STATE OF NEW MEXICO - National Hispanic Cultural Center

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for
May 07, 2015
A meeting of the National Hispanic Cultural Center Board of Directors was held
Thursday, May 07, 2015, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th Street S.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102.
Administrative Actions
Call to Order and Roll Call
Christopher Saucedo
The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m.
Present Absent Board Member
Christopher Saucedo
Phil T. Archuleta
Kirk Clifton
Darren Cordova
Carl Foster
LeeAnna Fresquez
Albert Gallegos
Annette Garcia
Margie Huerta
Paul Maestas
Brookes McIntyre
Carolyn Ortega
Rebecca L. Avitia
GUESTS: Veronica Gonzales, DCA Cabinet Secretary; Edward Lujan, NHCCF Interim
President; Jennifer Salazar, Assistant Attorney General; Adrian Gomez, Albuquerque
Journal Reporter; David Richard Jones, Vortex Theater; Tom Frouge, Avocado Artists;
Marisa Magallanez, National Dance Institute of Flamenco.
STAFF: Rebecca Avitia, Rosemary Garcia, David Gabel, Tey Nunn, Alberto Cuessy,
Jessica Sanchez, Reeve Love, Joseph Wasson, April Bojorquez, Jose Guzman, Elena
Baca, Elsa Menendez, David Torres, Randall Gann, Carlos Vasquez.
Approval of Agenda............................................................Christopher Saucedo
Brookes McIntyre made a motion to accept the amended agenda.
Annette Garcia seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
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Approval of March Board Meeting Minutes……………………Christopher Saucedo
Albert Gallegos made a motion to accept the March 12, 2015 minutes.
Annette Garcia seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Impact Presentation
David Richard Jones with Vortex, Tom Frouge with Avocado Artists and Marisa
Magallanez with the National Institute of Flamenco discussed the importance of having
the NHCC to partner with in presenting on performing arts offerings (theatre, music and
dance, respectively). All expressed positive impressions of the staff, and stressed that
they would be unable to offer what they do each year without the NHCC as a partner.
III. Business Items
New Business
Presentation of Visual Arts Acquisitions............Tey Marianna Nunn
The proposed acquisitions were included in the Board materials, and reviewed by Tey
Darren Cordova made a motion to accept the proposed acquisitions.
Brookes McIntyre seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Presentation of History and Literary Arts Acquisitions……Carlos Vasquez
The proposed acquisitions were included in the Board materials, and reviewed by Carlos
Albert Gallegos made a motion to accept the proposed acquisitions.
Darren Cordova seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
 Presentation of NHCCF’s Audit & 990 Form
Edward Lujan presented the 2014 audit, stating that it is a clean audit prepared by the
Hinkle & Landers, PC firm. Rebecca Avitia added that there has been tremendous
progress in getting the audits up to date, and auditors are already at work on the 2015
Old Business
Presentation of NHCC Security, Emergency Incidents and Evacuation
Discussion of these procedures was tabled, pending review by DCA General Counsel.
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Presentation of Operating Agreement with NHCC Foundation & NHCC
Foundation’s Revised Bylaws
Board reviewed and discussed the revisions, which were also explained by the NHCC
Executive Director. Among the revisions, the new documents call for the NHCC
Executive Director to serve as a non-voting member of the NHCCF Board of Trustees
and its executive committee. Two NHCC Board members will be appointed to serve as
voting members of the NHCCF Board of Trustees, and – through statute - two NHCCF
Board of Trustees members will serve as voting members on the Center Board. Although
there is no provision for the removal of a Trustee from the Center Board, the Trustee
members will serve only a one year term.
In discussion, it was suggested that a committee be formed to propose revisions to the
NHCC Board bylaws to correspond with the Operating Agreement and statutory changes.
Included among the issues to be addressed will be appointment of the two NHCC board
members to serve as NHCCF Trustees.
Albert Gallegos made a motion to accept the revised NHCCF Bylaws.
