Measuring Real Capital Input in OECD Agriculture V. Eldon Ball Economic Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, DC Jean-Pierre Butault Laboratoire d’Economie Publique INRA-INA.PG. Paris, France Carlos San Juan Mesonada Department of Economics Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Madrid, Spain Abstract: This paper provides a farm sector comparison of levels of capital input for seventeen OECD countries. The estimates of capital input are derived by representing capital stock as a weighted sum of past investments. The weights correspond to the relative efficiencies of capital goods of different ages, so that the weighted components of capital stock have the same efficiency. We convert estimates of capital stock into estimates of capital services by means of capital rental prices. Comparisons of levels of capital input among countries requires data on relative prices of capital input. We obtain relative price levels for capital input among countries via relative investment goods prices, taking into account the flow of capital input per unit of capital stock in each country. Keywords: Capital stock; service prices; OECD agriculture Résumé. Cet article se propose de comparer le niveau du capital dans l’agriculture de 17 pays de l’OCDE. Les estimation du niveau de capital sont déduites en calculant un stock de capital comme une somme pondérée des investissements passés. Les poids utilisés correspondent à l’efficacité relative des biens capitaux à différents âges, de telle sorte que les différentes composantes du stock du capital ait la même efficacité. Du stock du capital est déduite une estimation des services du capital en utilisant un taux de rentabilité. Cette comparaison des niveaux de capital entre pays nécessitent des données sur les prix relatifs du capital. Ces prix dépendent des prix relatifs des biens capitaux mais aussi des flux de service générés dans chaque pays par une unité de capital. 2 Measuring Real Capital Input in OECD Agriculture 1. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide a farm sector comparison of levels of capital input for seventeen OECD countries for the period 1973-1999.1 The starting point for construction of a quantity index of capital input is the measurement of capital stock corresponding to each type of asset. The estimates of capital input reported in this paper are derived by representing capital stock at each point in time as a weighted sum of past investments. The weights correspond to the relative efficiencies of capital goods of different ages, so that the weighted components of capital stock have the same efficiency. The next step in developing measures of capital input is to construct estimates of prices of capital services. For each asset the price of investment goods is a weighted sum of future rental prices, discounted by a factor that incorporates future rates of return. The weights are given by the relative efficiencies of capital goods of different ages. Our estimates of capital input incorporate the same data on relative efficiencies of capital goods into estimates of both capital stock and capital rental prices. A comparison of levels of capital input among countries requires data on the relative prices of capital input among all the countries included in the comparison. We develop data on relative prices of capital input for all seventeen countries. We obtain relative price levels for capital input among countries via relative investment goods prices, taking into account the flow of capital input per unit of capital stock in each country. 1 The countries are Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. 3 The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the mathematical model and the underlying assumptions used to estimate capital input. Section 3 presents estimates of relative levels of capital input for all seventeen countries. Section 4 concludes. 2. Measuring Capital Input We require time series measures of capital input and capital service prices for each country in the comparison. Construction of these series begins with estimating the capital stock and rental price for each asset type in each country. We employ the perpetual inventory method to estimate capital stocks from data on investment. Implicit rental prices for each asset are based on the correspondence between the price of an asset and the discounted value of future service flows derived from that asset. The capital stock is disaggregated by asset type—transportation equipment, machinery, and non-residential structures. For the United States, data on investment in current and constant prices for each asset type are obtained from Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth in the United States (U.S Department of Commerce). For members countries of the European Union, these data are from Capital Stock Data for the European Union, Volume 17 (Statistical Office of the European Communities). Investment data for Canada are obtained from the Strategic Policy Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Capital Stock Under the perpetual inventory method, the capital stock at the end of each period, say K t , is measured as the sum of all past investments, each weighted by its relative efficiency d : 4 K t = d I t - . (1) =0 We assume that the relative efficiency of capital goods declines with age, giving rise to needs for replacement of productive capacity. The proportion of investment to be replaced at age , or m , is equal to the decline in efficiency from age - 1 to age : m = - ( d - d -1 ) , = 1,..., L. (2) These proportions represent mortality rates for capital goods of different ages. Replacement requirements at each point of time, say R t , can be expressed as a weighted sum of past investments: R t = m I t - , (3) =1 where the weights are the mortality rates. Taking the first difference of expression (1) and substituting from equations (2) and (3), we can write: (4) K t - K t -1 = I t - Rt . The change in capital stock in any period is equal to the acquisition of investment goods less replacement requirements. To estimate replacement requirements, we must introduce an explicit description of the decline in efficiency. The relative efficiency of an asset years of age is given by the hyperbolic function: (5) d = ( L - ) / ( L - ) ,0 L d = 0 , > L , 5 where L is the service life of the asset and β is a curvature or decay parameter. 