ANNUAL REPORT 2005-06 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, ECONOMIC REFORMS & NEC AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, GANGTOK. I, Pawan Chamling, Chief Minister and Minister-inCharge of Development Planning, Economic Reforms & NEC Affairs Department do hereby authenticate the Annual Report of the DP, ER & NEC Affairs Department for the year 2005-06 and also authorise placing of this report on the table of the Sikkim Legislative Assembly. Place : Gangtok Dated: the (Pawan Chamling) Chief Minister, Minister for DP,ER & NEC Affairs Department. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, ECONOMIC REFORMS & NORTH EAST COUNCIL AFFAIRS. ANNUAL REPORT 2005-06 Introduction Planning for Economic Development Planning and Development is a continuous process. Achievements made by the nation for improving the life standards of its citizens depend upon how the development process is perceived, implemented and monitored. This is a continuous ongoing process. The faster is the pace of development, better would be the living standard of the people. The process of planning is to set definite targets and to achieve them within a definite period of time. Economic Planning is a way to organize and utilize resources to maximum advantage to achieve national as well as per capita income in the increasing manner over a long period of time. It implies a pre-determined programme and technique and also an optimal utilization of available resources, be it natural or human wealth. Need for Planning Achievement of Economic Growth in terms of development and distribution of resources mainly depends on how perfectly the development and resource have been pre-determined with objectives and capacity to achieve the targets. Main objective of the Economic planning is to achieve a higher growth rate of per capita income than the growth rate of population. Planning is also essential for an equitable distribution of resources, keeping in view the State and National priorities. Only through a process of proper developmental planning can the existing inequalities of income, wealth and opportunity be narrowed. Unless the fruits of development reach to all section of people, overall development of the society cannot take place. Objective of Planning. The Planning process, in order to be effective and fruitful, has to be based upon certain broad realistic objectives. The long term objective of the 10th Five Year Plan has been to accelerate eco-friendly sustainable development, with equity and social justice. In our State, we are striving for a growth rate of above 5% in recent years. Our emphasis is also on a steady improvement of all the human development indices. The objectives of the 10th Five Year Plan are as under: A determined effort to be made to substantially alleviate poverty and reduce unemployment by pursuing the most up-to-date approach and strategy developed at the national and international level. Since the vast majority of the people still depend in agriculture for their livelihood agriculture and allied sectors, including horticulture, offer the best prospect for making a dent on the problem of poverty and unemployment. Measures for bridging the gap in income and other inequalities will be continued and intensified. Effective measures will be taken for the removal of gender bias in education and access to health services. Besides correcting the ills that adversely effect the sex ratio in the State, protection of the interest of women and children and measures for the empowerment of women and marginalized sections of the community will be a principal focus of attention. There will be a refocusing on the social sector with the objective of achieving near universalization of primary education and universal coverage through basic health services. Continued attention will be paid to better utilization of existing assets, improvement in the efficiency of use of resources and reduction in the incremental capital output ratio. This will be brought about mainly by better monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes and improvement in productivity through the application of science and technology. A special thrust area will be the development of human resources and the more efficient utilization of both human and capital resources. Particular attention will be paid to improve the quality of education and that of the services provided by the health centres. Much greater emphasis will be placed on the application of Science and Technology across the sectors of the economy, particularly Irrigation, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Power, Transport and Tourism. The institutional basis for the development and application of Science and Technology will be expanded and strengthened. Steps will be taken for facilitating increasing participation of the private