Carolyn Ortega seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Albert Gallegos then made a motion to accept the General Operating
Agreement between the NHHC Foundation and the National Hispanic
Cultural Center. Carolyn Ortega seconded the motion, which passed
 Presentation of Revised Collections & Commissioned Artwork Policies
Suggested revisions to the Collections Policy & Commissioned Artwork Policy has not
yet been received from DCA General Counsel. Consideration was therefore tabled.
 Presentation of Welcome Center Naming Rights
The Donor Agreement between New Mexico Mutual and the National Hispanic Cultural
Center Foundation was presented to the Boards of Directors, and recommended for
acceptance by the Naming Rights Committee. Pursuant to the written agreement, New
Mexico Mutual will transfer the sum of $200,000 to the NHCCF over a period of two
years in consideration for a ten year naming opportunity, and the NHCCF will spend
$100,000 of the funds to repay its debt to the State of New Mexico and $100,000 of the
funds to support the NHCC‘s programming and capital needs.
Carl Foster made a motion to accept the NM Mutual Donor Agreement.
Albert Gallegos seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
III. Reports
Board President’s Report……………………………….….Christopher Saucedo
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Christopher Saucedo thanked Edward Lujan for his hard work as the Foundation’s
Interim Director, and also thanked all of the people that worked on the documents
presented at today’s meeting.
DCA Report….................................................Cabinet Secretary Veronica Gonzales
The Secretary stated that she sees a better and stronger relationship between the
Foundation and the Center. She also stated that there will be a Division Director’s
meeting in Las Cruces next Thursday; she will begin a Listening Tour next week; and she
will work with the Foundation in planning a joint board retreat.
Board Attorney’s Report………………………………………..…Jennifer Salazar
Ms. Salazar stated that a joint board retreat would be great idea; however, since a quorum
of the Board will be present at the training, all of the Open Meetings Act requirements
would apply (i.e. notice, an agenda, meeting minutes). She also stated that the by-laws
had been amended in 2013 and that two board meetings are required to review and
approve new changes such as those discussed today.
NHCC Executive Director’s Report……………………………..…Rebecca Avitia
A review of recent and upcoming programs was provided to board members. Staffing
updates were also provided, including posting of the Foundation Director position and
plans to begin the interview process next week, as well as news that Joseph Wasson has
been promoted to Co-Director of Performing Arts. An update on the strategic plan was
also provided, with the current status on action items presented. Finally, an update on
capital projects was given, including the following: The dirt lot project continues to
progress. The irrigation system has been repaired, a first step completed. The bid for the
new design of the Padilla/Mora Memorial Park is now at contracting. Plantings for the
Park are intended to begin in the fall. The hoped for inauguration of the Memorial Park
is Veterans Day, November 2015. The scope of work on the Welcome Center has been
NHCC Finance Director’s Report…………………………....….Alberto Cuessy
The Attendance & Revenue report for April 2015 was reviewed by Mr. Cuessy, with
significant gains noted in attendance and revenue.
NHCC Marketing & Development Report………Jessica Sanchez & Randall Gann
The marketing and press package was presented and reviewed. A major step forward for
the Center will be the July release of the new, improved website for the Center.
NHCCF Report…………………………………………………….Edward Lujan
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Foundation’s Interim Director, Edward Lujan, reminded the board about Maravilla to be
held on September 12, 2015 at the Center. He also encouraged board members to enroll
in the Foundation’s membership drive. Edward thanked the NHCC board and informed
them he would be working through June of this year as the Foundation’s Interim
Director. He anticipates that the Foundation will have identified and hired a new
Director by that time.
Board Committee Reports
 Finance Committee………………………………………....Paul Maestas
The Finance Committee met on April 09, 2015 at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.
Board members reviewed with Foundation staff the current financials of the Foundation
which demonstrate improvement. The financials are included in the board packet.
Public Comment
Darren Cordova asked if the Center was planning an event to honor Al Hurricane, who is
retiring after many years of performing New Mexican music.
Brookes McIntyre made a motion to adjourn at 4:08 p.m.
Carolyn Ortega seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Board President
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