Chapter 3 Biological Foundations: Genes, Temperament, and More Chapter Outline BIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS: GENES, TEMPERAMENT, AND MORE BIOLOGICAL PREPAREDNESS FOR SOCIAL INTERACTION HOW ARE BABIES PREPARED? From Biological Rhythms to Social Rhythms Visual Preparation for Social Interaction Auditory Preparedness for Social Interaction Smell, Taste, and Touch Beyond Faces and Voices: Primed to be a Social Partner WHY ARE BABIES PREPARED? THE NEUROLOGICAL BASIS OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT The Brain Brain Growth and Development Hemispheric Specialization Neurons and Synapses Brain Development and Experience Mirror Neurons and the Social Brain GENETICS AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Bet You Thought That . . . Genes Determine Your Potential METHODS OF STUDYING GENETIC CONTRIBUTIONS TO DEVELOPMENT Behavior Genetics: Adoption and Twin Studies Shared and Nonshared Environments Learning from Living Leaders: Sir Michael Rutter Molecular Genetics: The Human Genome Project Learning from Living Leaders: Avshalom Caspi MODELS OF GENETIC INFLUENCE The Transmission of Traits: A Basic Model Interactions among Genes Environment Influences Gene Expression Genetic Makeup Helps Shape the Environment Gene–Environment Interactions (G E) Gene–Environment Feedback Loops Research up Close: A Genetic Risk for Drug Use GENETIC ANOMALIES Insights from Extremes: Autism Real-World Application: Genetic Counseling, Genetic Selection TEMPERAMENT: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES DEFINING AND MEASURING TEMPERAMENT Cultural Context: Are Temperaments the Same Around the World? THE BIOLOGICAL BASIS OF TEMPERAMENT Genetic Factors Neurological Correlates EARLY EVIDENCE OF TEMPERAMENT Learning from Living Leaders: Mary K. Rothbart CONSEQUENCES AND CORRELATES OF TEMPERAMENT Into Adulthood: Shy Children Thirty Years Later <SUM>CHAPTER SUMMARY<SUM/> KEY TERMS At the Movies Learning Objectives 1. Describe what is meant by biological preparedness. Provide research examples illustrating this concept. Explain how this preparedness is adaptive. 2. Identify and define the different areas of the brain at both the structural and cellular levels (cerebrum, cerebral cortex and its different regions, corpus callosum, neuron, glial cell, synapse). 3. Describe the developmental sequence of brain development and how the sequence is linked to advancements in various areas of functioning. 4. Explain what is meant by hemispheric specialization and lateralization. Describe what abilities are located in each hemisphere. 5. Describe the processes of neuron proliferation, neural migration, neuronal death, synaptogenesis, and synaptic pruning. Explain the importance of environmental input in these processes. 6. Define experience-expectant and experience-dependent processes. Provide examples. 7. Define what a mirror neuron is and what its links are to social behavior. 8. Define what a gene is. 9. Describe the study of human behavior genetics and the heritability factor. 10. Describe the difference between genotype and phenotype. 11. Define what monozygotic and dizygotic twins are and how they are used in the study of human behavior genetics. 12. Explain the difference between shared and nonshared environments. 13. Describe the basic model of genetic transmission including the definitions of alleles, homozygous, heterozygous. 14. Describe the notion of interacting genes and specifically modifier genes. 15. Describe reaction range as a form of gene by environment interaction 16. Describe how genes and environments work together via passive, evocative, and active geneenvironment associations. 17. Describe gene environment interaction models and gene-environment feedback loops. 18. Discuss various genetic anomalies (e.g., Turner syndrome, fragile X syndrome, Williams syndrome, ADHD, autism). 19. Define temperament. Describe the different types of temperament identified in the research by Thomas and Chess. 20. Describe Rothbart’s 3 temperament dimensions (effortful control, negative affectivity, extraversion-surgency). 21. Describe what is known about the biological bases of temperament (genetic factors, neural correlates, early evidence of temperament). 22. Discuss the correlates and consequences of temperament for children’s social development. Student Handout 3-1 Chapter Summary Biological Preparedness Babies are biologically prepared for social interactions at birth because of their biological rhythms and their abilities to regulate them. Infants with better regulation of biological rhythms have more synchronous social interactions with their mothers. Newborns are attracted to the properties of human faces—boundaries, hairlines, chins—as well as the movement of faces. By 3 months, infants identify faces as unique patterns. The brain has specialized cells devoted to recognition of faces. At birth, babies are attracted to high-pitched sounds, which parents typically use when they talk to them. Newborns can distinguish their mother’s smell from that of other women. They can also discriminate different tastes and come to prefer tastes they were exposed to during breastfeeding. Newborns are responsive to and soothed by touch. Babies are attracted by their mothers’ responsiveness and expressiveness in face-to-face play. They interact in synchrony by 3 months. Preparedness for social interaction has an evolutionary basis; it is adaptive and ensures the survival of the infant. The Neurological Basis of Social Development The cerebral cortex is divided into regions in which cells control specific functions, such as speech, motor abilities, and memory. The cortex and the limbic system play major roles in regulating emotion and social behavior. There is an orderly sequence to brain development during infancy with both gradual continuous changes and periods of relatively rapid development. Changes are linked to advances in auditory, visual, motor, and socioemotional development. In the 5- to 7-year period, development of the prefrontal cortex is associated with the development of executive processes such as attention, inhibitory control, and planning. Maturation of the cortex continues into adolescence. The right cerebral hemisphere controls the left side of the body and is involved in processing visual-spatial information, face recognition, and emotional expressions. