Report of Head of Theme Lead, Employment and Skills To Head of Regeneration, Leisure and Marketing On 14 May 2015 AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE DELIVERY OF THE PATHWAYS TO WORK PROJECT - ENTERPRISING SCHOOLS 1. SUMMARY 1.1 Following the Portfolio Holder’s decision to allocate economic stimulus funding to extend the Pathway to Work programme funding in January 2015, a procurement process has been undertaken to select a contractor. This report recommends the award of the contract to Ideas4Careers Ltd. Mansfield District Council will also act as accountable body for the Ashfield District Council Enterprising Schools project and the two projects will form the basis for one contract. 1.2 This is a key decision as it involves revenue expenditure in excess of £50,000. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS To be Resolved by the Head of Service, Regeneration, Leisure and Marketing (i) That the contract for the delivery of the Enterprising Schools project is awarded to Ideas4Careers at a value of £38,220 per year over 3 years totalling £114,660 across both districts. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The Enterprising Schools Project (Ambitious in Ashfield and Mansfield) is focused on working in partnership with the participating schools to enhance the scope and delivery of enterprise and employability skills for young people in years 9 – 11 attending secondary schools across Ashfield and Mansfield with a strong emphasis on improving the linkages between the schools and local businesses. During a 3-day delivery programme in each school the project aims to improve young people’s knowledge and awareness of business generally as well as helping them to better understand an employer’s expectations when searching for the right people to recruit for their business. 3.2 Through the delegated decision process on 9th January 2015, the Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration approved a budget which included £60,000 to implement the Enterprising Schools Project over 3 years – 2015 – 2018 across Mansfield, reference - 15/01/ECONDEV. Through an Officer Decision Record on 26th November 2014, the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration at ADC approved a budget which included £60,000 to implement the Enterprising Schools Project over 3 years – 2015 – 2018 across Ashfield. There is a total of £120,000 allocated in the overall budget across both districts. 3.3 A procurement exercise was undertaken through the Shared Procurement Service. The opportunity was advertised on Source Nottinghamshire and organisations were invited to tender on 26 March 2015. Eight tenders were received. 3.4 The evaluation of the tenders was based on 30% price and 70% quality. The tender was assessed by a scoring panel made up of the Ashfield and Mansfield Regeneration Service, school representatives from both districts and was facilitated by the Shared Procurement Service. 3.5 The results of the tender evaluation are shown in the table below: Contractor Ideas4Careers Contractor B Contractor C Contractor D Contractor E Contractor F Contractor G Contractor H 3.6 Quality Assessment (weighted 70%) 270 70 160 80 40 100 180 90 Cost Assessment (weighted 30%) 54.95 55.56 52.91 56.43 41.67 59.66 58.21 100 Total Score out of 100 70.48 30.67 47.87 32.93 20.50 37.90 53.46 48.00 Monitoring and evaluation – the delivery partner will be required to submit appropriate evidence on a regular basis in order to trigger payment and enable an annual evaluation report to be produced. Quarterly review meetings will also be held to discuss project delivery, evaluate progress and make reasonable adjustments. Expected Outcomes: Enterprising Schools – young people with improved employability skills and knowledge and awareness of business generally, as well as helping them to better understand an employer’s expectations when searching for the right people to recruit for their business. Expected Outputs: Up to 5,000 students with improved enterprise and employability skills over 3 years. 4. OPTIONS AVAILABLE 4.1 Option 1 (recommended option) - That the contract for delivering the Enterprising Schools Ambitious in Ashfield and Mansfield Programme is awarded to Ideas4Careers Ltd at a maximum value of £114,600. 4.1.1 The contract will be renewed annually at a value of £38,220 subject to satisfactory performance. 4.1.2 The contract value is within the extended budget agreed by the MDC Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration on 9th January 2015 and the ADC Portfolio Holder for Regeneration on 26th November 2014. 4.2 Option 2 – That the contract is not awarded 4.2.1 It would be unreasonable to not award the contract following the procurement processes. 5. RISK ASSESSMENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND OPTIONS 5.1 The District has a high youth unemployment rate and does not have a talent of local young people equipped to fulfil future jobs created. Not delivering the programme could exacerbate the problem. 6. ALIGNMENT TO COUNCIL PRIORITIES 6.1 As a large scale employer the Council has a responsibility to lead by example and encourage local businesses and partner organisations to support these skills and employability initiatives. Creating a climate for job creation and growth is identified within the Regeneration and Employment Corporate Priority. The Corporate Workforce Plan recognises the need to contribute to reducing unemployment and increasing skills locally whilst developing a ‘fit for the future’ workforce. Aligns to the Council’s Priority to support the most vulnerable people and help them live independent and fulfilled lives. A key corporate priority relating to Regeneration and Employment is to revitalise our District, town centres and neighbourhoods, encouraging inward investment and creating a climate for job creation and growth. The Skills and Aspiration Theme within the Joint Economic Masterplan for Ashfield and Mansfield is focused on the following key areas relevant to this project: Co-ordinate the needs of employers, residents, schools and colleges, matching supply with demand and maximising opportunities for all. Work with schools and colleges to raise aspirations of young people and provide a clear understanding of the opportunities open to them. 7. IMPLICATIONS Relevant Legislation 7.1 The Localism Act 2011 gives Local Authorities a general power of competence, Section 1 (1) LA 2011 gives Local Authorities the legal capacity to do anything that an individual can do that is not specifically prohibited. The Local Government Workforce Strategy (2011) outlines the challenges that local government should expect over the coming years. Apprenticeships are relevant to local councils as employers and providers of services for 14 to 19year-olds. They are also a means of improving skills within the community. Human Rights 7.2 The Pathways to Work Programme will be managed within HR Policy and procedures. Equality and Diversity 7.4 The procurement process ensures the successful delivery partner has the relevant policies and procedures in place to ensure all individuals and groups are given equal access to the project. Climate change and environmental sustainability 7.5 There are no implications in respect of the decision to award the contract. Crime and Disorder 7.6 There are no implications in respect of the decision to award the contract. Budget /Resource 7.7 As referred to in paragraph 3.1 through the delegated decision process on 9th January 2015, the Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration approved a budget which included £60,000 to implement the Enterprising Schools Project over 3 years – 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 - across Mansfield. Through an Officer Decision Record on 26th November 2014, the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration at ADC approved a budget which included £60,000 to implement the Enterprising Schools Project over 3 years – 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 - across Ashfield. 7.8 The contract value will be £114,660. There is a total sum of £120,000 allocated across both districts and therefore a sum of £5,340 will be available within the budget as a contingency sum. 8. COMMENTS OF STATUTORY OFFICERS Head of Paid Service – No comments. Monitoring Officer – no specific comments. Section 151 Officer - As stated in the report, resources totalling £120,000 have been allocated towards this scheme over three financial years. 9. CONSULTATION 9.1 None required. 10. BACKGROUND PAPERS 10.1 None. Report Author Designation Telephone E-mail - Ella O’Connor Theme Lead, Employment and Skills 3327