ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES (EAP) Students take EAP Listening/Speaking classes to improve their ability to use and understand commonly used American English words, to respond to American English expressions, to speak and listen in a college level classroom, and to apply phrasing, intonation, and pronunciation in American English. These courses are offered in four levels: 0100C, 0200C, 0300C, and 0400C. Students fulfill their 13 hour minimum lab requirement. Tutors and Lab Assistants instruct students on the use of Lab resources and assess workbook exercises. Tutoring is available upon request:- no appointment needed. HELPFUL LINKS FOR EAP Listening: www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish -features “Learning English,” ”Business English,” “Watch and Listen” in current news context. Student ratings - great www.esl-lab.com (Randall’s Cyber Listening Lab) -assorted listening exercises and quizzes. –great www.manythings.org -minimal pairs for listening discrimination. –helpful, good, nice games www.cdlponline.org -reading and listening comprehension. –very good, excellent, interactive Pronunciation: www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics -excellent site for learning the correct pronunciation of English sounds. –excellent for pronunciation www.americanaccent.com -Offers practice and quizzes. –excellent, awesome, very good