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and is important for understanding and using language. Hemispheric specialization and lateralization are evident early in infancy and are well developed by age 3. Although most of the brain’s neurons are present at birth, changes take place in their size, number of connections, or synapses, and production of the surrounding, supportive glial cells. Myelination increases the speed, efficiency, and complexity of transmissions between neurons. Neural migration distributes neurons throughout brain regions. The abundance of neurons and synapses is trimmed over time through neuronal death and synaptic pruning. The environment plays a critical role in brain development. Enriched environments are related to increases in brain size, connections among neurons, and activities of key brain chemicals. Additional experience can also help reduce damage or defects in one area or hemisphere of the brain. Two types of processes influence the development of the child’s brain. Experience-expectant processes are universal, that is, shared by all human beings across evolution. Experiencedependent processes are related to experiences in a particular family or culture. Genetics and Social Development Genetic transmission is another important biological foundation for social development and accounts for individual differences between people, such as the outgoing and sociable tendencies versus introversion and shyness. Genetic transmission starts with chromosomes, on which are genes—portions of the DNA molecule containing the genetic code. Genetic variability is the result of the huge number of possible chromosome combinations, crossing over during cell division in the fertilized egg, and sexual reproduction as 23 chromosomes from a woman unite with 23 chromosomes from a man. The genotype is the particular set of genes that a person inherits. It interacts with the environment to produce the phenotype, which is the observable expression of physical and behavioral characteristics. The method that behavior geneticists use most often to investigate the contributions of heredity and environment to individual differences is the study of family members whose degrees of biological relatedness are known. Children raised in the same family have both shared and nonshared environments. The simplest model of genetic transmission applies to characteristics determined by single genes. A more complex model is based on the interaction of multiple genes. Most characteristics of social development involve multiple genes acting together. A third model stresses the interplay between genes and environment. Environments influence genes, and genes influence environments. In a passive geneenvironment association, parents create an environment that suits their genetic predispositions and may also encourage these inherited predispositions in their children. In an evocative gene-environment association, people’s inherited tendencies evoke certain responses from others. In an active gene-environment association, each person’s genetic makeup encourages him or her to seek out experiences compatible with inherited tendencies (also known as niche picking). In the gene × environment (G × E) model of genetic transmission, an active role is given to both genes and environment, and their contributions are taken beyond additive influences. Temperament: Causes and Consequences Temperament is defined as an individual’s typical mode of responding to the environment. Temperamental characteristics appear in early infancy. Three common temperament dimensions are effortful control, negative affectivity, and extraversion. Heredity contributes to differences in temperament, especially differences in emotionality, activity level, and sociability. Temperament has neurological and neurochemical underpinnings. Children with less optimal temperament profiles experience a higher rate of problems in later life. To some extent, the likelihood of problems depends on the environment in which the child is reared and how well it suits the child’s temperamental qualities. Student Handout 3-2 Key Terms GLOSSARY TERMS active gene-environment association People’s genes encourage them to seek out experiences compatible with their inherited tendencies. allele An alternate form of a gene; typically, a gene has two alleles, one inherited from the individual’s mother and one from the father. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) A disorder characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and hyperactivity or impulsivity. autism Disorder that begins in childhood, lasts a lifetime and disrupts social and communication skills. cerebral hemispheres The two halves of the brain’s cerebrum, left and right. cerebral cortex The covering layer of the cerebrum, which contains the cells that control specific functions such as seeing, hearing, moving, and thinking. cerebrum The two connected hemispheres of the brain. corpus callosum The band of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain. dizygotic Fraternal twins from two different eggs fertilized by two different sperm, producing two different zygotes. evocative gene-environment association People’s inherited tendencies evoke certain environmental responses. experience-dependent processes Brain processes that are unique to the individual and responsive to particular cultural, community, and family experiences. experience-expectant processes Brain processes that are universal, experienced by all human beings across evolution. externalizing A type of childhood behavior problem in which the behavior is directed at others, including hitting, stealing, vandalizing, and lying. gene A portion of DNA located at a particular site on a chromosome and coding for the production of a specific type of protein. gene-environment interaction (G E) model People in the same environment are affected differently depending on their genetic makeup. genotype The particular set of genes a person inherits from his or her parents. glial cell A cell that supports, protects, and repairs neurons. heritability factor A statistical estimate of the contribution heredity makes to a particular trait or ability. heterozygous Alleles for a particular trait from each parent are different. homozygous Alleles for a particular trait from each parent are the same. human behavior genetics The study of the relative influences of heredity and environment on the evolution of individual differences in traits and abilities. internalizing A type of childhood behavior problem in which the behavior is directed at the self rather than others, including fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and withdrawal. lateralization The process by which each half of the brain becomes specialized for certain functions—for example, the control of speech and language by the left hemisphere