sector in different sectors of the economy and fostering partnership between the Private and Public sectors. There would be renewed emphasis on major investments in infrastructure both physical and social as it constitutes the main constraint for development to other sectors. The 9th plan emphasis on the power sector as a source for providing dynamism to the economy will be continued and mega projects in this area will be undertaken. Given the State’s rich endowment of water resources, its favorable climatic conditions and its natural beauty, its tourism potential will be fully exploited. Special attention will be paid to providing effective governance with emphasis on decentralization, empowerment of the people at the grass root level and the involvement of the civil society in the development process. The State’s vision of empowering the people economically, socially, politically by democratic decentralization and by forgoing strong partnership with all agents of development like PRI, CBOs and NGOs will be effectively implemented. Functions of Planning. To achieve the above objective certain targets are laid down. The objective indicates the direction to which the economy is to go ahead. Targets are also kept and efforts are made to achieve them. Fixing target is essential to give concrete shape to the objective. Other function of planning is to determine success/failure in the light of the achievement of the targets. Planning is subject to variety of controls. Planning cannot be in isolation and piece meal. It has to be a comprehensive process. Efforts must be made to accelerate the economic development in a properly coordinated manner. Public sector plays a vital role in the planned economy. The Development Planning, Economic Refs & NEC Affairs Department is the nodal department for providing regular and continuous direction to the implementing departments/ agencies. This Department also keeps a track of the important schemes undertaken by different sectoral departments. It formulates Annual Plan/ Five Year Plan, in co-ordination with the Planning Commission and State Planning Commission. Besides this, the Department also monitors implementation of projects/schemes funded by the Government of India viz, Centrally Sponsored Schemes, Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources, Border Area Development Programme, Rastria Sam Vikash Yojana , Twenty Point Programme & Externally Aided Projects. Regular features of the Department 1. The Department has been monitoring and looking after the development activities being taken up by the different departments of the State with regard to proper utilization of plan resources. It has been made mandatory for all departments to process the files related to Plan projects and activities through Development Planning, Economic Refs & NEC Affairs Department. In view of this, meetings and review meetings are conducted with the sectoral departments to assess the Physical and Financial achievements. In addition to this, spot inspections by departmental officers are made. 2. Development Planning, Economic Refs & NEC Affairs Department is responsible for coordination with District Collectors and also the Government of India through North Eastern Council, Development of North Eastern Region and Ministry of Home Affairs. 3. TWENTY POINTS PROGRAMME(TPP) The programme announced in 1975 was first started in 1982 and then in 1986 with launching of several programmes/schemes by the Central Government and certain programmes becoming irrelevant with the passage of time were eliminated. Development Planning, Economic Refs & NEC Affairs Department is the nodal department for compilation of the monthly progress report under 20 Point Programme and submission of same to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India (MOSPI). The consolidated report is to reach the Government of India latest by 9 th of every month, Ranking of the State is determined by the MOSPI on a monthly basis based on Implementation of Programme and the progress achieved. The scheme implementing departments are required to achieve the annual target fixed. Performance of 20 Point programme is reflected in the Annual Report published by the MOSPI, Government of India. To materialize this, Development Planning , Economic Refs & NEC Affairs Department has following actions: To be in instant and constant touch with 4 district Collectors and 9 SDMs To scrutinize and verify the collected data. To make corrections after having spot inspection. To guide them for proper work. The following items of work are included under 20 Point Programme ATTACK ON RURAL PROVERTY STRATEGY FOR RAINFED AGRICULTURE BETTER USE OF IRRIGATION WATER CATCHMENT AREA DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ENFORCEMENT OF LAND REFORMS SPECIAL PROGRAMME FOR RURAL LABOUR CLEAN DRINKING WATER HEALTH FOR