10750 ROUTINE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS: PRONUNCIATION (NSWTESL213A) NAME: ___________________________________ SEMESTER __, 20____ TASK: To apply strategies to improve your control of the features of English pronunciation (Tick the checklist below for the strategies used.) Element of competency covered: 2 - To apply strategies to improve own control of features of English pronunciation RESULT: PASS / REQUIRES MORE WORK Student Teacher Strategies COMMENTS Clapping rhythm of utterances Practising sounds Practising breathing Recording and listening to standard speech Parallel speaking with teacher Recording self slowing down speech Critical listening to own speech to contrast with standard pronunciation Listening to radio and television to elicit overall meaning Using dictionary/online dictionary notations to check pronunciation Using a system of notations to mark written version of short talk Learning to apply the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) I acknowledge receipt of feedback on my pronunciation and the strategies used to improve my pronunciation. Student’s signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________ D:\533565187.doc Version 2 -1 -