Supplementary Supports Inventory School/Learner initiated supports: Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) Service Design Elements Design Elements Target for support (strengths and needs) Description Resource teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) provide learning and behaviour support to all state and integrated kura/schools. Forty RTLB clusters across New Zealand work with students’ learning and behaviour difficulties from year 1-10 inclusive, their teachers, and schools. RTLB have a particular focus on supporting Māori and Pasifika students, children, and young people entering state care. Expected outcomes Improved teaching practice, student presence, participation, engagement and achievement. Increase in number of ‘inclusive’ schools. What data is used to support access decision? Each cluster requires the referring school to provide a detailed request for service form that includes details of the support sought, for example, student learning, achievement, and behaviour data. Delivery design (who, how long, interactions) RTLB interventions are designed by the RTLB in collaboration with teacher/s, SENCOs, and parents/caregivers. Interventions are goal oriented and can range from a few weeks to several months, until the goals are achieved or reviewed. How will the support contribute to classroom practice (Tier1) and school capability? RTLB support teachers and develop school capability to provide effective and sustainable programmes for learners with learning and behaviour difficulties. How will the support contribute to building educationally powerful relationships with parents, whānau/family, hapu, iwi and community? RTLB practice develops positive, culturally responsive relationships with students and their families/whānau. The RTLB model of practice is collaborative and includes students, parents, families/whānau, hapu, iwi and community throughout the practice sequence. SSI: RTLB 16/02/16 1 Fidelity elements eg small groups, one on one, timing, etc The RTLB model of practice is mandated in the RTLB Toolkit, ensuring consistency of practice across all 40 RTLB clusters. RTLB use a wide range of evidence-based interventions to support teacher practice and school capability. How is support monitored and measured in terms of outcomes? RTLB clusters report to cluster schools, the lead school board of trustees, and the Ministry regularly throughout the year. Outcome reporting includes presence, participation, and achievement measures. Website details Roles and responsibilities for the support What are the conditions for successful delivery? Provider (RTLB cluster) School Collaborative model of practice and regular Collaborative relationship with the local RTLB liaison with cluster schools service, Liaison RTLB and/or cluster manager. SSI: RTLB 16/02/16 2