ALL TWO CHILD NORM EXPANSION OF EDUCATION JUSTICE OF SCs & STs EQUALITY FOR WOMEN NEW OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUTH’ HOUSING FOR THE PEOPLE RURAL URBAN IMPROVEMENT OF SLUMS NEW STRATEGY FOR FORESTRY CONCERN FOR ENVIRONMENT CONERN FOR CONSUMER ENERGY FOR THE VILLAGES Overall position of the State on performance of Twenty Point Programme for the period under report is satisfactory. The state has done very good and has obtained very good remarks on drinking water supply (Villages/Habitations Covered), Immunization of Children (DPT, Polio & BCG), ICDS Blocks Operational (Cumulative), Anganwadis Operational (Cumulative), SC Families Assisted, ST Families Assisted, Indira Aawaas Yojana, Bio Gas Plants. However, the achievement on the items like houses for economically weaker section(EWS), slum Improvement, Tree Plantation on Private Lands, Area Covered-Public & Forest lands, villages electrified are remarked as poor. Overall position of the State under TPP is 13th shared with Delhi and Pondicherry against 24th position of the last financial year. 4. PLAN CO-ORDINATION AND BUDGET. Development Planning, Economic Refs & NEC Affairs Department is responsible for co-ordination of all plan schemes and programmes of the State in close association with the Planning Commission. This involves preparation, monitoring and review of Five Year Plans, Annual Plans and Annual Action Plans of the State. A plan size of Rs. 1655.74 crores was fixed for Tenth Five Year Plan (20022007) for the State. Progress of plan schemes are reviewed regularly and necessary corrective means taken to ensure proper and meaningful deployment of resources with a view to building up capabilities of the State Government in each sector, for programmatic aspects and Centrally Sponsored and Central Sector Schemes. The past scenario: Table 1: Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002) and Actual Plan Expenditure-Annual Annual Plans Approved Revised Actual expenditure % Distribution 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 Total 9th FYP 220.07 239.00 250.00 250.00 300.01 1259.08 209.97 218.00 213.81 250.22 289.24 1181.24 188.14 211.50 178.89 220.28 282.16 1080.97 89.60 97.02 83.67 88.03 97.55 91.51 Thus the total expenditure during the Ninth Five Year Plan was Rs. 1080.97 crores which is 91.51% of the total revised figure. The current scenario: For the Tenth FYP 2002-07, the outlay for plan size was fixed at Rs. 1655.74 crores. Out of this, the approved outlay for Annual Plan 2002-03,2003-04, 2004-05 and 200506 was Rs. 370.12 crores, Rs. 405.00 crores, Rs. 491.07 crores and Rs. 511.10 crores respectively as per following sectoral break-up: Table 2: Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007) and Annual Plans 2002-03, 2003-04, 200405 & 2005-06- Approved Outlays (Rs. In Lakhs) by broad sectors. Sectors Agri & Allied Rural Development Special Area Programme Irrigation & Flood Control Energy & Power Industries & Minerals Transport Communicati on Science & technology General Eco.Services Social Services General Services Non-plan Gap Total 10th FYP 10th FYP 2002-07 Appvd. outlay % distribution Annual Plan Appvd. outlay 17499.00 12400.00 10.57 7.49 2764.20 3940.00 7.47 10.65 Annual Plan 2003-04 Approvd % outlay distribution 2168.00 5.35 6071.00 14.99 3000.00 1.81 572.00 1.55 572.00 1.41 2772.00 5.55 2822.00 5.67 3100.00 1.87 770.00 2.08 955.00 2.36 821.00 1.64 725.00 1.42 24290.00 14.67 4255.00 11.50 4000.00 9.88 8905.00 17.81 2434.00 4.76 6200.00 3.74 2275.00 6.15 2093.34 5.17 759.00 1.52 1399.12 2.74 25500.00 15.40 4818.00 13.02 4590.00 11.33 5154.00 55.00 10.31 0.11 4137.00 1279.20 8.09 2.50 1100.00 0.66 105.00 0.28 110.00 0.27 105.00 0.21 110.00 0.21 4040.00 2.44 1170.80 3.16 2630.00 6.49 1306.48 2.61 2645.00 5.17 62625.00 5820.00 37.82 3.52 14165.31 2177.00 38.27 5.88 15455.00 1855.66 38.16 4.58 19087.50 1540.52 38.19 3.08 19494.18 2392.40 38.14 4.68 165574.00 100.00 37012.31 100.00 40500.00 100.00 49974.00 100.00 3451.60 51110.00 6.68 100.00 2002-03 %distribution Annual Plan 2004-05 App. % outlay distrib Annual Plan App. outlay 2409.00 7059.50 4.82 14.12 2996.00 7260.50 5.86 14.20 BROAD SECTORAL ALLOCATION (IN PERCENTAGE) TENTH FIVE YEAR PLAN (2002-2007) 2004-05 % distrib As against the above approved Outlays in Table-2 above, the sector wise actual expenditure for three consecutive years 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05 & 2005-06 (Rs in lakhs). Annual Plan 2002-03 Annual Plan 2003-04 Annual Plan 2004-05 Sectors Expen. %Expen. Expen. % Expen. Expen. % Expen. Agri & Allied Rural Development Special Area Programme Irrigation & Flood Control Energy & Power Industries & Minerals Transport Communication Science & technology 2511.65 3908.66 90.86 99.20 2157.53 7714.90 99.06 128.28 2392.00 5898.08 552.08 96.52 403.33 70.51 816.93 106.09 850.86 3507.32 82.43 2259.51 