RECORD OF DELEGATED DECISION BY THE Delegated Decision by the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Issues Date of Decision: 25 March 2015 Title/Reference: MOBILE TELCOMMUNICATIONS AGREEMENT Consultee member (if applicable): Key Decision No Report and background Delegation Reference 15/02/CI Yes Public x Exempt Confidential Record of Decision That £18,875 be allocated from underspends in the Capital Programme and the Programme be amended accordingly for 2015/16. Reasons for decision The new mobile telephone agreement will implement iPads and IPhones to enhance mobile working, agile working, remote accessibility and better functionality for the Mayor, members and officers where required. Other options considered but rejected That the new mobile telecommunications agreement not be approved. Decision subject to call in: No Signed:…………………………… Andrew Tristram, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Issues Date: 25 March 2015 Contact Officer: Mick Andrews, Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services CEO1/RECORD OF EXECUTIVE DECISIONS