) f) Have South African citizenship Reside in South Africa Conduct research in the USA for two to six months Participate in the Orientation Programme Participate in the Mid-term meeting Attend in its entirety final plenary seminar in Washington, D.C. Form: Available from the Research Office (Details below). Purpose: Build on the strengths of the Fulbright Scholar Programme by extending its mission and outreach. How often? Annually. Web site: http://www.fulbright.org.za Conditions: All NCS Scholars are expected to make a visit of two – six months’ duration during the course of the programme year. Fellows may plan their visits to begin in August and should complete them be April. All applicants are responsible for prearranging and confirming their own affiliations, as well as making any housing and other arrangements related to carrying out their research activities in the US and at the US host institution. Contact: Mrs Jacky Sylvester Research Office Department of Research and Innovation Tel: 650 2689/2892 Fax: 650 5768 E-mail: joliver@bremner.uct.ac.za Chapter 3 Research Funding Updated Feb. ’06 88 FULBRIGHT: SOUTH AFRICAN RESEARCHER PROGRAMME Deadline: November. Eligibility: Doctoral degree or equivalent professional training or experience. Five years post-doctoral university or technikon teaching experience in South Africa. A solid publishing track record. Candidates must be South African citizens. Candidates must not have held a Fulbright grant for study, teaching or research in the US within the last three years. Candidates should be in possession of a doctoral degree, followed by at least five years university or technikon teaching experience in South Africa. Project proposals should relate directly to their ongoing lecturing and/or research responsibilities. Preference is given to those without recent experience in the United States. The proposal must be carried out in a US University or research centre approved by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. Proposals involving doctoral dissertation research, postdoctoral research immediately following the completion of a doctoral degree, attendance of conferences or general professional travel are not acceptable. Candidates should be in good health in order to be able to carry out their projects. Successful candidates will be asked to submit a Medical History and Examination Form. Candidates must be thoroughly comfortable using English as their principal language of research, and possible lecturing. Candidates should have adequate financial support while in the United States. Persons desiring or holding permanent residence in the United States are not eligible to apply for Fulbright grants to the United States. Persons who are citizens of both South Africa and the United Sates are also ineligible. Form: Available from the Research Office (Details below). Purpose: Grants to conduct independent postdoctoral research at a US academic or research institution. How often? Annually. Web site: http://www.fulbright.org.za Contact: Ms SS Kom-Mahlulo Research Office Department of Research and Innovation Tel: 650 2892 Fax: 650 5768 E-mail: koms@bremner.uct.ac.za Chapter 3 Research Funding Updated Feb. ’06 89