General Eco.Services Social Services General Services Non-plan gap All Sectors 5. Annual Plan 2005-06 %Expn 99.29 83.55 Expen. (provisional) 3019.81 7005.26 467.51 16.87 2715.08 96 89.10 695.94 84.77 675.20 93 4032.33 100.81 8971.53 100.75 2342.57 96 99.32 2091.41 98.28 745.35 98.20 1408.57 101 3732.11 77.46 3535.31 79.98 4910.60 99.89 95.13 104.44 49.73 95.77 95.28 00.00 91.21 3993.38 1292.70 90.00 97 101 82 1092.98 93.35 1129.36 41.44 1289.60 98.70 1315.73 50 13209.71 2021.42 92.25 92.85 15562.81 1870.56 100.93 99.60 18344.61 1634.41 96.11 106.09 16961.43 1552.24 87 65 33712.26 91.08 39459.14 97.41 45445.40 90.94 3415.60 45787.65 90 101 96 North Eastern Council Sikkim was inducted as the 8th Member of the North Easter Council in December 2002 with a special mandate that the projects need not have interstate significance and benefit owing to our physical distance from the other North Eastern States. Therefore, the schemes that are considered and sanctioned for Sikkim are State specific, as against interstate yardstick for other States. In the year 2005-06 the NEC had sanctioned 10 nos. of schemes pertaining to Medical & Public Health, Transport and Communication, Training and in the Drinking Water Sector. The total amount sanctioned for the State of Sikkim in the year 2005-06 is Rs. 1851.38 lakhs which is 4.01% of the total allocation to Sikkim from the NEC budget of 46156.00 lakhs. There have been instances of gap between administrative sanction and the financial sanctions as a result of which implementation of projects are constrained. During the 53rd meeting of the NEC at New Delhi on 15th and 16th November, 2006, the State has taken up pending issues and other matters including sanction of new projects for the remaining 80 odd crores in the Current Financial Year. 6. Border Area Development Programme(BADP) The Border Area Development Programme(BADP) was started during seventh Five Year Plan with the twin objectives of development of sensitive border areas in the western region and in Eighth Five Year Plan(i.e 1993-94), it was extended to states which have international border with Bangladesh. During the Ninth Five Year Plan, the programme was further extended to the State bordering Myanmar, China, Bhutan and Nepal and currently there are 17 Border States which have international land borders. The programme was extended to the State of Sikkim w.e.f 1998-99 with initial allocation of Rs. 4.00 crores. Since then, the programme is continuing as integral part of every annual plan. Amount of Rs. 5.72 crores was initially allocated as ACA in the Annual Plan for 2005-06. Subsequently, an amount of Rs. 0.50 crores was allocated as additional central assistance. The total allocation for the year therefore was Rs. 6.22 crores. The programme is implemented in Sikkim in 17 Border blocks i.e, 8 blocks on Bhutan border, 4 blocks on China border and 5 blocks on Nepal Border. Total population covered under these 17 blocks is 27739 as per 2001 census. During the year schemes worth Rs. 6.22 crores were sanctioned and are under implementation. Some of the schemes are already completed and others are ongoing. An amount of Rs. 11.72 crores was provided in the annual budget for 2005-06. Out of the budgeted amount of Rs. 11.72 crores an amount of Rs. 10.29 crores could be spent during the year. This is due to some of the implementing departments being slow in completion of the projects allotted to them. 7. RASHTRIYA SAM VIKAS YOJANA(RSVY) Development Planning, Economic Reforms & NEC Affairs Department is also the nodal Department for Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana, which is a backward districts initiative programme, introduced by the Planning Commission w.e.f year 2003-04. The main objective of this programme is to remove barriers of growth, accelerate the development process and improvement of the quality of life of the people of the backward areas, by aiming at focused development programme to reduce imbalances. The Nodal Department in coordination with the Planning Commission is to address the problems of these backward areas in the States and fill in the critical gaps in physical and social infrastructure. The Planning Commission has nominated NABARD Sikkim as the Monitoring Agency for the RSVY programmes. There is a three year allocation of Rs. 45.00 crores till 2005-06 and many schemes have already been approved by the Empowered Committee on 5.11.2004 on Rural Connectivity, Tourism, Animal Husbandry, Rural Electrification and Construction of Schools in remote areas. The Planning Commission has released Rs. 22.50 crores so far, out of which the Departments had utilized Rs. 16. 44 Crores. 