Course Syllabus INTEGRATED MATH 2 Mrs. Lathrop 2015 - 2016 Welcome to Mrs. Lathrop’s Integrated Math 2 class. Integrated Math 2 combines the traditional Geometry class with some Algebra 2. It covers everything from functions to logarithms and includes circles and trigonometry and more. It is designed to covers these topics in the common core method. SUPPLIES The following materials need to be brought to class daily: Composition book-graph lined 2 white board markers Mechanical pencils with extra lead and erasers 2 highlighters A scientific calculator is recommended. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS The expectation for appropriate classroom behavior is based upon RESPECT. I expect all my students to treat their fellow students and the teacher with respect, and I will do the same for you. However, should a minor offence occur, the consequences will be as follows: 1st offense – a verbal warning 2nd offense – a detention with parent contact. 3rd offense – a second detention with parent contact. 4th offense – a referral to an AP with parent contact. Major offenses will result in immediate removal from the classroom, a phone call home and a referral issued. Cell phones and other electronics – No electronics are to be SEEN in the classroom. They must be turned off and put away. Any electronics that are out in the classroom will be confiscated and locked in a drawer. If electronics become a problem, the above steps will be implemented. Food & Drink: you may bring bottled water into the classroom, no other food or drink is allowed. There has been a continual problem with ants in the classroom. Bathroom Passes – each student will be given four passes for the bathroom each semester. Please go to the bathroom, your locker, see your counselor… before school, after school, at lunch or during the passing periods. Academic Honesty – it is expected that all work turned in with your name on it is your work alone. Academic dishonesty includes copying homework, giving or receiving help on a test or quiz, and passing off the work of others as your own. Any assignment you are caught being dishonest on will result in a zero on that assignment with no possibility of making the assignment up. If it is a test you will put yourself in danger of failing the course. Attendance – good attendance is essential to keeping up with the material. This includes tardies, you cannot afford to miss anything. Excessive tardies may reduce a grade by one letter grade because of missed assignments and content. ALL SCHOOL RULES WILL BE ENFORCED HOMEWORK Homework will be assigned daily. It will be due the next time class meets. Most of it will be from the textbook. All homework as well as classwork and notes will be done in the composition book. Label each assignment in the upper right corner with the assignment name and /or page number and problem numbers. All assignments must be done in pencil. The exception are notes which may be done in pen. Present your work in a clear, detailed fashion. Work vertically on the page, circle the answer. Most work will be checked at your desk for the attempt and completion Daily warm-ups may not be made up for unexcused tardies and absences. Class work will be due the next time class meets unless otherwise specified. Late Work/Make-up Work - will be accepted for excused absences. Title the page as usual and write ABSENT clearly at the top of the page. It is your responsibility to find out what assignments you missed. Please note: no work will be accepted that is done in pen, you will have to rewrite it. TESTS/QUIZZES Tests will be given at the end of each unit, they are always announced. They will all be cumulative. There will also be a district final at the end of each semester. Quizzes will be given about once a week and may not be announced. Some quizzes will be individual, some will be done in a small group setting. Quizzes may be retaken within a week of the original quiz date. Test Make-ups: if you were absent and missed a test, you will need to make an appointment to take a make-up test – it is your responsibility. Tests must be made-up within one week of an absence. Test Retakes: Test retakes will be allowed under specific circumstances. Please see the Test Retake Request Form. GRADING POLICY Grades will be computed based on percentages as follows – Unit Tests 45% Quizzes Class Work/Homework 30% Grading Scale: A+ A AB+ B B- 98% and above 93 % 90% 88% 83% 80% C+ C CD+ D DF 78% 73% 70% 69% 67% 65% below 65% 25% TUTORING My tutoring is usually on Tuesdays at 7:05am. The day and time may be subject to change. If the tutoring time does not work for you, please see me and we can set up an appointment. Dear Parents/Guardians, It is a pleasure to have your student in my Integrated Math 2 course this school year. Integrated Math 2 includes material from traditional Geometry and Algebra 2 and is designed to be taught in the common core method. Please check with your student to make sure that homework is getting done. Attendance will also be important, any help you can give to get your student to class on time is appreciated. Together we can help your student have a tremendous year! Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I can best be reached via e-mail at If you need to call me the number is (951) 738-2100 extension 1310. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. Sincerely, Mrs. Lathrop Parent/Guardian & Student Signature Page I have read the Integrated Math 2 Course Syllabus and I understand the course requirements, the grading policy and what materials are needed. _____________________________ Student Name (print) _____________________________ Student Signature _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (print) _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Parent e-mail address: _________________________________________________ (please print clearly) Parent’s work and/or cell phone number ________________________________________ Parent Comments ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________