2 Little empirical evidence is available to suggest a precise value for β. However, two studies provide evidence that efficiency loss occurs more rapidly in the later years of service. Utilizing data on expenditures for repairs and maintenance of 745 farm tractors covering the period 1958-74, Penson, Hughes and Nelson (1977) found that the loss of efficiency was very small in the early years and increased rapidly as the end of the asset's service life approached. More recently, Romain, Penson and Lambert (1987) compared the explanatory power of alternative capacity depreciation patterns for farm tractors in a model of investment behavior that also includes the price of capital services. They found that the concave depreciation pattern better reflects actual investment decisions. Taken together, these studies suggest that estimates of β should be restricted to the zeroone interval. Ultimately, the β values selected for this study are 0.75 for structures and 0.5 for machinery and transportation equipment. It is assumed that the efficiency of a structure declines slowly over most of its service life until a point is reached where the cost of repairs exceeds the increased service flows derived from the repairs, at which point the structure is allowed to depreciate rapidly. The decay parameter for machinery and transportation equipment assumes that the decline in efficiency is more uniformly distributed over the asset's service life. Investment as used in this study is composed of different types of capital goods. Each type of capital good is a homogeneous group of assets for which the actual service life L is a 2 The decay function defined by (5) incorporates many of the commonly used forms of depreciation as special cases. The upper limit of β is unity. This corresponds to the “one-hoss shay” form of depreciation. As the value of β approaches zero, decay occurs at an increasing rate over time. If β is zero, the function corresponds to the formula for straight-line depreciation. Finally, if β is negative, decay occurs most rapidly in the early years of service corresponding to 6 random variable. For each asset type, there exists some mean service life L around which there exists some distribution of actual service lives of the assets in the group. In order to determine the amount of capital available for production the actual service lives and their frequency of occurrence must be determined. It is assumed that this distribution may be accurately depicted by the standard normal distribution.3 One property of the normal distribution is related to the infinite nature of the distribution. Without adjustment the distribution would yield cases where assets were discarded prior to their purchase or assets with unrealistically long service lives. In order to avoid these extremes, the distribution is truncated at points two standard deviations before and after the mean. Thus the discard range encompasses approximately 95 percent of the area under the normal distribution.4 The area under the truncated normal curve is then adjusted upward within the allowed range of asset lives. This allows calculation of the probability of service life L occurring given the average age of the group of similar capital goods, the cut-off points of the distribution around the average age, and the standard deviation of the distribution. In this study, two standard deviations correspond to 0.98 times the mean service life. This dispersion parameter was chosen to conform to the observation that assets are occasionally found that are considerably older than the mean service life and that a few assets are accidentally damaged when new. accelerated forms of depreciation such as geometric decay. 3 Very little data exist on the form of the distribution around the mean service life. The only study available was conducted by Winfrey (1935) detailing the actual service lives of a group of assets. Winfrey’s S-3 distribution had a bell-shaped appearance somewhat akin to the normal distribution. No rigorous tests were performed to determine if this distribution was, in fact, a normal distribution, but based on this admittedly sparse evidence it is assumed that there exists a normal distribution about the mean life of a particular type of asset. This assumption is used mostly for convenience since tables of values for the normal distribution are readily available. 4 As derived from a table of normal values. 7 Once the frequency of occurrence of a particular service life L is known, the efficiency function for that particular service life is calculated using the assumed value of β. This process is repeated for all other possible values of L . An aggregate efficiency function is then constructed as a weighted sum of the individual efficiency functions using as weights the frequency of occurrence. This function not only reflects changes in efficiency, but also the discard distribution around the mean service life of the asset. Capital Service Prices Firms add to capital stock so long as the present value of the net revenue generated by an additional unit of capital exceeds the purchase price of the asset. Following Coen (1975), this can be stated algebraically as: (6) t =1 p y - w R t (1 + r )- t > w, K K where p is the price of output, w is the price of investment goods, and r is the real discount rate. To maximize net present value, firms add to capital stock until this equation holds as an equality. This requires that:5 p (7) 5 If r 0 , then (1 r ) t t 1 terms yields expression (7). y Rt =r w + r w (1 + r )-t c. K K t =1 1 1 1 . Substituting this result in (6) and rearranging r 1 1 1 r 8 The expression for c is the implicit rental price of capital corresponding to the mortality distribution m . The rental price consists of two components. The first term, r w , represents the opportunity cost of invested funds. The second term, r w t =1 Rt ( 1 + r )- t , is the present value K of all future replacements required to maintain the productive capacity of the capital stock. Let F denote the present value of the stream of capacity depreciation on one unit of capital according to the mortality distribution m : F = mt ( 1 + r )- t . (8) t =1 Since replacement at time t is equal to capacity depreciation at time t : (9) t =1 Rt ( 1 + r )- t = F t K t =1 F = ( 1- F ) and (10) c= rw . ( 1- F ) The real rate of return r in expression (10) above is calculated as the nominal yield on government bonds of all maturities less the rate of inflation as measured by the implicit deflator for gross domestic product. An ex ante rate is obtained by expressing observed real rates as an ARIMA process.6 We then calculate F holding the required real rate of return constant for that 6 Observed real rates are expressed as an AR(1) process. We use this specification after examining the correlation coefficients for autocorrelation, partial and inverse autocorrelation, and performing the unit root and while noise tests. We centered each time series by subtracting its 9 vintage of capital goods. In this way, implicit rental prices c are calculated for each asset type. 3. Capital Input, 1973-1999 The measures of capital stock and capital rental prices presented in tables 1 and 2 provide the basis for our estimates of capital input for each country.7 Translog price indexes of capital are formed by aggregating over the various assets using cost-share weights based on asset-specific rental prices. These price indexes are reported in table 3. The quantity indexes of capital input reported in table 4 are formed implicitly as the ratio of the total value of capital service flows in each country to the corresponding translog price index. Although these quantity indexes do not have the form of translog index numbers, they are nonetheless well defined. To compare levels of capital input among countries, we require data on the relative prices of capital input. A price index that converts the ratio of the nominal value of capital service flows between two countries into an index of relative real capital input is referred to as a purchasing power parity in the international comparisons literature. The dimensions of the purchasing power parities are the same as exchange rates. However, the purchasing power parities reflect the relative prices of the components of aggregate capital input in each country. Although we estimate the decline in efficiency of capital goods separately for all seventeen countries, we assume that the relative efficiency of new capital goods is the same in each country. Accordingly, the appropriate purchasing power parity for new capital goods is the purchasing power parity for the corresponding component of investment goods output.8 To obtain the purchasing power parities for capital input, we must take into account the flow of sample mean. The analysis was performed on the centered data. 7 The estimates of capital input are available from the authors as an electronic data product. 