Heredity Passing of traits from generation to generation


Heredity Passing of traits from generation to generation

Chromosomes Structures in the nucleus made of DNA which contain genetic information

DNA Genetic material which codes for an organism’s traits

Genes Segment of DNA on a chromosome

Trait Feature that an organism inherits from its parents, such as eye color, that is coded for by DNA

Alleles Alternative forms of a gene; produce variations in traits.

Homozygous (Pure) Genes or alleles for a particular trait are alike; for ex. BB or bb

Heterozygous (Hybrid) Genes on the chromosome are different; for ex: Bb hybrid is another name for heterozygous,

Recesive: Allele that will show its effect on the phenotype only when two of the same alleles are present in the genotype.

Dominant : Allele that will show its effect on the phenotype whenever it is present in the genotype.

Genotype: genes that an organism has (its genetic makeup)

Phenotype : observable product of genetic makeup and the environment’s influences on that genetic makeup.

Physical appearance.

Mendel: known as the father of genetics for his early heredity experiments.

Punnett Square: model used to predict the offspring of crosses of known genotypes. genetics: study of Heredity
