21 Endocrine Flashcards, INDEX front

1. What is the definition of a hormone?
2. Compared to most other organs in the body, are
endocrine organs well vascularized?
3. Which gland is a major source of steroid hormones
in the body?
What part of that organ secretes the steroids?
4. Tumor of the pituitary gland can lead to what?
5. Trauma to the pituitary gland can lead to what?
6. They pituitary gland is attached to the hypothalamus
by what structure?
7. what are the two parts of the pituitary gland?
8. What are the seven hormones secreted by the
adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary)
9. What two hormones are secreted by the
neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary)?
10. What are their functions?
11. What is known to stimulate lactation in females, but
its effects is male is not well understood?
12. What is essential for the formation of thyroxin?
13. What pituitary disorders are involved with
hypersecretion of gh in children, overall growth
14. What is the disorder when excess gh causes just
enlarged hands and feet?
15. What disorder is hyposcretion of gh, resulting in
normal proportion of head and limbs; overall size is
16. Where is adh secreted?
17. What disorder is a result of not enough adh?
(anti-diuretic hormone; a diuretic takes out excess
fluid from the body)
18. What are the 2 hormones produced by the thyroid
19. What does thyroid hormone do?
20. What does calcitonin do?
21. What hormone raises blood calcium?
22. How does calcitonin lower blood calcium?
23. How does parathyroid hormone raise blood calcium
24. Where is vitamin d synthesized?
25. What problem with the thyroid is due to little iodine
in the diet?
26. What disorder is caused by an autoimmune disorder
which leads to nervousness, weight loss, sweating,
and rapid heart rate?
27. What disorder decreases metabolism and causes
28. Hormones produced by this organ stimulate the
production of t cells
29. What glands sit on top of each kidney?
30. Adrenal cortex secretes what three steroids?
31. What hormone helps the body cope with stress?
32. What hormone raises blood pressure by increasing
salt reabsorption?
33. What hormone increases blood volume without
increasing salt retention (no slat involved)?
34. Adrenal medulla secretes which hormones?
35. Hypersecretion of cortisol and a round "moon" face
and "buffalo hump" are characteristic of what
36. Hyposecretion of cortisol, increased blood acth
levels, low blood volume and pressure, and
increased skin pigmentation are characteristics of
what disorder? Note: blood glucose levels are
normal or may be low.
37. What does the pineal gland secrete?
38. Which endocrine gland stands out in x-ray images
and helps radiologists get oriented in the brain?
39. What cells make the pancreas an exocrine gland, and
what do they secrete?
40. What cells make the pancreas an endocrine gland,
and what do they secrete?
41. What signals the liver to release glucose from
glycogen and raises blood sugar?
42. What signals most body cells to take up glucose
from glycogen from the blood, promotes storage of
glucose as glycogen in the liver, and lowers blood
43. What disorder is when the pituitary gland does not
secrete antidiuretic hormone, or the kidney does not
respond to it?
44. What are the 2 types of diabetes mellitus?
45. Which type of diabetes is insulin dependent because
the people do not make their own insulin?
46. How does a person get type ii diabetes?
47. How is type ii diabetes treated initially?
48. What two hormones do the ovaries secrete?
28. What is the primary sex organ in the male?
What does it secrete?
49. What is the only thing that does not make
50. what is glycogen?
51. When will glycogen be broken down?
52. what does parathyroid hormone do?
53. When the hypothalamus (the boss) releases tsh-rh,
what happens to the pituitary gland (the manager)?
54. What effect does that have?
55. In an under-secreting thyroid tumor will th be high
or low?
56. Will tsh-rh be high or low?
57. Will tsh level be high or low?
58. What might cause an under-secreting thyroid tumor?
59. In an over-secreting thyroid tumor will th be high or
60. Will tsh-rh be high or low?
61. Will tsh levels be high or low?
62. In an under-secreting pituitary tumor will tsh be high
or low?
63. Will th be high or low?
64. Will tsh-rh be high or low
In an over-secreting pituitary tumor will tsh be
high or low?
Will th be high or low?
Will tsh-rh be high or low?
In an under-secreting hypothalamic tumor will
tsh-rh be high or low?
Will tsh be high or low?
Will th be high or low?
In an over-secreting hypothalamic tumor will tshrh be high or low?
Will tsh be high or low?
Will th be high or low?
What is the functional unit of the thyroid gland?
What is Graves ’ disease?
what drug can be used for people who have
graves’ disease?
What would happen to tsh-rh, tsh, and th in the
following condition: Antibodies attacking thyroid
gland, destroying the gland
What would happen to tsh-rh, tsh, and th in the
following condition: Antibodies binding to the tsh
receptor, stimulating it.