10 capital services per unit of capital stock in each country. This is accomplished by multiplying the purchasing power parity for investment goods by the ratio of the price of capital input for the comparison and numeraire countries. Table 5 presents purchasing power parities for capital input for all countries relative to the United States. These results are based on translog multilateral indexes of relative prices in the base year.9 The base-year purchasing power parities are then extrapolated to earlier and later years in the sample via translog time series indexes of capital service prices for the individual countries. Thus the benchmark purchasing power parities serve to adjust the levels of the price and quantity series in relation to the numeraire country while preserving their original time paths. In table 6, we report the value of capital services for all countries expressed in the currency of the numeraire country, the United States. All countries in the comparison had substantially higher levels of capital input relative to the United States in 1999 than they had at the beginning of the sample period in 1973. The most dramatic gain in capital input was for Portugal, with the level of capital input relative to the United States increasing more than 600 percent. The Netherlands increased its relative level of capital input by a factor of three. Five countries, including Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, and Austria, more than doubled their levels of capital input relative to the United States. All our time series comparisons of capital input relative to the United States presented in table 6 are in current prices. This facilitates comparison for any single year, but it makes it impossible to compare relative levels in different years. Such comparisons can only be 8 Purchasing power parities for investment goods are from OECD (1999, p. 162). For a discussion of multilateral translog price indexes, see Caves, Christensen, and Diewert (1982). 9 11 constructed by making use of time series indexes for the United States. We provide these comparisons in table 7. In table 7, the entries for all countries are obtained by dividing the entries in table 6 by the United States’ price index of capital input. All the entries in this table are directly comparable. For example, in table 7 Belgium’s level of capital input in 1973 of 581 million dollars can be directly compared with Denmark’s level in 1999 of 1845 million dollars to infer that Denmark’s 1999 level of capital input was 3.17 times Belgium’s 1973 level. From table 6, we observed that all the countries in the comparison increased their level of capital input relative to the United States over the sample period. Table 7 points to both relative and absolute increases in capital input for fourteen of the sixteen countries in the comparison. Only Luxembourg and the United Kingdom had lower levels of capital input in 1999 than at the beginning of the period in 1973. By way of comparison, the level of capital input in United States agriculture was reduced by nearly one-third over this period. During the 1970s, United States agriculture experienced rapid growth, fueled by a surge in exports that resulted from increased global liquidity, rising incomes, and production shortfalls in other parts of the world.10,11 In addition, domestic forces—including a drop in interest rates and rising inflation—contributed to an increase in borrowing for the purchase of land and equipment. For a significant part of the 1970s, real interest rates were close to zero and at times negative. During the period of expansion—roughly 1973-81—capital input in United States 10 United States farm exports surged from an average $4.8 billion in 1950-70 to $9.4 billion in 1972 and $17.7 billion in 1973. Exports continued to increase through 1981, when they peaked at $43.3 billion. 11 Throughout the 1970s, a greatly increased flow of private funds was funneled at negative real interest rates to developing country borrowers. OPEC surpluses were “recycled” and this capital flow contributed to the export boom. 12 agriculture increased an average 2.5 percentage points per year. However, the environment changed in the early 1980s. By then, the OECD countries were vigorously pursuing anti-inflationary polices. The change to restrictive monetary policy initiated by the Federal Reserve pushed up interest rates sharply. The dollar appreciated on foreign exchange markets, and world export prices started to fall. The average real interest cost on floating rate debt rose to nearly 16 percent in 1981-83 compared with a negative 8.7 percent in 1977-80. Real interest rates remained high thereafter, as the stringency of the Federal Reserve policy was enhanced because of the large fiscal deficits. This macroeconomic policy mix of fiscal stimulus combined with monetary restraint proved disastrous to export-dependent sectors of the United States economy—including agriculture.12,13 Economic growth in United States agriculture averaged less than 1 percent per year during the 1980s. Net investment in fixed capital was negative. Moreover, a resurgence of growth during the 1990s failed to spur investment. Capital input declined an average 3 percent per year over the period 1981 to 1999. 4. Concluding Remarks We have compared seventeen OECD countries on the basis of levels of capital input in agriculture. Internal consistency of a measure of capital input requires that the same pattern of relative efficiency is employed in measuring both the level of capital stock and the rental price of capital services. Our time series of capital stocks and capital rental prices assume a hyperbolic 12 The value of United States farm exports fell from $43.3 billion in 1981 to $26.2 billion in 1986, as declining volume combined with declining export prices. The United States’ ability to export was further eroded when the European Union, under its Common Agricultural Policy, embarked on a policy to subsidize agricultural exports to raise market share. The United States’ share of world grain trade fell from 40.4 percent in 1974-76 to 13 13 efficiency function concave to the origin. The concave decay pattern is based on the observation that efficiency of an asset is relatively high during the early years of service and only after some time does the asset begin to deteriorate. The same patterns of decline in efficiency are used for both capital stock and the rental price of each asset, so that the requirement for internal consistency of measures of capital input is met. In order to compare levels of capital input in different countries we require conversion factors that reflect the comparative value of their currencies. The OECD and Eurostat regularly construct estimates of the purchasing power of OECD currencies. Here we make use of purchasing power parities for investment goods output, taking into account the flow of capital input per unit of capital stock in each country. 