Sales Presentation Kit Directions Your kit is your preparation for your presentation, and the information the instructor will use to give the buyer instructions. The kit should apply much of what you are learning in the course. The kit must be handed in one week before your scheduled presentation. The kit will have a cover page and be divided into the following sections (it can be bound). Please follow course guidelines on the use of headings and related guidelines. This must be “finish product quality” – no rough drafts. The kit should be divided into the following sections: Basic Information 1. 4Ps information: a complete description of your product or service with a full featurehow it works (consequences)-benefits analysis in table form, price-cost information, any brand information and relevant product history (as it would be to a buyer or user). Some of this information (feature-benefit analysis, price-cost breakdown, etc.) will also be used in your selling aids section. 2. 3 likely buyers and reasonable buying situations (e.g., buyer’s likely use of the product and how it would fit into their business). 3. Competitive analysis: how buyers are currently meeting the needs or getting similar benefits from existing products or in other words, how they are currently solving the problem your product or service also solves. Build a comparison chart of your offering’s key benefits and current competitive products or substitutes’ benefits. 4. Your products’ “stories”: For key benefits and/or features create a “story” or metaphor to help buyer understand how benefit is created, or why benefit is positive. Remember, stories are always created from the buyer’s frame of reference. Presentation Specific Information 1. Sell and Objection sheets: prepare clear and completed sell and objection sheets. 2. Sample SPIN questions: prepare a list of SPIN questions. Be sure to identify potential opportunities where you can use the questions. 3. Sales aids: create sales aids that explain or demonstrate how your product delivers benefits. These can be mock-ups of product, tables demonstrating product comparisons, financial cost/earnings tables, 4. Specific goals for your presentation: a checklist of what outcomes you feel you can accomplish during the presentation with the sample buyers you’ve created.