Just to make sure we start off on same page I include what I know about the photon line geometry. Summary of photon line geometry. It should be understood that that these are not survey measurements. They are Bugg tape measurements. Photon Line Geometry Coordinate system—beam in z direction y is up and x is to left (rhs) Beam elements Z(meters) -0.15 Beginning of collimator1 (undulator protection collimator) C1 0.0 Beginning of undulator 1.45 bpm6130 32.16 front of collimator counters colt,colR.colB,colL 32.17 Front of collimator 2 (C2) 32.42 Pb wall with large hole(2.5 cm diameter) and 0.406m thick(16’’) 34? Target and lens/spectrometer system. Target is 0.81mm Densalloy 170. 36.7 S1 36.75 A1 37.0825 Beginning of analyzing magnet Iron 37.2325 End of analyzing magnet Iron 37.30 Front of Pb brick collimator 8” long with 5mm diameter hole(C4) 37.53 Front of A2 37.815 Front of GCAL box 37.865 S2 38.015 Beginning of GCAL Item description Collimator 1 (densalloy170),5.08cm diameter, length 15cm,central hole 750micron diameter Undulator 1 meter long, inner diameter hole 890 micron. Wall thickness 100 micron stainless steel. Enclosed in a copper tube inner diameter 1090 micron and outer diameter 3380 micron. Bpm6130 no material Collimator counters 3.7mm densalloy170 300micron Si 900 micron G-10 backed by 1.59mm G-10 except in collimator hole. They are immediately followed by collimator 2 and they surround the edges of collimator hole tangential to aperture. See photo in long paper Fig 36. It also shows trapezoidal shape (M1) of detectors. All detectors have this shape. Collimator 2 Like collimator 1 except hole is 3mm diameter. Length 15 cm. S1 555 micron Densalloy170 300 micron Silicon 900 micron G-10 Lateral shape is M1. It is located in center of a box with 1.59mm Al walls front and b ack. Box is 4” high, 3’’ wide and 2” deep. A1 Has 2 cm aerogel, n=1.0096 preceded by 1.52mm Aluminum and followed by 9.17 mm Aluminum. Lateral and longitudinal size not measured but probably not important. Magnet Iron is cylinder 2” in diameter and 15cm long. C4 Pb brick collimator is 8” high, 4”wide and 8” long. A 5mm diameter hole is drilled thru long axis to allow beam to pass thru. A2 Identical to A1 S2/GCAL box is 8” wide, 6” high and 15” long. Its walls are 3.175 mm Al and it contains the S2 counter and the GCAL calorimeter. S2 Identical to S1 (M1) but not in box of its own. GCAL Consists of 9 elements, each element composed of 3 layers: 3.7mm Densalloy170 300 micron Si 900micron G-10 Elements are separated by 0.5mm air. M1 Shape of all Silicon detectors. Peter this is a complicated description as the geometry is not simple The detectors S1,S2, Col and GCAL all have the same transverse shape. Imagine a wedge of a circle of radius 46.917 mm and angular width 45 degrees. Cutoff the inner portion an isosceles triangle of height 18.45 mm. The remaining region is the detector sensitive area. The tungsten and G10 are same size and shape as Si sensitive area. . Materials. Al Pb Si Stainless steel Densalloy 170 Density 17 g/cm3 Weight fraction W=90% Ni=4% Fe=3% Cu=2.5% Co,Mn,Cr,Mo each 0.125% Average Z=69.3725 G-10 Density 1.7g/cm3 Weight fraction Si=44.0235% O=44.0235% C=11.0248% weight H=0.928206% Average Z=10.35594 E166 Aerogel Density=0.033g/cm3. This is taken from PDG. I asked Kirk for actual value but haven’t received answer. Weight fraction O=66.5845% Si=29.2208 H=4.19473 Average Z=9.459615