35.6 percent in 1983-85 (Timms and Shane, 1987). 14 References Beutel, J. Capital Stock Data for the European Union, Volume 17. Report to the Statistical Office of the European Communities, January 1998. Cahill, S. Constructing Capital Stock Data and Capital Service Indices for Canadian Agriculture: 1961-1997, unpublished paper, Strategic Policy Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Caves, D.W., L.R. Christensen, and W.E. Diewert, 1982. “Multilateral Comparisons of Output, Input, and Productivity Using Superlative Index Numbers.” The Economic Journal 92: 73-86. Coen, Robert, 1975. "Investment Behavior in Measurement of Depreciation and Tax Policy." American Economic Review 65: 59-74. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures. Paris, 1999. Penson, J.B., D.W. Hughes and G.L. Nelson, 1977. "Measurement of Capacity Depreciation Based on Engineering Data." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 35: 321-329. Romain, R., J.B. Penson, and R. Lambert, 1987. "Capacity Depreciation, Implicit Rental Prices,and Investment Demand for Farm Tractors in Canada." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 35: 373-78. Timms, Dan and Mathew Shane, 1987. World Agricultural Trade Shares, 1962-85. U.S. Department of Agriculture Statistical Bulletin No. 760. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth in the United States, 1925-1994.Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 15 August 1999. Winfrey, R. Analysis of Industrial Property Retirement, Bulletin 125, Iowa Engineering Experiment Station, 1935. Table 1. Capital Stock, 1972-1999 (Millions of 1996 National Currencies Except Italy Billions of National Currencies) Year ending Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States Transportation Equipment 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 9245 10170 11134 11354 12036 12419 13119 13526 13338 12941 12476 12298 12484 12249 11955 12573 12883 13343 14144 13963 13735 13302 12972 12696 12450 12233 12043 11862 3326 3789 4372 4950 5698 6320 6639 6703 6432 6061 5732 5276 4880 4635 4439 4130 3792 3671 3638 3629 3558 3514 3400 3320 3256 3207 3173 3152 11169 11556 11896 12301 12940 13569 13999 14744 15301 16068 16271 16739 16898 17009 16967 17270 17533 17986 18436 19525 20087 19965 19804 19605 19337 19035 18738 18473 90193 99592 102409 105222 108644 111232 110691 107278 100793 93597 88948 82243 79204 77469 69862 61614 54860 53491 50692 48023 46185 43925 42178 39958 37384 34574 31703 28870 316790 353511 386974 414941 428003 435180 429411 409030 379017 333703 302090 265893 235817 208490 187949 177283 175062 177382 180893 181011 175397 167058 159122 152691 147154 142399 138726 135972 16322 18135 20079 21108 22453 22859 22868 23424 23747 24630 24522 24252 23729 22804 21440 21073 20272 20966 21826 22063 21957 21489 21440 21435 21482 21595 21861 22249 249 275 267 255 266 282 293 305 294 293 277 257 240 221 205 196 200 219 249 256 261 253 254 260 269 283 301 323 4502 4776 5062 5107 5237 5305 5346 5331 5484 5654 5778 5830 5802 5683 5701 5780 5884 6021 6121 6151 6112 5905 5728 5561 5406 5257 5135 5036 2062 2177 2180 2172 2086 2318 2401 2254 2463 2290 2176 2022 1828 1702 1560 1519 1518 1527 1448 1428 1412 1413 1395 1352 1288 1207 1118 1023 1267 1459 1675 1787 1918 2162 2401 2822 2935 3036 3089 3314 3350 3357 3385 3439 3489 3669 3874 4052 4163 4065 4010 3999 4003 4032 4102 4209 6651 6768 6962 7162 7631 8130 8176 8485 8763 9011 9568 10380 11196 11831 12232 12917 13586 14196 15047 15771 16179 16365 16521 16620 16659 16647 16592 16504 19042 22497 26753 31406 34444 37299 38502 39988 40485 40276 38744 36834 33807 30702 30480 32120 36594 40061 44196 47472 50628 52847 55067 57430 60012 62819 65628 68342 3867 4069 4254 4325 4325 4265 4162 4154 4153 4206 4161 4079 3963 3981 3931 3875 3851 3867 3808 3561 3274 2958 2730 2528 2371 2260 2185 2136 6372 6104 5963 5953 5945 5874 5638 5577 5432 5572 5465 5362 5270 5087 4853 4768 4651 4772 4746 4513 4380 4211 4072 3960 3870 3788 3714 3646 617 675 715 739 786 822 838 853 818 780 735 704 661 610 591 601 631 662 672 641 611 590 560 532 508 488 473 463 5774 6739 7521 8598 9593 10504 11387 12389 12553 12359 12052 11779 11327 10392 9474 8601 7739 7005 6236 5712 5245 4719 4256 3971 3633 3445 3310 3217 21462 21626 21544 21687 22998 24322 25434 26358 26095 25051 23753 22878 21878 20550 19207 18614 18344 18328 18406 18141 17708 17442 17182 17169 17622 18625 19810 20707 Table 1. (Cont'd) Capital Stock, 1972-1998 (Millions of 1996 National Currencies Except Italy Billions of National Currencies) Year ending Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France 643073 723387 781976 847255 899293 942678 955357 965924 955096 942643 925753 912949 932137 949695 910476 858845 819194 784246 755318 725634 700027 677216 658338 635196 608422 578765 547813 2233920 2476514 2712878 2892269 3024831 3103862 3141780 3111596 3038883 2879105 2763792 2616609 2512796 2405504 2312843 2248684 2212941 2183991 2157823 2110540 2031682 1931863 1838668 1758475 1687770 1625850 1574501 228827 248817 267535 281611 294037 299030 305495 311518 313775 315275 317182 316217 314763 311486 306201 301905 301181 302330 303947 302246 297735 291645 287687 284296 281575 279652 279184 Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States Machinery 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 117295 125072 130106 131416 136094 140260 147297 150172 151557 148904 148776 149040 149157 148718 148171 148090 147517 147251 149249 146460 144383 140634 137114 133833 130649 127544 124501 22877 26998 30996 34410 38203 42137 45910 49707 50845 50049 49481 48497 48255 48960 48852 47705 45932 45060 44834 43583 42385 41208 40244 39521 38903 38400 38052 83187 85561 85767 85884 86391 87843 89789 91322 91470 89906 88678 88389 87325 86206 85142 83752 82895 82683 83143 83066 82587 81133 79832 78562 77163 75787 74619 982 1156 1216 1255 1404 1557 1702 1833 1891 2000 2031 2029 2007 1963 1886 1847 1846 1872 1905 1868 1839 1767 1709 1671 1653 1654 1676 47648 51751 55821 60048 66145 72142 77287 83051 89113 93130 95605 96984 98161 99230 99867 100126 101182 101896 101678 100674 99983 98359 97461 96539 95595 94538 93630 10631 11102 11466 11490 10826 10435 10839 11341 10842 10814 11517 11879 11949 11703 11411 11317 11333 11348 11464 11646 11800 12022 12117 12109 11991 11767 11471 16765 18184 19365 19973 20663 22035 23808 25530 26359 26824 27387 28166 28401 28824 29547 29572 30000 30660 31407 31959 32270 