3/12 Re-evaluation Review/Plan Procedures The purpose of this type of review may be to determine continued eligibility for Special Education Services, whether or not the student is receiving appropriate services, if additional data is needed, or consider a recommendation for dismissal. (See Dismissal Procedures) Re-evaluations of all students with disabilities must be conducted at least once every 3 years. It is strongly suggested that re-evaluation review meetings be held well in advance of the due date – even 6 months ahead can be a reasonable time. Parental Consent (in Excent) is required for ALL Re-evaluation Reviews, even if NOT conducting additional testing. The type of meeting will either be: Annual Review (if due) or Special Review (refer to appropriate procedures) Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) Hearings MAY require a Re-evaluation IF there is no existing Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) or the team agrees to conduct a new FBA. See Procedures for MDR. It is advantageous to conduct combination meetings, e.g. combine a reevaluation review with an annual review meeting. For students classified as Orthopedically Impaired or Other Health Impaired, the same re-evaluation procedures must be followed. An updated medical form is not required unless the form is checked ‘reversible’ for the medical condition. Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) are now considered part of the Re-evaluation Process. The same re-eval procedures apply. (* Parent Consent; full team meeting, change in re-eval dates, etc.) Related Services: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy are also part of the Re-evaluation Process. The same re-eval procedures apply. (* Parent Consent; full team meeting, change in re-eval dates, etc.) Forms needed: Excent Notifications (1st & 2nd ), Responses Notice / Consent for Re-evaluation SPE 17 Termination of Services ( if applies) SPE 20 Monitoring Checklist SPE 21R Minutes/ PWN SPE 24 R Multi-disciplinary Team Report (if changing or deleting a disability) SPE 26a Status Sheet ( Only for changes to LRE, Disability, Re-eval/Dismissal) SPE 47 Parent Consent to Change (if change in LRE or Disability) SPE 75-1 Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), if needed SPE 75-2 Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), if needed SPE 77-0 General Ed Teacher Performance Summary SPE 77-1 Re-evaluation Review Plan, page 1 SPE 77-2 Parent Notice of Reevaluation Review (if no testing and parent did NOT attend mtg) SPE 77-1 Re-evaluation Review Plan, Page 2 (if additional testing completed) SPE 78 A/B Teacher FBA Checklist, if needed SPE 90 OT/PT Referral and Doctor RX (see OT/PT Referral Procedures – Add + Delete) Reports If applicable: Psycho Educational, Speech/Language, Occupational Therapy, Physical therapy Procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Case manager contacts Sped Services to change Re-eval Date in Excent prior to meeting. If dates change, notify Sped Services before Printing New IEP Cover Page. Case manager confers with psychologist and /or speech therapist to review the student’s placement and progress at least 5 months prior to the re-evaluation due date. Considerations for additional assessments are reviewed at that time. If further testing is recommended, follow procedures for “Additional Data / Testing Needed”. The case manager confers with the psychologist and /or speech therapist to schedule the meeting. For Speech ONLY students, the SLP confers with the psychologist and the Reg. Ed Teacher (s) to determine if other learning / behavioral issues are co-existing. (Ex: RTI,BIP, etc) a. If the student is receiving RTI for academics or behavior, the psychologist is invited to the meeting. b. If the student is NOT receiving RTI, the psychologist signs off on SPE -77-1, pg 1. The case manager distributes the SPE 77-0 to all Reg. Ed teachers, for performance summary information. If there is not a recommendation for a new Psycho- Ed or Speech /Language Evaluation, the Psych and/or SLP may SIGN OFF on the SPE 77-1, page 1. 3/12 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. If there is new information being provided by the parent for the IEP Team to review which could result in changes with the current disability, a new SPE 24R, M-Team review form must be completed by the psychologist during the meeting. Send Notifications and Procedural Safeguards to parents notifying them of the Re-Evaluation Review meeting Notify IEP Team: classroom teacher(s), guidance (if ED review or +14), special ed teacher, speech (as needed), and LEA representative (administrator, district representative, additional special educator, personnel with administrator certificate) and other personnel as needed (Ex: Nurse). Send second notification of the meeting to parents prior to the scheduled meeting. Case manager assigns a scribe to take the Minutes/ PWN. (SPE 21 R) Case manager conducts the Re-evaluation Review meeting. Information is provided by the regular classroom teacher on form SPE-77-0. If the parent did not attend but indicated their intention to attend, the meeting may still be held. Additional information is provided by committee members. Complete the Reevaluation Review/Plan (SPE 77-1, page 1 [front only]). No Additional Data /Testing Needed: 1. 2. 3. 4. If no additional assessments are recommended, complete SPE 77-1, checking #1; a….No additional information is needed; Student continues to have a disability and needs special education and related services. All present sign. Write up Minutes/PWN of the meeting and all present sign. (SPE 21R) If the parent did not attend, send SPE 77-2 home, along with other meeting copies. NEW: the Psych or SLP may sign-off on the SPE 77-1, page 1, if they provided input before the meeting. Additional Data / Testing Needed : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. If it is determined that additional data / testing is needed, make note on SPE-77-1, # 2; a, b and/or c….more data is needed. Check #3, and specify type of data/assessments to be administered, date to complete and person responsible. ( Including FBA’s, OT/PT Evals) Denote the time line for completion of new assessments, who is responsible and tests to be administered. If parent is present, have them sign the Excent Consent to Evaluate and schedule the testing date with the psychologist/ SLP.. NOTE: DO NOT have parent sign Consent to Evaluate without the psychologist / SLP present or their prior permission to obtain the Consent form. If the parent is not present, coordinate the date of testing with the psychologist / SLP and the case manager sends home the Excent Parent Consent to Evaluate, Parent Notification to Evaluate and evaluation Schedule. Write up Minutes/ PWN of the meeting and all present sign. (SPE 21R) Send originals: Notifications/Responses, 77-1, page 1, 77-2, 77-3, and 79 to the Special Services Secretary. If the Reevaluation Review is combined with another meeting, additional paperwork may be required. See appropriate section in the Procedure Manual. Page 2, SPE 77-1 Re-Eval Part 2: Review of Additional Data 1. Case Manager sets up second meeting to review additional data. (Refer to timeline on front of SPE 77-1, page1.) Send Notifications, Responses. 2. Give second notification of the meeting to parents prior to the scheduled meeting. 3. If applicable, a Multi-Disciplinary Team (SPE 24 R) will be completed by the psychologist and or SLP during the second meeting. (Changes in primary disability or dismissal) 4. Conduct the meeting to review the additional data. 5. Complete SPE 77-1, page 2 and sign. 6. If termination of services is warranted, SPE 17 is signed at this meeting. 7. Complete Minutes/ PWN of the meeting and all sign (SPE 21R). 8. Complete Status Change (SPE 26a). Give to school secretary for EFA changes. 9. Send the originals, of all the meeting documents to the Special Services Secretary within 2 weeks of conducting the meeting. 10. Send Packet: Originals of the IEP, SPE 21, 20, 26a, ( 17, 24 if applicable) to Sped services within 2 weeks of meeting date.