What would happen to tsh-rh, tsh, and th in the
following condition: Graves’ disease
What would happen to tsh-rh, tsh, and th in the
following condition: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
81. When th stimulates neurons a person feels what?
82. Not enough th?
83. Too much th?
84. When blood sugar is high, what hormone is
released by the pancreas and what does it do?
85. What if there is more sugar in the blood than the
cells can use? Where does the excess sugar go?
86. When blood glucose is low, what hormone is
released by the pancreas and what does it do?
87. Describe the process of gluconeogenesis
88. Blood glucose levels that are too high are called?
89. Low blood glucose is called what?
90. During hyperglycemia, what hormone is released?
91. What gland releases it?
92. What is its effect on the blood sugar levels?
During hypoglycemia, what hormone is released?
What gland releases it?
What is its effect on the blood sugar levels?
96. What two processes raise blood sugar?
Hyperthyroidism is most commonly caused by what
what are the signs of graves’ disease?
99. What causes graves’ disease?
100. What effect does graves’ disease have on th levels?
On tsh? On tsh-rh?
101. What 4 things can cause hypothyroidism?
102. What is the medical term for a goiter?
103. What does idiopathic mean?
104. What does iatrogenic mean?
105. What is cretinism?
106. What is the mental status of cretinism?
107. if you give a cretinism baby a healthy diet, will it
improve? Why?
108. What condition is when a baby's thyroid gland is not
secreting enough thyroid hormone?
109. Is it a problem with the baby or the mother?
110. What other hormone needs to be present for gh to
111. What is an autoimmune disorder where antibodies
attack and destroy the thyroid gland?
112. What endocrine gland secretes catecholamines (be
113. What are catecholamines?
114. Name two catecholamines
115. What three things does the adrenal cortex secrete?
116. What does cortisol do?
117. What hormone increases protein and fat catabolism
(breakdown) and increased blood glucose levels?
118. What hormone increases protein synthesis, and
increases fat catabolism (breakdown) and increased
blood glucose levels?
119. Why might a person be prescribed cortisol or
120. If a person is given high doses of cortisol, what will
his own (endogenous) levels of cortisol be, and what
would his acth-rh and acth levels be?
121. If the above person suddenly stopped taking his
cortisol, what might happen?
122. What part of the body does aldosterone target, and
what is its effect in that organ?
123. What is the effect of aldosterone on blood
124. What are androgens?
125. What are the secondary male sex characteristics?
126. What is the main steroid secreted by the adrenal
gland that makes the sex hormones?
127. What are two of the hormones that dhea can be
converted into?
128. What does hyper-secretion of androgens cause in
129. What is the primary hormone responsible for male
130. What does hyper-secretion of androgens cause in
131. What effect on female sex characteristics does
hyper-secretion of estrogen cause in females?
132. What is the primary hormone responsible for
development of female secondary sex
133. What does hyper-secretion of estrogen cause in
134. Which gland in the endocrine system releases
135. What common situation causes an increased demand
for cortisol?
136. If the body cannot keep up with the demand for
cortisol, what will happen to the excess acth?
137. If excess androgens are made, what symptoms
138. What kinds of stress can cause excess cortisol
139. What is gluconeogenesis?
140. What two hormones may cause symptoms of
diabetes (high blood and urine sugar) in a person
who does not have diabetes?
141. why is prednisone prescribed?
142. What naturally occurring hormone may be used in
high doses as a medicine for asthma? How does it
143. What are the side effects of taking prednisone?
144. If a person abruptly stops taking prednisone what
will happen?
145. What disorder has the same symptoms as a person
who abruptly stops taking prednisone?
146. What are two ways to prescribe prednisone?
147. Which of these ways is okay to stop abruptly?
148. what is Addisonian crisis?
149. What parts of the body are affected by Addison’s
150. In Addison’s disease, what are the levels of cortisol?
151. What are the levels of ACTH?
152. What are the levels of ACTH-RH?
153. When a person has hyperpigmentation, low blood
glucose, and low blood pressure, what might you
154. When a person has hyperpigmentation, high blood
glucose, and high blood pressure, what might you
155. What are the symptoms of Cushing’s disease and
Cushing’s syndrome?
156. What is CAH?
157. What causes CAH?
158. Are boys affected by CAH?
159. What treatment is there for girls with CAH?
160. What does GH do?
161. What is the result of excess GH during pre-puberty?
162. What is the result of excess GH after growth plates
163. Which hormone is responsible for raising blood
calcium levels?
164. Which hormone is responsible for lowering blood
calcium levels?
165. Which hormone stimulates osteoclasts to chew away
bone, releasing the bones calcium into the
166. What hormone has an action that is antagonistic
(opposite action) to parathyroid hormone, and where
is this antagonist produced?