32212 31965 31935 31974 32137 32496 70518 73224 75463 77919 80465 84050 87057 89156 89874 89728 95086 101285 106752 112599 116590 119734 122852 125932 130542 134316 136350 137713 139893 141666 142992 143961 144643 96944 116377 141678 170403 194421 219346 235087 254107 275348 292692 302348 302948 301202 300018 319711 343860 380932 412131 448442 483442 519390 548435 577717 608716 641846 676869 711739 25880 27207 28352 29704 30982 31804 32245 32946 34087 35077 36200 36989 37698 38324 38336 37957 37439 37869 37809 36530 34256 31998 30085 28761 27796 27161 26782 60496 59867 58966 58860 59194 59593 59436 58897 58766 58767 59450 59968 60690 60996 60598 60352 60852 61729 61612 60260 58431 56328 54767 53445 52324 51268 50299 8760 8929 8824 8676 8607 8567 8588 8394 8011 7555 7249 7068 6805 6465 6285 6075 6066 6011 5884 5650 5458 5363 5174 5013 4892 4799 4748 15246 15994 17324 18866 20727 22055 23259 24764 25817 26849 26762 26173 25659 24910 24025 22985 21894 20741 19632 18429 17310 17085 16708 16299 15948 15980 15881 145700 154936 162219 166081 169813 172427 177512 182768 183111 180627 173112 164882 156605 146062 135477 128078 121684 117036 113490 109275 105235 101711 98325 94944 92261 90282 89108 Table 1. (Cont'd) Capital Stock, 1972-1998 (Millions of 1996 National Currencies Except Italy Billions of National Currencies) Year ending Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland 3920591 4019712 4066361 4134577 4203079 4312399 4401297 4514301 4586552 4637939 4679684 4718920 4798732 4879326 4897507 4895083 4910606 4921068 4930409 4931417 4927726 4916997 4901539 4877326 4844813 4804644 4758675 16079498 16482045 16852529 17187669 17485159 17788676 18081585 18298483 18356780 18276881 18292056 18257870 18364002 18451179 18567450 18720150 18912560 19123634 19343999 19516024 19588989 19637762 19679285 19735893 19798012 19865392 19946618 116327 124946 133078 140048 146689 151998 157700 163580 171968 179573 186373 192455 198266 203719 208520 213544 219569 226287 233036 238285 242255 245107 248346 251550 254770 258072 261747 6892 7103 7188 7254 7437 7667 7922 8249 8454 8720 8953 9095 9230 9356 9433 9542 9688 9889 10148 10341 10557 10662 10815 11013 11258 11551 11904 Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States 45961 46358 46859 47664 49228 48075 47524 47037 47052 47137 46906 47313 47195 46839 46079 45432 44897 44604 44285 44014 43725 43503 43153 42722 42200 41589 40917 11489 12689 13716 14474 15336 16670 18245 19895 21242 22398 23466 24675 25553 26501 27761 28649 29813 31114 32432 33641 34694 35473 36178 36984 37805 38675 39639 64607 65233 66346 67759 69155 70713 72098 73092 73853 74514 76682 78990 81338 83833 85756 87586 89371 90959 92987 94825 96413 97939 99619 101233 102768 104240 105659 452227 479716 513280 552262 588566 632222 674811 724652 776310 824155 868293 905306 947756 985348 1050383 1117461 1194679 1265703 1340958 1419715 1502188 1577622 1655613 1740174 1832355 1932358 2037718 77803 78953 79872 81330 82714 84025 85558 87125 88964 90419 92526 94644 96163 97635 99119 100282 101707 102585 103429 104003 104054 103761 103240 102666 102338 102271 102418 25150 25815 26383 27090 27844 28807 29697 30461 32720 34743 36797 38881 41004 43170 45047 46882 48907 51178 52981 54256 55190 55931 56769 57636 58514 59344 60135 10451 10841 11218 11454 11580 11650 11760 11879 12076 12203 12396 12581 12791 12840 13011 13168 13476 13783 14012 14091 14170 14238 14194 14161 14152 14159 14199 21434 21679 22069 22482 22825 23228 23685 24179 25020 26039 26928 27464 27995 27854 27601 27614 27667 27674 27393 27091 26753 26385 26128 25956 25968 26069 26128 137314 139753 143157 144295 146414 148848 152873 156740 158180 157822 156734 154817 152771 149558 146473 143674 140327 137195 134120 131020 127634 124527 121590 118473 115846 113269 110982 Non-residential Structures 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 60889 65793 69784 72295 76103 80205 85411 89509 93971 96598 99771 103067 106033 109602 113580 117714 121502 125202 129902 132521 135426 137369 139302 141205 143013 144725 146339 80486 86156 91282 95918 101250 107667 114379 122226 126037 127706 129444 130936 133447 137180 140170 142367 143959 146169 148838 149695 151029 151848 152653 153580 154475 155354 156271 140018 140663 141696 142864 144183 145693 147204 148364 149345 150003 150718 151622 152299 152896 153214 153404 153577 153763 154006 154182 154187 153837 153566 153255 152846 152393 151962 Table 2. Capital Service Prices, 1973-99 Year ending Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States 0.0506 0.0519 0.0494 0.0571 0.0626 0.0597 0.0660 0.0767 0.0826 0.0866 0.0814 0.0934 0.0986 0.0924 0.0848 0.1021 0.1121 0.1397 0.1131 0.1081 0.1045 0.1103 0.1193 0.1146 0.1199 0.1162 0.1134 0.0035 0.0043 0.0046 0.0051 0.0058 0.0070 0.0093 0.0122 0.0151 0.0182 0.0203 0.0223 0.0260 0.0348 0.0404 0.0494 0.0576 0.0866 0.1131 0.1265 0.1434 0.1542 0.1516 0.1871 0.2058 0.2477 0.2611 0.0201 0.0234 0.0244 0.0234 0.0287 0.0384 0.0401 0.0466 0.0554 0.0670 0.0748 0.0882 0.0998 0.1135 0.1121 0.1345 0.1543 0.1564 0.1467 0.1465 0.1439 0.1711 0.1947 0.1745 0.1739 0.1783 0.1802 0.0353 0.0434 0.0451 0.0478 0.0567 0.0625 0.0656 0.0749 0.0998 0.1139 0.1160 0.1075 0.1192 0.1304 0.1361 0.1485 0.1624 0.1751 0.1765 0.1762 0.1710 0.1869 0.1898 0.1848 0.1817 0.1776 0.1811 0.0288 0.0341 0.0438 0.0490 0.0601 0.0709 0.0777 0.0784 0.0867 0.0953 0.1051 0.1062 0.1352 0.1430 0.1514 0.1733 0.1766 0.1649 0.1616 0.1754 0.1773 0.1687 0.1888 0.1856 0.1825 0.1607 0.1584 0.0180 0.0257 0.0300 0.0328 0.0375 0.0447 0.0483 0.0478 0.0522 0.0605 0.0698 0.0779 0.0891 0.0991 0.1047 0.1187 0.1345 0.1394 0.1418 0.1578 0.1557 0.1639 0.1914 0.1809 0.1695 0.1782 0.1913 0.0385 0.0463 0.0495 0.0561 0.0574 0.0689 0.0770 0.0907 0.1041 0.1010 0.0949 0.1071 0.0865 0.1069 0.1182 0.1294 0.1326 0.1294 0.1463 0.1474 0.1370 0.1448 0.1743 0.1851 0.2075 0.2208 0.2464 0.0757 0.0843 0.0916 0.0929 0.0934 0.0966 0.1069 0.1190 0.1380 0.1417 0.1293 0.1479 0.1610 0.1505 0.1628 0.1815 0.1880 0.1945 0.1932 0.1835 0.1742 0.1834 0.1878 0.1814 0.1841 0.1833 0.1759 0.0401 0.0444 0.0453 0.0461 0.0499 0.0526 0.0576 0.0679 0.0856 0.0772 0.0669 0.0761 0.0827 0.0806 0.0877 0.0903 0.0993 0.1131 0.1086 0.1110 0.1005 0.1032 0.1123 0.1018 0.0976 0.1135 0.1161 0.0051 0.0053 0.0057 0.0065 0.0123 0.0191 0.0247 0.0264 0.0310 0.0365 0.0554 0.0676 0.0729 0.0994 0.1162 0.1164 0.1354 0.1340 0.1523 0.1370 0.1383 0.1497 0.1586 0.1637 0.1653 0.1686 0.1818 0.0300 0.0356 0.0460 0.0478 0.0510 0.0562 0.0612 0.0673 0.0708 0.0765 0.0814 0.0879 0.0967 0.0997 0.1077 0.1128 0.1192 0.1439 0.1296 0.1345 0.1421 0.1504 0.1583 0.1444 0.1466 0.1483 0.1532 0.0239 0.0250 0.0322 0.0351 0.0393 0.0441 0.0458 0.0616 0.0673 0.0742 0.0853 0.0877 0.0954 0.0987 0.1060 0.1084 0.1132 0.1328 0.1280 0.1390 0.1556 0.1420 0.1567 0.1444 0.1441 0.1456 0.1501 0.0292 0.0415 0.0493 0.0577 0.0669 0.0739 0.0831 0.0976 0.1077 0.1135 0.1263 0.1420 0.1567 0.1024 0.1190 0.1221 0.1281 0.1384 0.1413 0.1490 0.1670 0.1762 0.1935 0.1922 0.1847 0.1784 0.1755 0.0508 0.0568 0.0582 0.0598 0.0633 0.0781 0.0908 0.0922 0.1130 0.1145 0.1186 0.1494 0.1613 0.1644 0.1695 0.1604 0.1664 0.1766 0.1785 0.1792 0.1809 0.2044 0.2185 0.2095 0.2118 0.2180 0.2284 0.0553 0.0649 0.0679 0.0722 