8. NON LAPSABLE CENTRAL POOL OF RESOURCES (NLCPR) Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources was created by the Central Government to give additional support for an accelerated implementation of projects in North Eastern Region in the year 1998-99. This pool, meant for funding development projects, is to fill the resource gap in creation of new infrastructures in the North Eastern Regions. A separate Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region was created by the Central Government to look after all the matters including NonLapsable Central Pool of Resources, North, Eastern Council, etc pertaining to North Eastern Regions. The State started getting the financial assistance under Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources with the first sanction of Rural Water Supply Schemes at a total sanctioned cost of Rs 1350.00 lakhs in the year 1998-99. So far a total of 178 nos of projects at a total cost of Rs 40779.19 lakhs has been sanctioned, out of which a total of 153 nos at a total cost of Rs.18840.00 crores have been completed upto the year 2005-06. Rs. In lakhs Sector No.of Projects sanctioned under NLCPR 1. Social 2.Irrigation & Flood Control 3.Roads connectivity 4.Energy 5.Water Supply Sanitation Grand Total Total sanctioned cost under NLCPR Completed No. of projects Total sanctioned cost 12 5997.05 10 5688.00 91 3582.66 91 3583.00 56 10 9879.00 13257.86 44 4 2137.00 4918.00 9 178 8062.62 40779.19 4 153 2514.00 18840.00 & The NLCPR Projects like Gangtok Ropeway, Palzor Stadium ,Power Projects and other physical infrastructure works have facilitated the promotion of tourism and development of other focused areas to bring about economic growth in the State. Every year, the State Government is submitting a Priority List of Projects for consideration under Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources and a number of Projects in various sectors are being sanctioned by the Ministry of Department of North Eastern Region, out of the Priority List. In the year 2005-06, a total of 12 numbers of projects at a total estimated cost of Rs 21210.83 lakhs were in the Priority List, out of which 3 numbers of projects at a total of Rs.4719.37 lakhs have been retained/sanctioned as per details below. In addition, the Ministry of Department of North Eastern Region has sanctioned and released the state share for Sarva Shikshya Abhiyan amounting to Rs 200.05 lakhs under Non –Lapsable Central Pool of Resources. ( Rs in Lakhs) Year Sector 2005-06 No of Projects (i) Social 4 Total Project Cost Submitted 6007.48 (ii) Water Supply 2 1732.00 (iii) Connectivity 3 (iv) Energy 2 3990.00 (v) Tourism 1 1655.35 Grand Total 12 21210.83 Total Project Cost Retained Total Project Cost Sanctioned 200.05 875.15 875.15 3844.22 3844.22 4719.37 4919.42 7826.00 During 2005-06, a total of Rs.5889.63 lakhs were sanctioned for the ongoing projects of the following state departments under Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resouces, out of it Rs 5320.68 lakhs were 90 % grant released by the Ministry of DoNER. ( Rs in Lakhs) Sl.No. Department 1 2 Rural Management & Development Water Security & PHE 3 Cultural Affairs & Heritage 4 Amount Grant ( 90%) 351.78 1089.14 Loan (10%) 39.09 121.01 Total 390.87 1210.15 19.15 2.13 21.28 Roads & Bridges 1382.47 153.60 1536.07 5 Energy & Power 2278.09 253.12 2531.21 6 Human Resource Development Grand Total 200.05 5320.68 0.00 568.95 200.05 5889.63 9. STATE PLANNING COMMISSION (SPC), The State Government vide Notification No.194/P&D DATED 8.5.2001 constituted the State Planning Commission under the Chairmanship of the Honorable Chief Minister, with the following objectives in view: To formulate long term perspective plans with suggested strategies for sustainable economic growth with social justice. To advise the State on preparation of the five year, annual and district plans. To outline the road map for efficient resources and expenditure management for fostering savings and investments. To advise policy initiatives to achieve financial stability in the State. To review the progress of implementation of the plan projects. Resource mobilization from multilateral and bi-lateral agencies. Its office is located at Gangtok with the administrative back up, logistic support and financial assistance being provided by DPERNECAD. The Commission was reconstituted in 2005 duly including the Chief Secretary, Development Commissioner, Secretary, Finance and five other local dignitaries as members – Shri. S. Lama, Shri. Ongden Tshering Lepcha, Shri. Sonam Dorjee, Shri. J.K. Bhandari and Shri. I.B.Rai. The 7th State Planning Commission meet was held on 18.06.2005 where discussion was also held with concerned departments on the report of the 12th Finance Commission, Nathula trade route and organic farming. The priority areas of the Government were highlighted by the Chief Minister (Chairman SPC) as under: Improvement of quality of life of the people of Sikkim including improvements in the education and health standards. Operationalization