and of visual-spatial processing by the right. mirror neuron A nerve cell that fires both when a person acts and when a person observes the same action performed by someone else, as if the observer himself or herself were acting. modifier genes Genes that exert their influence indirectly by affecting the expression of other genes. monozygotic Identical twins created when a single zygote splits in half and each half becomes a distinct embryo with exactly the same genes; both embryos come from one zygote. myelination The process by which glial cells encase neurons in sheaths of the fatty substance myelin. neural migration The movement of neurons within the brain that ensures that all brain areas have a sufficient number of neural connections. neuron proliferation The rapid formation of neurons in the developing organism’s brain. neuron A cell in the body’s nervous system, consisting of a cell body, a long projection called an axon, and several shorter projections called dendrites; neurons send and receive neural impulses, or messages, throughout the brain and nervous system. niche picking Seeking out or creating environments compatible with one’s genetically based predispositions. nonshared environment A set of conditions or activities experienced by one child in a family but not shared with another child in the same family. passive gene-environment association The environment created by parents with particular genetic characteristics encourages the expression of these tendencies in their children. phenotype The visible expression of the person’s particular physical and behavioral characteristics; created by the interaction of a person’s genotype with the environment. programmed neuronal death The naturally occurring death of immature nerve cells during early development of the nervous system. reaction range The range of possible developmental outcomes established by a person’s genotype in reaction to the environment in which development takes place. shared environment A set of conditions or activities experienced by children raised in the same family. synapse A specialized site of intercellular communication that exchanges information between nerve cells, usually by means of a chemical neurotransmitter. synaptic pruning The brain’s disposal of the axons and dendrites of a neuron that is not often stimulated. synaptogenesis The forming of synapses. temperament An individual’s typical mode of response including activity level, emotional intensity, and attention span; used particularly to describe infants’ and children’s behavior. OTHER IMPORTANT TERMS IN THIS CHAPTER adoption design amygdala auditory preparedness baby talk biological preparedness biological rhythms canalization cortex difficult, easy, and slow-to-warm-up effortful control extraversion-surgency face-to-face interaction fragile x genetic feedback loops goodness of fit growth spurts Human Genome Project molecular genetics regulatory affect social brain social rhythms temperament x environment interaction turn taking Turner syndrome twin study design visual preparedness Williams syndrome Student Handout 3-3 The Interaction of Heredity and Environment Answer the following questions about the ways in which genotypes and phenotypes have influenced your decisions. 1. Give an example from your own life of a way in which a physical genotype has influenced your decisions (e.g., a tall male decides to pursue basketball rather than gymnastics). 2. How did the environment hinder or help in this decision? (Think of people, events, and activities that might have played a role). 3. Give an example from your own life of a way in which a temperamental genotype has influenced your decisions (e.g., a shy female decides to spend time on computers rather than on cheerleading). 4. How did the environment hinder or help in this decision? Practice Exam Questions MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. People’s genes encourage them to seek out experiences compatible with their inherited tendencies. This is called: (a) passive gene-environment association (b) *active geneenvironment association (c) evocative gene-environment association (d) genotype 2. An alternate form of a gene is called: (a) a neuron (b) monozygotic (c) *an allele (d) a heritability factor 3. Which of the following exemplifies an evocative gene-environment association? (a) unhappy and irritable parents are more likely to provide a negative home environment, which encourages their children to become antisocial or depressed (b) *parents’ physical punishment is strongly influenced by the child’s genetic tendency to be antisocial and defiant (c) individuals who are aggressive sign up for martial arts classes instead of chess club (d) none of the above 4. The particular set of genes a person inherits from his or her parents is the: (a) *genotype (b) heritability factor (c) temperament (d) phenotype 5. A nerve cell that fires both when a person acts and when a person observes the same action performed by someone else, as if the observer himself or herself were acting: (a) glial cell (b) *mirror neuron (c) modifier gene (d) none of the above 6. A set of conditions or activities experienced by one child in a family but not another child in the same family comprises: (a) *the nonshared environment (b) the shared environment (c) niche picking (d) experience-dependent processes 7. The possible developmental outcomes established by a person’s genotype in the environment in which development takes place is referred to as: (a) niche picking (b) gene-environment interaction (c) active gene-environment association (d) *reaction range 8. An individual’s typical mode of response, including activity level, emotional intensity, and attention span, is referred to as: (a) heritability factor (b) *temperament (c) externalizing problems (d) attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 9. Babies are biologically prepared for social interactions by: (a) having biological rhythms, which they soon learn to control and regulate (b) preferring to look at all the visual features that compose human faces (i.e., large visible elements, movement, clear contours, contrast) (c) preferring voices over other sounds (d) *all of the above 10. The social brain includes: (a) the hippocampus (b) the cerebellum (c) *the amygdala (d) glial cells ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. Describe three developmental consequences of differences in infant temperament. 2. What is a “G x E model” and give an example. 3. Discuss the ways that infants are biologically prepared for social interaction and why this is theoretically important.