0.0743 0.0816 0.0977 0.1101 0.1288 0.1282 0.1216 0.1526 0.1583 0.1469 0.1564 0.1694 0.1659 0.1660 0.1652 0.1661 0.1684 0.1947 0.1927 0.1959 0.1916 0.1824 0.1879 Transportation Equipment 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 0.0689 0.0807 0.0773 0.0783 0.0887 0.1020 0.1147 0.1296 0.1538 0.1417 0.1364 0.1499 0.1489 0.1421 0.1545 0.1658 0.1672 0.1610 0.1798 0.1778 0.1665 0.1760 0.1912 0.1851 0.1884 0.1815 0.1835 0.0316 0.0414 0.0415 0.0447 0.0485 0.0622 0.0702 0.0882 0.1055 0.1157 0.0940 0.1061 0.1097 0.1158 0.1345 0.1306 0.1389 0.1461 0.1446 0.1555 0.1457 0.1579 0.1671 0.1590 0.1535 0.1530 0.1576 Table 2. (Cont'd) Capital Service Prices, 1973-99 Year ending Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States 0.0273 0.0365 0.0356 0.0382 0.0413 0.0541 0.0614 0.0784 0.0940 0.1025 0.0785 0.0891 0.0924 0.0987 0.1161 0.1106 0.1195 0.1256 0.1235 0.1349 0.1241 0.1358 0.1444 0.1353 0.1287 0.1274 0.1311 0.0582 0.0597 0.0540 0.0612 0.0666 0.0649 0.0729 0.0866 0.0933 0.0961 0.0901 0.1015 0.1049 0.0991 0.0908 0.1064 0.1166 0.1268 0.1242 0.1208 0.1172 0.1243 0.1332 0.1282 0.1333 0.1296 0.1269 0.0033 0.0044 0.0043 0.0044 0.0046 0.0055 0.0072 0.0098 0.0128 0.0147 0.0164 0.0189 0.0213 0.0268 0.0303 0.0381 0.0438 0.0668 0.0889 0.0982 0.1109 0.1177 0.1069 0.1345 0.1437 0.1760 0.1794 0.0134 0.0158 0.0183 0.0199 0.0255 0.0364 0.0234 0.0412 0.0469 0.0564 0.0636 0.0781 0.0726 0.0831 0.0788 0.1000 0.1199 0.1197 0.1072 0.1073 0.1043 0.1230 0.1444 0.1217 0.1191 0.1220 0.1224 0.0274 0.0366 0.0354 0.0357 0.0409 0.0439 0.0459 0.0536 0.0797 0.0891 0.0862 0.0799 0.0894 0.0934 0.1016 0.1104 0.1204 0.1329 0.1329 0.1305 0.1201 0.1285 0.1317 0.1268 0.1237 0.1195 0.1232 0.0221 0.0282 0.0358 0.0353 0.0440 0.0522 0.0625 0.0632 0.0711 0.0768 0.0816 0.0878 0.1116 0.1154 0.1126 0.1249 0.1286 0.1090 0.1093 0.1247 0.1263 0.1159 0.1360 0.1330 0.1302 0.1093 0.1081 0.0121 0.0182 0.0198 0.0211 0.0247 0.0297 0.0324 0.0335 0.0368 0.0424 0.0491 0.0562 0.0651 0.0735 0.0756 0.0865 0.1010 0.1077 0.1083 0.1241 0.1196 0.1215 0.1471 0.1342 0.1205 0.1272 0.1381 0.0279 0.0328 0.0337 0.0386 0.0397 0.0489 0.0580 0.0717 0.0836 0.0798 0.0729 0.0840 0.0827 0.0791 0.0912 0.1012 0.1027 0.0963 0.1123 0.1120 0.0987 0.1059 0.1271 0.1271 0.1378 0.1386 0.1504 0.0492 0.0582 0.0621 0.0620 0.0603 0.0641 0.0759 0.0878 0.1070 0.1057 0.0890 0.1052 0.1132 0.1036 0.1118 0.1277 0.1326 0.1388 0.1361 0.1269 0.1161 0.1270 0.1310 0.1234 0.1250 0.1229 0.1141 0.0442 0.0494 0.0491 0.0496 0.0547 0.0601 0.0650 0.0777 0.0988 0.0922 0.0799 0.0895 0.0961 0.0932 0.1003 0.1026 0.1125 0.1278 0.1232 0.1193 0.1065 0.1079 0.1170 0.1066 0.1025 0.1185 0.1212 0.0038 0.0041 0.0046 0.0048 0.0095 0.0138 0.0173 0.0192 0.0230 0.0302 0.0471 0.0627 0.0626 0.0773 0.0867 0.0857 0.0966 0.0930 0.1130 0.0915 0.0901 0.0955 0.1024 0.1055 0.1050 0.1062 0.1174 0.02300 0.02808 0.03721 0.03889 0.04227 0.04643 0.05118 0.06175 0.06978 0.07580 0.08214 0.09419 0.09976 0.09774 0.10458 0.10615 0.11807 0.14587 0.12570 0.12309 0.11686 0.13309 0.12836 0.11459 0.11482 0.11507 0.11836 0.0237 0.0270 0.0317 0.0325 0.0344 0.0371 0.0406 0.0523 0.0588 0.0636 0.0702 0.0756 0.0848 0.0862 0.0919 0.0984 0.1038 0.1292 0.1195 0.1168 0.1086 0.1126 0.1271 0.1146 0.1142 0.1155 0.1200 0.0311 0.0468 0.0527 0.0604 0.0640 0.0666 0.0757 0.0852 0.0969 0.0968 0.1131 0.1231 0.1334 0.1139 0.1305 0.1293 0.1358 0.1423 0.1319 0.1300 0.1419 0.1553 0.1677 0.1602 0.1472 0.1363 0.1294 0.0404 0.0465 0.0509 0.0518 0.0522 0.0675 0.0805 0.0818 0.0997 0.0992 0.1032 0.1332 0.1369 0.1335 0.1362 0.1239 0.1248 0.1316 0.1406 0.1405 0.1438 0.1677 0.1763 0.1653 0.1693 0.1761 0.1925 0.0323 0.0407 0.0445 0.0477 0.0487 0.0536 0.0643 0.0777 0.0914 0.0900 0.0848 0.1152 0.1186 0.1010 0.1096 0.1218 0.1183 0.1203 0.1170 0.1145 0.1121 0.1336 0.1338 0.1391 0.1389 0.1331 0.1366 Machinery 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 0.0548 0.0633 0.0576 0.0566 0.0657 0.0783 0.0887 0.1008 0.1235 0.1115 0.1045 0.1176 0.1144 0.1064 0.1186 0.1295 0.1300 0.1225 0.1407 0.1377 0.1229 0.1307 0.1457 0.1384 0.1406 0.1325 0.1334 Table 2. (Cont'd) Capital Service Prices, 1973-99 Year ending Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States 0.0011 0.0013 0.0011 0.0011 0.0011 0.0015 0.0022 0.0045 0.0038 0.0041 0.0046 0.0046 0.0055 0.0077 0.0129 0.0151 0.0143 0.0307 0.0489 0.0577 0.0714 0.0785 0.0759 0.0807 0.0900 0.1171 0.1080 0.0028 0.0035 0.0038 0.0037 0.0052 0.0114 0.0100 0.0112 0.0134 0.0189 0.0201 0.0283 0.0182 0.0271 0.0221 0.0432 0.0628 0.0647 0.0502 0.0512 0.0400 0.0563 0.0759 0.0472 0.0413 0.0419 0.0401 0.0131 0.0193 0.0169 0.0154 0.0174 0.0171 0.0172 0.0218 0.0430 0.0462 0.0382 0.0334 0.0388 0.0409 0.0526 0.0590 0.0667 0.0776 0.0743 0.0736 0.0645 0.0728 0.0758 0.0700 0.0659 0.0608 0.0639 0.0042 0.0080 0.0095 0.0064 0.0079 0.0103 0.0171 0.0161 0.0196 0.0181 0.0208 0.0216 0.0378 0.0432 0.0456 0.0586 0.0576 0.0525 0.0490 0.0671 0.0584 0.0466 0.0661 0.0596 0.0536 0.0300 0.0270 0.0043 0.0053 0.0058 0.0056 0.0069 0.0071 0.0084 0.0086 0.0111 0.0124 0.0131 0.0169 0.0226 0.0293 0.0292 0.0382 0.0499 0.0511 0.0450 0.0591 0.0510 0.0506 0.0742 0.0544 0.0393 0.0364 0.0421 0.0144 0.0174 0.0149 0.0150 0.0182 0.0269 0.0342 0.0455 0.0635 0.0516 0.0424 0.0530 0.0497 0.0432 0.0546 0.0642 0.0640 0.0550 0.0700 0.0676 0.0515 0.0577 0.0758 0.0703 0.0748 0.0682 0.0717 0.0214 0.0280 0.0291 0.0270 0.0235 0.0258 0.0359 0.0462 0.0628 0.0588 0.0405 0.0552 0.0659 0.0519 0.0596 0.0759 0.0800 0.0863 0.0829 0.0725 0.0615 0.0731 0.0761 0.0664 0.0666 0.0625 0.0521 0.0123 0.0147 0.0136 0.0121 0.0141 0.0169 0.0207 0.0310 0.0501 0.0391 0.0246 0.0322 0.0376 0.0335 0.0400 0.0420 0.0512 0.0660 0.0595 0.0538 0.0391 0.0399 0.0485 0.0361 0.0305 0.0456 0.0465 0.0012 0.0014 0.0020 0.0013 0.0036 0.0060 0.0070 0.0066 0.0075 0.0123 0.0226 0.0284 0.0247 0.0252 0.0272 0.0217 0.0294 0.0318 0.0543 0.0356 0.0318 0.0298 0.0346 0.0356 0.0328 0.0318 0.0413 0.0081 0.0106 0.0147 0.0133 0.0129 0.0126 0.0139 0.0204 0.0255 0.0278 0.0289 0.0333 0.0401 0.0380 0.0417 0.0473 0.0531 0.0809 0.0606 0.0504 0.0369 0.0496 0.0602 0.0449 0.0439 0.0441 0.0476 0.0085 0.0099 0.0126 0.0111 0.0108 0.0110 0.0121 0.0191 0.0234 0.0259 0.0283 0.0321 0.0395 0.0375 0.0424 0.0476 0.0536 0.0800 0.0606 0.0502 0.0368 0.0465 0.0598 0.0449 0.0430 0.0430 0.0463 0.0170 0.0334 0.0312 0.0338 0.0311 0.0299 0.0350 0.0402 0.0479 0.0482 0.0666 0.0860 0.1004 0.0577 0.0752 0.0628 0.0615 0.0640 0.0535 0.0543 0.0682 0.0825 0.0917 0.0780 0.0601 0.0474 0.0394 0.0212 0.0251 0.0234 0.0243 0.0233 0.0332 0.0415 0.0354 0.0481 0.0461 0.0496 0.0768 0.0840 0.0778 0.0842 0.0737 0.0739 0.0820 0.0866 0.0835 0.0834 0.1031 0.1037 0.0885 0.0891 0.0880 0.1009 0.0150 0.0210 0.0192 0.0193 0.0177 0.0204 0.0284 0.0375 0.0462 0.0401 0.0321 0.0605 0.0656 0.0489 0.0594 0.0721 0.0643 0.0640 0.0571 0.0510 0.0473 0.0683 0.0660 0.0694 0.0695 0.0650 0.0704 Non-residential Structures 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 0.0266 0.0311 0.0236 0.0207 0.0276 0.0394 0.0487 0.0606 0.0830 0.0669 0.0554 0.0675 0.0615 0.0518 0.0645 0.0752 0.0735 0.0632 0.0805 0.0760 0.0575 0.0640 0.0795 0.0703 0.0709 0.0609 0.0601 0.0101 0.0161 0.0123 0.0130 0.0143 0.0252 0.0307 0.0453 0.0579 0.0616 0.0303 0.0388 0.0403 0.0444 0.0609 0.0521 0.0604 0.0654 0.0588 