ONE WAY TO DO AN INDEX WITH SPSS To begin with, get into SPSS and click on the “analyze” drop-down menu: Leave the cursor on the “scale” choice and the two choices at the right will appear and you click on “reliability analysis.” Then, you’ll see another window like this: This window shows the acronyms associated with each of the questions; you’ve seen this from the first assignment. Now, from here you want to select the names of the items to be included in your index. You can hold down the shift key and use the down arrow to select contiguous items. If the items you want to select are not contiguous, you can hold down the “ctrl” key while you click on the ones you want. Once you have done this, it looks like this: 1 Next, you have to choose the right statistics and in this case you click on the “statistics” button and see the following screen: Be sure you click on “correlations” and “scale if item deleted” boxes. Now, you can click on “continue” and when you return to the previous window, click on “OK” and SPSS will run the program for you and produce output like the following: Reliability ****** Method 2 (covariance matrix) will be used for this analysis ****** _ R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A) Correlation Matrix ABANY ABDEFECT ABHLTH ABNOMORE ABPOOR ABRAPE ABANY ABDEFECT ABHLTH ABNOMORE ABPOOR 1.0000 .4182 .3072 .8049 .7868 .4104 1.0000 .6284 .4437 .4452 .6329 1.0000 .3177 .3393 .6030 1.0000 .8157 .4355 1.0000 .4542 ABRAPE ABRAPE 1.0000 N of Cases = 1776.0 2 Item-total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted 6.3941 6.7314 6.8046 6.4155 6.4358 6.7399 2.5927 3.0833 3.3855 2.5562 2.5536 3.1098 ABANY ABDEFECT ABHLTH ABNOMORE ABPOOR ABRAPE Reliability Coefficients Alpha = .8675 Corrected ItemTotal Correlation .7437 .6128 .5126 .7719 .7758 .6066 Squared Multiple Correlation .6996 .5249 .4658 .7392 .7218 .5011 Alpha if Item Deleted .8308 .8541 .8698 .8248 .8240 .8553 6 items Standardized item alpha = .8680 3