Disparity in Human Rights Dr.P.K.Manoharan Dean College Development Council Bharathiar University Distribution of Resources and Population Internationalization of Education Environment “Human Rights means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution” - Human Rights Act, 1993 Growth of World Population Year Population (in crores) Years Taken 1804 1927 1960 1974 1986 1999 100 200 300 400 500 600 1804 123 33 14 12 13 Levels of Population Over Population Optimum Population Under Population World can feed comfortably only for 200 crores of population with the existing resources. Distribution of Population & Resources DCs 20% of Population 80% of Resources UDCs 80% of Population 20% of Resources India is having 2.6% of the land area 17% of the World Population Growth of Population World Population 1.7% per annum DCs UDCs 0.6% per annum 2% per annum India 2.25% per annum World Population Day World Population reached five billion (500 crores) on July 11th 1986. The United Nations began to commemorate the World Population Day on July 11th every year from 1987 onwards. Objective: to enhance people’s awareness about the population problem Globalization and Education To reshape the world economy after the Great Depression and II World War it was decided to establish 3 international institutions, viz., IBRD - (World Bank) International Bank for Reconstruction and Devt. IMF – International Monetary Fund ITO – International Trade Organization Categories of Service Sector 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Business Communication Construction and Engineering Distribution Education Environmental Finance Health Tourism and Travel Recreational Transport Other Services not included elsewhere Sub-sectors of Education Service 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Primary Education Secondary Education Higher Education Adult and Continuing Education Other Educational Service General Agreement of Trade in Services (GATS) Apart from commodities, services have also been identified for free trade and the conference at Doha led to a General Agreement of Trade in Services (GATS) Education has been identified as one of the 12 services for global trade Modes of GATS Cross Border Supply (Education Service beyond the boundary) Consumption Abroad (Students Studying abroad) Commercial Presence (Presence of foreign institution in a host country) Movement of Natural Persons (Movement of Persons for teaching abroad) Basic Information on Hr. Edn. In India Sl.NO. Particulars 1947 2009 1. Universities 18 430 2. Colleges 500 20677 3. Students 2,28,804 116 lakhs 4. Teachers <0.24 lakhs 5.5 lakhs No. of Universities in some Leading Countries Sl.NO. Country Population in crores No. of Universities 1. Japan 12.7 684 2. USA 27.6 2364 3. UK 5.98 104 4. Germany 8.2 330 5. India 100 430 (231 autonomous instts.) Student Enrolment in Hr. Edn. In Selected Countries Sl.NO. Country % Enrolment 1. Canada 88 2. Australia 79.8 3. USA 80.9 4. UK 52 5. India 6 World wide Distribution of Foreign Students Sl.NO. Region % of foreign students 1. US, UK, France, Germany, Australia 75 2. Other OECD 10 3. Non OECD 15 Total 100 Human Rights Education Human Rights Education is not just about Human Rights, i.e., acquiring knowledge. It is also education for human rights, helping people to feel the importance of Human Rights. It contributes directly to improving the life of both individuals and the community. UGC and HRE In 1985, the UGC prepared a blueprint for promotion of Human Rights teaching and research at all levels of education. The UGC has been promoting and supporting Human Rights and Duties Education in universities and colleges since the IX Plan and the UGC would continue to strengthen this programme in the subsequent plans, also. Objectives of HRE to develop interaction between society and educational institutions; to sensitize the citizens so that the norms and values of human rights and duties education programme are realized; to encourage research studies concerning the relationship between Human Rights and Duties Education and International Humanitarian Law;