0.0693 0.0549 0.0659 0.0731 0.0605 0.0504 0.0465 0.0479 0.0258 0.0242 0.0157 0.0218 0.0259 0.0216 0.0276 0.0394 0.0444 0.0444 0.0360 0.0473 0.0509 0.0423 0.0320 0.0486 0.0587 0.0629 0.0576 0.0473 0.0402 0.0460 0.0550 0.0499 0.0556 0.0505 0.0465 Table 3. Translog Price Indexes of capital Input Year 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States 0.3934 0.4559 0.4032 0.3905 0.4622 0.5682 0.6558 0.7607 0.9568 0.8395 0.7643 0.8757 0.8390 0.7624 0.8733 0.9702 0.9666 0.8886 1.0500 1.0172 0.8680 0.9351 1.0760 1.0000 1.0136 0.9285 0.9297 0.1856 0.2727 0.2354 0.2513 0.2742 0.4123 0.4841 0.6675 0.8298 0.8923 0.5438 0.6547 0.6799 0.7379 0.9445 0.8468 0.9525 1.0190 0.9500 1.0854 0.9135 1.0561 1.1534 1.0000 0.8796 0.8364 0.8612 0.4776 0.4730 0.3847 0.4653 0.5227 0.4819 0.5648 0.7172 0.7871 0.8020 0.7116 0.8517 0.8966 0.8035 0.6864 0.8899 1.0164 1.1139 1.0391 0.9435 0.8724 0.9505 1.0629 1.0000 1.0686 1.0108 0.9661 0.0153 0.0183 0.0168 0.0175 0.0186 0.0231 0.0322 0.0561 0.0535 0.0584 0.0684 0.0713 0.0861 0.1166 0.1736 0.2030 0.2033 0.3930 0.6024 0.7087 0.8665 0.9526 0.9345 1.0000 1.1162 1.4299 1.3411 0.0770 0.0941 0.1036 0.1060 0.1417 0.2550 0.2061 0.2662 0.3135 0.4162 0.4515 0.6073 0.4471 0.6067 0.5204 0.8976 1.2508 1.2810 1.0248 1.0397 0.8529 1.1558 1.5190 1.0000 0.8965 0.9118 0.8814 0.2060 0.2788 0.2663 0.2650 0.3036 0.3219 0.3347 0.3953 0.6145 0.6822 0.6422 0.5887 0.6632 0.6965 0.7844 0.8594 0.9464 1.0585 1.0456 1.0305 0.9387 1.0217 1.0515 1.0000 0.9653 0.9208 0.9540 0.1041 0.1632 0.1996 0.1649 0.2043 0.2518 0.3501 0.3415 0.3988 0.3995 0.4421 0.4647 0.7010 0.7707 0.7928 0.9698 0.9672 0.8652 0.8249 1.0648 0.9701 0.8110 1.0828 1.0000 0.9227 0.5967 0.5582 0.0921 0.1142 0.1307 0.1329 0.1589 0.1729 0.1975 0.2004 0.2513 0.2833 0.3092 0.3694 0.4542 0.5459 0.5537 0.6769 0.8385 0.8733 0.8195 1.0085 0.9156 0.9198 1.2390 1.0000 0.8195 0.7967 0.8919 0.2090 0.2503 0.2304 0.2449 0.2780 0.3835 0.4742 0.6136 0.8102 0.6916 0.5890 0.7161 0.6750 0.6140 0.7509 0.8662 0.8686 0.7700 0.9505 0.9284 0.7467 0.8228 1.0458 1.0000 1.0739 1.0201 1.0884 0.3813 0.4583 0.4873 0.4792 0.4567 0.4875 0.5943 0.7035 0.8799 0.8590 0.6905 0.8449 0.9389 0.8235 0.9052 1.0681 1.1141 1.1769 1.1472 1.0484 0.9394 1.0521 1.0878 1.0000 1.0098 0.9786 0.8797 0.3960 0.4483 0.4405 0.4354 0.4841 0.5386 0.5959 0.7475 1.0094 0.8973 0.7262 0.8389 0.9179 0.8753 0.9621 0.9906 1.1127 1.3027 1.2353 1.1819 1.0124 1.0285 1.1411 1.0000 0.9398 1.1389 1.1645 0.0341 0.0394 0.0504 0.0410 0.0956 0.1491 0.1800 0.1841 0.2153 0.3109 0.5283 0.6783 0.6307 0.7113 0.7857 0.7063 0.8650 0.8811 1.2724 0.9267 0.8722 0.8749 0.9724 1.0000 0.9630 0.9569 1.1355 0.1932 0.2430 0.3278 0.3204 0.3313 0.3475 0.3828 0.4974 0.5845 0.6361 0.6753 0.7740 0.8721 0.8433 0.9133 0.9810 1.0948 1.5164 1.2098 1.0892 0.9164 1.1278 1.2412 1.0000 0.9891 0.9931 1.0510 0.2034 0.2307 0.2754 0.2785 0.2936 0.3156 0.3441 0.4564 0.5187 0.5649 0.6242 0.6766 0.7714 0.7738 0.8366 0.9039 0.9695 1.2701 1.1073 1.0409 0.9252 0.9982 1.1687 1.0000 0.9857 0.9940 1.0428 0.2036 0.3407 0.3550 0.3978 0.4010 0.4066 0.4670 0.5307 0.6135 0.6169 0.7742 0.9199 1.0384 0.7137 0.8723 0.7941 0.8062 0.8433 0.7480 0.7505 0.8804 1.0151 1.1155 1.0000 0.8394 0.7196 0.6441 0.2475 0.2857 0.2935 0.3007 0.3032 0.3965 0.4751 0.4636 0.5796 0.5747 0.6016 0.8101 0.8581 0.8326 0.8673 0.7860 0.7956 0.8553 0.9002 0.8880 0.8981 1.0672 1.1042 1.0000 1.0156 1.0334 1.1457 0.2343 0.3009 0.3120 0.3290 0.3286 0.3649 0.4529 0.5542 0.6595 0.6296 0.5717 0.8370 0.8762 0.7236 0.8116 0.9265 0.8746 0.8816 0.8351 0.7974 0.7724 0.9729 0.9616 1.0000 0.9970 0.9466 0.9894 Table 4. Capital Input (Millions of 1996 National Currencies Except Italy Billions of National Currencies) Year Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 22079 23657 24797 25169 26188 27105 28563 29334 29854 29660 29804 30054 30326 30474 30627 31036 31303 31621 32381 32172 32048 31569 31161 30799 30439 30076 29709 8288 9261 10211 11072 12056 13076 14028 15015 15373 15351 15335 15206 15258 15537 15681 15628 15450 15465 15600 15493 15410 15297 15209 15160 15115 15081 15073 18884 19254 19374 19491 19697 20036 20415 20749 20881 20813 20722 20786 20716 20627 20502 20371 20310 20349 20470 20591 20595 20371 20173 19973 19745 19514 19306 432345 456987 473050 493161 510913 528903 537483 547249 549174 548326 546257 543985 552780 561602 552760 540833 532337 526404 522045 517237 512916 508417 504096 498217 490995 482802 473909 1058612 1124366 1186955 1238022 1275862 1302495 1320316 1321588 1307718 1273807 1253396 1226426 1210192 1192437 1180015 1177471 1183024 1191196 1200014 1203567 1197274 1186964 1178581 1171512 1164391 1158310 1154291 40594 44101 47429 49918 52223 53270 54453 55694 56560 57423 58090 58264 58307 58016 57372 57095 57284 58029 58864 59063 58748 58089 57815 57614 57499 57494 57729 557 606 619 626 668 715 757 799 817 850 863 864 863 860 850 850 859 878 904 912 923 918 919 927 941 960 986 17172 17895 18620 19360 20409 21407 22259 23163 24393 25307 25978 26487 26976 27446 27889 28292 28915 29463 29803 30023 30202 30206 30326 30443 30515 30534 30589 4974 5086 5170 5223 5203 5117 5143 5144 5120 5099 5149 5198 5171 5096 4981 4916 4878 4860 4839 4837 4834 4847 4831 4792 4728 4640 4535 3063 3351 3604 3747 3910 4210 4574 4969 5181 5335 5484 5698 5792 5909 6085 6158 6301 6504 6722 6904 7033 7061 7071 7120 7180 7262 7381 10548 10880 11183 11522 11900 12400 12782 13071 13201 13239 13948 14777 15521 16296 16830 17296 17754 18191 18822 19353 19670 19891 20200 20460 20660 20813 20935 29065 32617 36904 41949 46227 50705 54038 58004 62130 65647 68192 69620 70846 71727 76126 81374 88909 95322 102378 109290 116495 122607 128835 135499 142695 150401 158278 6958 7193 7392 7624 7839 7986 8084 8234 8450 8638 8859 9036 9175 9316 9379 9385 9395 9485 9517 9377 9066 8731 8466 8267 8118 8025 7977 8851 8775 8680 8697 8764 8835 8816 8774 8837 8948 9104 9245 9418 9537 9556 9614 9763 10002 10093 9981 9792 9555 9403 9282 9179 9080 8992 2303 2371 2396 2397 2404 2409 2424 2404 2352 2283 2245 2231 2210 2158 2142 2123 2150 2170 2166 2125 2093 2080 2042 2009 1983 1962 1951 5511 5849 6261 6775 7325 7770 8184 8681 8964 9187 9183 9079 8962 8649 8304 7967 7623 7292 6937 6614 6311 6137 5962 5822 5694 5669 5630 33949 35412 36632 37287 38245 39062 40278 41463 41558 40976 39547 38059 36597 34663 32725 31416 30260 29396 28704 27848 26960 26201 25477 24789 24320 24058 23961 Table 5. Purchasing Power Parities for Capital Input (National Currencies per U.S. Dollar) Year 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Belgium 63.813 57.585 49.108 45.108 53.448 59.175 55.020 52.157 55.129 50.668 50.804 39.756 36.388 40.036 40.889 39.793 41.993 38.306 47.780 48.473 42.701 36.523 42.521 38.000 38.635 37.274 35.707 Denmark 6.470 7.404 6.163 6.239 6.817 9.231 8.731 9.838 10.277 11.577 7.770 6.390 6.339 8.330 9.507 7.466 8.896 9.442 9.293 11.119 9.661 8.867 9.798 8.169 7.207 7.218 7.110 Germany 3.095 2.387 1.872 2.147 2.415 2.005 1.893 1.965 1.812 1.934 1.890 1.545 1.554 1.686 1.284 1.458 1.764 1.918 1.889 1.796 1.715 1.483 1.678 1.518 1.627 1.621 1.482 Greece 23.443 21.788 19.291 19.070 20.284 22.625 25.417 36.232 29.051 33.226 42.847 30.516 35.194 57.676 76.605 78.447 83.229 159.617 258.296 318.239 401.714 