Fourth Grade Textbooks - Greenville County School District

Fourth Grade Textbooks/Resources
Reading---Traditions (Houghton-Mifflin Reading)
Science---Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, Science Lab Instruction
Social Studies---Building a Nation (Scott Foresman)
Health---Harcourt Health and Fitness
**English and Spelling are incorporated into the Houghton-Mifflin Reading Series.
Major Assessments/Calculation of Grades
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be issued to all students. The purpose of progress reports is to keep
parents informed of students’ grade averages. The numerical average on the progress
report is the student’s true average for the first four weeks of each nine-week period.
These will be issued around the middle of each nine-week period. Parents are asked to
sign and return these to their child’s teacher.
Report Cards
Report cards are sent to parents at the end of each nine weeks. Students receive grades in
Reading, English Language Arts (this includes writing, spelling, and grammar), Math,
Science/Health, and Social Studies. These grades are numerical. It is important to note
that on the report card students cannot make below a 61. If a student’s average is below
61, the grade still appears as a 61 on the report card. This is different from progress
reports which show the true numerical average. Students also receive non-numerical
grades in penmanship and related arts classes. The codes for these class grades are: Q
(quality work, similar to an “A”), M (mastery of standards, similar to a “B” or a high
“C”), P (progressing in attainment of the standards, similar to a low “C” or possibly a
“D”), and L (lacking significant progress with standards, similar to a “U” or “F” in a
traditional grading system). Students will receive an overall conduct average for each
nine-week period which will be a letter grade recorded in the box at the top of the report
Report cards are sent home in an envelope which parents sign and return to the child’s
teacher the following day. Please do not seal the envelope because it will be used each
time report cards are sent. Parents keep all report cards and return only the envelope
to the school. Final report cards are mailed at the end of the school year. Students will
be asked to send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to school during the month of May
which will be used for mailing the final report card.
Calculation of Grades
Greenville County has required weighting procedures which are to be used in calculation of
grades. Also, Greenville County has requirements on the minimum number of assignments
which must be scored within each category. These vary by subject, but general guidelines are
listed below.
English/Language Arts: Minor Assessments (60%), Major Assessments (30%), Spelling (10%)
Major assessments must include at least one test and one writing
portfolio project. There must be at least seven minor assessments, and
a minimum of eight spelling grades must be taken.
Reading: Minor Assessments (60%), Major Assessments (40%)
Major assessments are typically tests. There must be a minimum of two per nineweek period. There must be at least seven minor assessments each quarter.
Science/Health: Minor Assessments (60%), Major Assessments (40%)
These grades include work in both Science and Health. Many of the grades are
taken by the Science Lab instructor. There must be a minimum of five minor
assessments and two major assessments each quarter.
Social Studies: Minor Assessments (60%), Major Assessments (40%)
There must be at least five grades taken in the minor assessment category and
at least two in the major assessment category. These are usually test scores.
Math: Minor Assessments (60%), Major Assessments (40%)
There must be at least seven grades taken in the minor assessment category and at least
two in the major assessment category each quarter.
Homework and Late Assignment Procedures:
A student has four days from the day the student returns to school to make up work for
excused absences.
Make-up work of schoolwork missed during “unexcused” absences may be approved
with the permission of the principal and the teacher.
Late assignments may not be accepted when there is no absence involved. If a teacher
chooses to accept a late assignment at his/her discretion, the grade may be lowered.
State Grading Scale:
93 – 100
92 – 85
84 – 77
76 – 70
69 and below
Communication with Parents
 Parents are informed on a daily basis of their student’s behavior as well as
assignments through use of the assignment book.
 Graded papers are sent home to be signed each Tuesday to allow parents to stay
informed about their student’s academic progress.
 Newsletters are also sent home on one Tuesday each month (usually the first one)
to keep parents and students informed of upcoming topics of study, upcoming
events, birthdays, perfect attendance and other announcements.
 Midterm reports are sent home in the middle of each grading period.
 Parent conferences are held in September and October. Phone calls, e-mails, and
additional conferences are held as deemed necessary by either teacher or parent.
 The school and additional teacher websites are accessible via the World Wide
Web at
Additional Resources for Our Students
 Related Arts Classes-Art, Computer Lab, Music, and Physical Education
(each of these classes will be held each week for approximately 45 minutes
per class period)
Science Lab-Students will attend this class with Mrs. Martin every Tuesday
for periods for approximately 45 minutes.
Laptop Lab and Computer Lab-These labs will be used by our students to
individually work on specific skills that are needed to enhance or improve
their skills and understanding of subject matter. The students’ personal
computer programs are determined by the results of their M.A.P. tests.
Students may also go to their personal computer plan from home if they have
internet access. Just go to our school’s website and click on the student
button. We will also be learning computer skills and using the labs for
research purposes and publishing of student writing.
Field trips are scheduled in advance and parents will be informed by letter
about the trips and of any fees that may be involved. Students must have
signed permission slips in order to attend any field trip. Parents may request
to assist in chaperoning on field trips if space is available.
Library-Classes may be scheduled to have a library period to enrich our
classroom learning. Students are allowed to check out new books whenever
they have finished working with the one(s) that they have previously checked
out from the library. Students must have a pass to go to the library from
their teacher.
ESOL Classes-The students who need additional help with their English are
assisted by our ESOL program. Students’ level of assistance depends largely
upon their individual needs as determined by the ELDA test.
 Before and After School Programs-Eligibility is determined and letters of
invitation are sent out about these programs before they begin each year.
These programs may not be in existence this year due to budget cuts.
 A copy of our state standards in parent-friendly language is attached. For a
more detailed explanation of our state standards in any subject area, please