ESL 262.03L Low Advanced Reading Winter 2015 Instructor: Gretchen Himes Room: L33 E-mail: Time: F 9:30 to 12:20 Phone: 408-239-3069 Office hours: by appointment. However, I am usually available after class without an appointment. Course Studio: Look under De Anza My Portal for links to Course Studio. You will find important class information such as readings, assignments, the homework schedule, and this greensheet. Web site: (My website contains the homework schedule, the green sheet and links to helpful sites.) Prerequisites: Successful completion of ESL 152, 252 or a qualifying score on the ESL placement test. Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Statements A. Demonstrate comprehension of literal and inferred meaning of level-specific academic reading materials and fiction. B. Identify and analyze organization and rhetorical modes of extended reading materials. C. Identify the main and supporting ideas of a level-appropriate text. D. Demonstrate understanding and usage of level-specific vocabulary in academic readings. Course Objectives A. Demonstrate advanced comprehension reading skills for both content and organization B. Infer meaning from extended written materials C. Utilize reading strategies including pre-reading, skimming, and scanning D. Expand academic vocabulary comprehension and usage Required Materials: Focus on Vocabulary 2 The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins A good monolingual learner’s dictionary such as American Heritage, Newbury House or Longman. Internet access A account A account Grading Criteria: Your grade will be decided by the following criteria. Quizzes 20% Class Participation 5% Summaries 20% Homework 15% Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam 20% Grading Scale: A= 90%--100%; B= 80%--89%; C= 70%--79%; D= 60%--69%; F= 59.5% and below 1 Attendance: If you wish to improve your English, it is important that you come to every class. Students who miss class anytime in the first two weeks of class without contacting the instructor may be dropped. After 3 absences, you may be dropped or receive a failing grade in the class. However, remember that it is your responsibility to drop the class if you wish to stop attending and not receive an F in the class. Class Participation: Class participation is extremely important because it gives you the opportunity to use and practice your English skills. Each student can earn up to 100 points based the following criteria: Do your homework before class Pay attention Turn your mobile phone off or to vibrate Don’t cheat or help others to cheat Contribute positively to the class Be kind, considerate and respectful Cooperate during group work Talk only when it is your turn Do your best to answer questions when asked Volunteer answers before you are asked, but let others take their turns as well Participate in class activities Assignments: Assignments are extremely important in this class. You can expect at least 6 hours of homework and study each week in order to keep up with the assignments, which will include the text, Internet material, journals and a novel. Some homework will be turned in for credit and some will just be used to prepare you for class participation and your own improvement. It is your responsibility to turn in as soon as you return to class any assignments due on the day you were absent. Failure to do so will result in 0 for the assignment. Please contact a classmate first, NOT YOUR INSTRUCTOR, to find out everything you missed if you are absent or late. Classmate #1______________________________Phone:_____________________________ Classmate #2______________________________Phone:_____________________________ Focus on Vocabulary: Read each chapter do all assigned exercises and check your answers before class. You will not be graded on these activities, but the material will be on the quizzes and exams. The Hunger Games: Read the assigned pages before each class. Be prepared for related quizzes, discussions and activities. Response and vocabulary assignments: You will write assignments related to the novel. You will complete vocabulary cards and a reading response journal each week. Summaries: You will be assigned various passages from the novel, Internet sources, or Focus on Vocabulary to summarize. Read the passages until you understand the main idea. As you read, take notes. At the top of the page, write the summary number, the title of the source and the page numbers of the passage 2 Quizzes: We will have several online quizzes on These quizzes will cover material from the text and the novel. On occasion you may have an in-class quiz. Exams: The midterm and final will include material from the class, text or novel as well as reading comprehension, summarizing, and vocabulary. Students may not take the final exam early. Cheating: I expect honesty and hard work from all students. I take cheating seriously. Cheating includes the following: communicating in any way with any person or device other than the instructor during a quiz or a test; using any written materials that the instructor has not specifically told you that you may use; using an electronic device such as a computer, smartphone or electronic dictionary. The consequences of cheating range from a warning to being asked to leave the class and receiving an F for the course. The punishment depends on the seriousness of the offence and the number of previous offences. Plagiarism: When you turn in an assignment with your name on it, you are saying that it is your work. If you copy words or phrases from someone, you must cite it (say who wrote it). Any copied material that is not cited is plagiarism, a form of cheating. I can usually tell when work has been copied, so don't do it. If I suspect that your assignment is plagiarized, you will be asked at my discretion to redo it or receive a 0 on that assignment. Further, you may be asked to leave the class and receive an F for the course. Important Dates Last day to add…………………………………………….. Last day to drop for a refund……………………………… Last day to drop a class with no grade.…………………. Last day to request Pass/No Pass grade……………….. Last day to drop with a “W”……………………………….. Final Exam………………………………………………….. Saturday, January 17 Sunday, January 18 Monday, January 19 Friday, January 30 Friday, February 27 Tuesday, March 24 9:15-11:15 am 3