350.596 348.007 358.079 400.910 540.893 485.376 Spain 37.673 35.856 38.068 36.946 49.447 80.131 52.180 55.086 54.514 75.810 90.558 83.205 58.512 96.151 73.525 111.096 163.986 166.628 140.726 149.519 126.618 136.228 181.150 114.674 103.123 110.460 102.161 France 5.022 5.292 4.875 4.600 5.276 5.038 4.219 4.073 5.320 6.187 6.415 4.016 4.322 5.496 5.519 5.297 6.178 6.856 7.149 7.379 6.940 5.996 6.244 5.710 5.529 5.555 5.506 Ireland 0.241 0.294 0.347 0.271 0.337 0.374 0.419 0.334 0.328 0.344 0.419 0.301 0.433 0.577 0.529 0.567 0.599 0.532 0.535 0.723 0.680 0.452 0.610 0.542 0.501 0.341 0.306 Italy 582.032 562.283 620.683 598.510 716.039 701.753 645.750 535.502 564.358 666.636 801.046 653.754 767.854 1117.539 1010.666 1082.280 1419.979 1467.359 1453.638 1873.357 1755.961 1400.408 1908.526 1481.253 1217.530 1246.654 1335.247 Luxembourg 33.730 31.465 27.931 28.148 31.997 39.743 39.597 41.872 46.459 41.543 38.962 32.354 29.133 32.089 34.990 35.356 37.557 33.031 43.045 44.030 36.557 31.983 41.131 37.818 40.735 40.755 41.601 Netherlands 3.553 3.326 3.410 3.180 3.034 2.917 2.865 2.771 2.913 2.979 2.637 2.204 2.339 2.484 2.435 2.517 2.781 2.914 2.999 2.870 2.655 2.361 2.470 2.183 2.211 2.257 1.941 Austria 13.091 11.541 10.937 10.251 11.410 11.432 10.191 10.446 11.855 11.039 9.838 7.763 8.114 9.370 9.182 8.281 9.853 11.445 11.458 11.479 10.152 8.188 9.191 7.745 7.301 9.319 9.116 Portugal 17.249 15.495 19.125 14.747 34.457 48.414 47.074 39.355 38.680 58.506 109.464 96.004 85.266 116.449 114.683 90.310 117.154 118.408 180.497 137.664 133.767 106.527 119.790 118.463 114.428 119.752 135.959 Finland 3.312 3.246 4.221 3.913 4.050 3.826 3.396 3.606 3.561 4.059 4.746 3.715 3.999 4.682 4.521 4.254 5.029 6.911 5.820 5.488 4.767 4.657 5.186 4.018 3.986 4.215 4.268 Sweden 5.881 5.195 5.981 5.736 6.052 5.860 5.147 5.579 5.328 6.079 7.398 5.476 5.964 7.245 6.984 6.609 7.509 9.761 8.984 8.843 8.115 6.951 8.234 6.775 6.698 7.114 7.140 United Kingdom 0.677 0.882 0.886 0.941 0.950 0.867 0.803 0.745 0.724 0.763 1.054 0.856 0.923 0.768 0.837 0.667 0.718 0.745 0.697 0.733 0.887 0.812 0.903 0.778 0.655 0.592 0.507 Canada 1.700 1.528 1.514 1.471 1.485 1.749 1.688 1.346 1.414 1.469 1.693 1.558 1.576 1.852 1.720 1.365 1.464 1.561 1.735 1.792 1.871 1.765 1.848 1.609 1.639 1.757 1.864 United States 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Table 6. Value of Capital Services, 1973-1999 (Millions of U.S. Dollars) Year Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 136 187 204 218 226 260 340 428 518 491 448 662 699 580 654 757 721 734 712 675 651 808 789 810 799 749 774 238 341 390 446 485 584 778 1019 1241 1183 1073 1558 1637 1376 1558 1773 1654 1669 1595 1512 1457 1822 1790 1856 1845 1748 1826 2914 3816 3981 4223 4264 4816 6091 7575 9071 8631 7803 11460 11957 9831 10960 12432 11701 11816 11260 10816 10478 13055 12777 13156 12967 12167 12582 283 384 412 453 469 539 680 847 1011 964 872 1272 1353 1135 1253 1399 1300 1296 1217 1152 1106 1381 1354 1391 1367 1276 1309 2163 2950 3229 3552 3656 4145 5215 6387 7521 6994 6249 8952 9247 7524 8351 9513 9023 9157 8739 8369 8064 10070 9883 10216 10123 9561 9959 1666 2324 2591 2876 3005 3404 4319 5405 6533 6331 5816 8540 8947 7352 8154 9264 8774 8959 8608 8248 7947 9897 9736 10090 10039 9531 10003 241 336 356 380 406 481 633 817 995 987 910 1335 1397 1149 1274 1453 1387 1429 1393 1343 1316 1648 1631 1711 1732 1677 1801 2716 3635 3922 4300 4528 5273 6806 8666 10861 10756 10026 14967 15957 13407 15280 17696 17074 17535 16802 16162 15749 19840 19687 20552 20539 19513 20432 31 40 43 45 45 49 62 75 89 85 78 115 120 97 107 120 113 113 107 102 99 125 123 127 125 116 119 329 462 515 565 589 704 949 1261 1565 1539 1436 2185 2325 1958 2262 2614 2524 2626 2571 2522 2488 3147 3114 3262 3279 3149 3345 319 423 450 489 505 584 747 935 1124 1076 1029 1597 1756 1522 1763 2069 2005 2070 2029 1992 1962 2498 2508 2642 2659 2544 2674 57 83 97 116 128 156 207 271 346 349 329 492 524 438 522 636 656 709 722 736 760 1007 1046 1144 1201 1202 1322 406 539 574 624 641 725 911 1136 1387 1354 1261 1883 2001 1678 1895 2164 2045 2081 1978 1861 1743 2114 2026 2058 2015 1891 1965 306 390 400 422 425 476 589 718 860 832 768 1142 1218 1019 1145 1315 1260 1301 1244 1175 1116 1372 1335 1370 1351 1269 1313 693 916 960 1013 1015 1129 1410 1712 1993 1847 1649 2399 2488 2006 2233 2527 2416 2457 2324 2177 2077 2599 2523 2581 2540 2386 2480 802 1093 1214 1385 1496 1762 2303 2989 3674 3594 3262 4722 4880 3889 4188 4587 4143 3994 3600 3277 3029 3710 3563 3618 3528 3335 3461 7954 10654 11428 12266 12568 14254 18244 22979 27408 25799 22609 31855 32066 25082 26559 29107 26467 25914 23970 22206 20824 25491 24498 24789 24247 22773 23707 Table 7. Value of Capital Services, 1973-1999 (Millions of 1996 U.S. Dollars) Year Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Canada United States 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 581 623 653 662 689 713 752 772 786 781 784 791 798 802 806 817 824 832 852 847 843 831 820 810 801 791 782 1015 1134 1250 1355 1476 1601 1717 1838 1882 1879 1877 1862 1868 1902 1920 1913 1891 1893 1910 1897 1886 1873 1862 1856 1850 1846 1845 12439 12683 12761 12838 12974 13198 13447 13668 13754 13709 13649 13692 13646 13587 13505 13419 13378 13404 13483 13564 13566 13419 13288 13156 13006 12854 12717 835 859 872 890 909 935 953 975 987 994 998 1001 1017 1034 1022 1003 990 980 972 961 951 940 928 913 894 872 847 9232 9805 10351 10796 11126 11358 11514 11525 11404 11108 10930 10695 10553 10399 10290 10268 10316 10388 10465 10496 10441 10351 10278 10216 10154 10101 10066 7109 7723 8306 8742 9146 9329 9536 9753 9905 10056 10173 10203 10211 10160 10047 9999 10032 10162 10309 10343 10288 10173 10125 10090 10069 10069 10110 1028 1118 1142 1156 1234 1319 1397 1475 1508 1568 1592 1595 1594 1588 1569 1569 1586 1621 1668 1684 1703 1694 1697 1711 1737 1772 1821 10809 11278 11723 12197 12877 13499 14016 14564 15362 15956 16379 16695 16996 17283 17551 17791 18178 18513 18708 18820 18904 18871 18913 18954 18963 18937 18941 132 134 137 138 138 135 136 136 135 135 136 137 137 135 132 130 129 129 128 128 128 128 128 127 125 123 120 1403 1535 1651 1717 1791 1928 2095 2276 2373 2444 2512 2610 2653 2707 2787 2821 2886 2979 3079 3163 3222 3234 3239 3262 3289 3327 3381 1362 1405 1444 1488 1536 1601 1650 1688 1704 1709 1801 1908 2004 2104 2173 2233 2292 2349 2430 2499 2540 2568 2608 2642 2667 2687 2703 245 275 312 354 390 428 456 490 524 554 576 588 598 605 643 687 751 805 864 923 983 1035 1088 1144 1205 1270 1336 1732 1790 1840 1898 1951 1988 2012 2049 2103 2150 2205 2249 2284 2319 2334 2336 2338 2361 2369 2334 2257 2173 2107 2058 2021 1998 1986 1306 1295 1281 1284 1294 1304 1301 1295 1304 1321 1344 1365 1390 1408 1411 1419 1441 1476 1490 1473 1445 1410 1388 1370 1355 1340 1327 2959 3045 3078 3080 3089 3095 3113 3088 3021 2933 2884 2866 2839 2772 2751 2728 2762 2787 2783 2730 2689 2672 2623 2581 2548 2521 2506 3424 3634 3890 4210 4552 4828 5086 5394 5570 5708 5706 5641 5569 5374 5160 4951 4736 4531 4311 4110 3921 3813 3705 3618 3538 3523 3498 33949 35412 36632 37287 38245 39062 40278 41463 41558 40976 39547 38059 36597 34663 32725 31416 30260 29396 28704 27848 26960 26201 25477 24789 24320 24058 23961