of the Nathula Trade Development of hydel power towards making Sikkim self-reliant. Development of tourism especially eco-tourism Development of Floriculture Promotion of horticulture and cash crops extremely important towards self-reliance. Conservation and management of natural resources To make the state fully organic is another priority area akin to the Daiche experience of Japan where horticultural products of organic nature fetch a very high price and contribute towards the prosperity of the growers. Strengthening of monitoring and evaluation - for judicious use of resources. Capacity building - to enable our people to take advantage of new opportunities and drive them away from the government job syndrome. To increase the revenue of the State and generate sufficient employment. Sikkim should be developed as an educational hub for higher education and more number of universities should be established. This will also bring huge economic returns for the State. Economic reforms - to curtail wasteful expenditure. Revamping and restructuring of PSUs. People in general should be adequately educated about the need of the economic reforms. Development of youth has to be taken up to drive them away from the govt. job mentality syndrome. Constitution of a mountain and hill state council for development of hilly areas of the country. An internal meeting of the Commission was held on 18.07.05 to review follow-up action on HCM’s speech during the 7th SPC meet. Consensus was reached to prioritize the sectors of horticulture and agriculture for organic farming, forestry, education including polytechnic and tourism. The Commission would provide advice/recommendation on to the government mobilization of resources, economization of expenditure and fiscal reforms. The 8th meeting of SPC on 4.10.05 held discussions on: Panchayati raj and empowerment Sustainable developmental strategies Austerity measures/ economic reforms Sectoral issues The meeting assigned specific topics on crucial issues to the Commission members which they would have to critically analyze and prepare reports on namely - decentralization process in the State, IT sector, women’s empowerment, energy, economic reforms, organic farming, co-operative movement, diversification of diary sector, medicinal plants and their commercial use. 10. EXTERNALLY AIDED PROJECTS. (a) Gangtok Urban Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Project. (AUS AID PROJECT) The Project aimed to improve water supply, sewerage and solid waste management services for an estimated 1,00,000 people in the state capital, Gangtok (50% of population), particularly targeting poor and disadvantaged communities. It will also facilitate further sustainable improvements by upgrading and strengthening relevant service institutions, particularly the existing Public Health Engineering Department significant health benefits are expected through improvements in sanitation hygiene and improved water quality. Partners : Government of Sikkim agencies, Sikkim based NGOs and other community based organization Cost : Total cost Rs. 23.00 crores Duration : 18 months up to December 2005. Status: Project completed, Govt. of Sikkim line departments like PHE & UD & HD have been tasked to carry forward the remaining works. (b) TECHNICAL EDUCATION Directorate of Technical Education in collaboration with World Bank assistant has taken up the said project in which two nos of Poly-technique institutions namely Advance Technical Training Centre (ATTC) at Bordang in East Sikkim and Centre for Computer & Communication Technology( CCCT) at Chisopani in South Sikkim have been established. Total funding under the programme in this scheme is Rs. 58.00 crores. 11. UNTIED FUNDS Office of the Development Planning, Economic Refs & NEC Affairs Department also maintains untied fund in its budget. The fund is actually utilized by the District Collectors, of each district. The funds are transferred to the collectors, as and when proposal is received from them. During 2005-06 an amount of Rs. 15.00 lakhs was provided in the budget and spent at the rate of Rs. 3.00 lakhs to each district collectors and Rs. 0.50 lakhs to each Sub-Divisional Magistrates. 12. MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT LOCAL AREA DDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME. Development Planning, Economic Refs. & NEC Affairs Department is the coordinating Department between Government of India and the District Collector in respect of utilization of the MPLAD fund. The actual expenditure is however incurred from the office of the District Collector, East as per the guidelines of the programme. 12. DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMIC,STATISTICS, MONITORING & EVALUATION The Directorate of Economics, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation continued to function as the Statistical wing under the Development Planning, Economics Reforms and North Eastern Council Affairs. With increased responsibilities with its expansion, the department is now poised to function as a separate Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation with proposed addition of manpower at all levels. However, the main activity of the DESME continues to include the following State, Centre Sector Plan Schemes for the year 2005-2006. I. NATIONAL SAMPLE SURVEY ORGANISATION The Directorate of Economics, Statistics Monitoring & Evaluation has since completed the field work in respect of 60th Round NSS covering survey of Consumer Expenditure, Employment- Unemployment situation and Morbidity and Health care. This is done on matching Sample basis with the Central National Sample Survey. With the increased deployment of manpower and resource in accordance with the increased coverage of the survey, the expenditure is likely to increase. II. ECONOMIC ADVICE AND STATISTICS The crucial activities of the DESM&E concentrates on its Price Collection, schedules through the selected urban and rural market of the State. The Price indices are built up on regular basis keeping 1982 as the base year and Price bulletin an indices of Consumer Price Index (CPI) are brought out at regular intervals. Besides that the Price Collection for Building Materials within selected bazaar and outside neighbouring selected bazaar of Siliguri and Darjeeling are being collected. Further the Directorate deals with collection compilation processing of data, analysis and publication of reports in all socio-economic aspect of the State. Over the years the Directorate has compiled a large volume of data in various aspects, which is not properly cataloged and computerized. In order to properly ware house the data so that it can be retrieved and analysed by any person, a full computerization programme for the Directorate will be undertaken. A local area network for the office is planned to be installed so that data can be accessed by all the staff and public. A web site for the Directorate will be developed which will feature facility to download data and text file. III. STATE INCOME UNIT State Domestic Product commonly known as State Income is a vital tools to measure the economic development of the State. The computation /estimation of GSDP and related aggregates both at current and constant prices for every consecutive year is estimated and submitted to the State. At the movement Compilation, estimation, evaluation of GSDP/NSDP/PCI both at current and constant price covering all 13 sector of the State Economy is being done. In many areas State Level data are not available not collected due to lack of manpower and resources and in order to close this data gap; sector wise survey to update and to strengthen of GSDP & NSDP Survey Evaluation need to be initiated. Apart from this, CSO, New Delhi is planning to shift the base year, which would need intensive survey and evaluation study. IV. DISTRICT STATISTICAL OFFICE The setting up of the new DSO in the North and West district has already been done duly posting available required officer & staffs. More manpower is to be recruited in due course. Apart from this, purchase of two numbers of new vehicles for West/North also has been proposed for the purpose of covering Monitoring and Evaluation works at various district as well as Panchayat ward. A village level survey will be conducted simultaneously on yearly basis and timely upgradation of the data will be done. V. PUBLIC FINANCE UNIT Under the programme it has been decided to take up comprehensive study on economic classification of budget, Publication and updating of Statistical Profile on tremendous demand by the Govt. deptt., Semi-Govt., researchers/students and the Ministry of GOI, carryout survey of different sectors to generate input, output. VI. MONITORING AND EVALUATION The Monitoring and Evaluation Cell of this Directorate has been entrusted with the responsibility to supervise, monitor and evaluate quality of works implemented by the Departments. The Monitoring wing of the Department is being equipped accordingly. The Department will continue to monitor and evaluate projects and programmes of the implementing Department. At initial stage, survey of villages has been undertaken to assess the infrastructure available in each village. District level officers and staff are actively involved to carry out the survey. Training of official for capacity building is taken care. Officers and Staff were sent on training outside the State. The programme was sponsored by this Directorate. Some additional financial support was required by this Department to prepare reports of survey at various level and for printing of forms etc. The cell is being strengthened with appointment of additional manpower to achieve the target.