
Name: __________________________ Date: _______ Hr: _____
Bonding Test Review (Also reference Chapters 8 and 9 in the book)
After you’ve finished this review sheet you should look over old homework assignments
and make sure you can answer any of the questions there.
Types of compounds:
a.) molecular and ionic
b.) molecular compounds are made of non-metals and non-metals
c.) ionic compounds are made of metals and non-metals
d.) What are the smallest units of a molecular compound called? molecules
e.) What are the smallest units of an ionic compounds called? Formula units
f.) You should be able to look at a formula and decide if a compound is ionic or molecular
Types of Bonds
 Ionic
o Which types of elements form ionic bonds?
o Is ionic bond formation exothermic or endothermic? (and know what each of these words
means) exothermic – bond formation gives off energy so the compounds formed have less
energy than the ions did separately
o Ions in ionic compounds arrange themselves into crystal lattice
o Know the properties of ionic compounds
 Ionic bonds are strong. What does that mean for the melting points and boiling points
of ionic compounds? They are high
 Ionic compounds are generally also hard, rigid, and brittle due to the high bond
 How is the energy it takes to break an ionic bond related to the energy lost when the
bond is formed? The same amount of energy that was lost during bond formation is
needed to break the bonds
 Describe why an ionic crystal can crack if it is hit hard enough (you should be able to
describe the process)
 Know what lattice energy is and how it relates to bond strength The energy it takes to
break the ionic bonds that hold an ionic crystal lattice together
 How is the size of ions in a compound related to their bond strength and lattice
energy? Smaller ions make stronger bonds. This means the lattice energy will also be
 Be able to rank binary (two element) ionic compounds in terms of their bond strength
 Do ionic compounds conduct electricity when they are in the solid state? No because
the ions must move for them to conduct electricity
 Do they conduct electricity when they are dissolved in solution (like salt in water)?
Yes because the ions can move around
 Be able to rank ionic bonds by how much energy it will take to break them
Name: __________________________ Date: _______ Hr: _____
For example: Arrange the following compounds in order of energy required to
break the bonds – RbCl, LiCl, NaCl, HCl, KCl I will leave this one to you.
You must look at the sizes of the ions – smaller ions make stronger bonds so it
will take more energy to break them.
Name: __________________________ Date: _______ Hr: _____
Types of Bonds (continued)
o Which types of elements form covalent bonds? Nonmetals and nonmetals
o Is covalent bond formation exothermic or endothermic? exothermic
o Covalent bonds formed when the attractive forces between nuclei of one atom and valence eof another atom balances out the repulsive forces form the like charges (protons and protons,
electrons and electrons)
o Bond strengths
 Be able to relate bond strength to number of electron pairs in the bond (single,
double, and triple bonds) triple bond strength > double bond > single bond
 Relate bond strength to Bond Length (Distance between the center of the nuclei of
two bonded atoms. The bond length represents the position of maximum attraction
between two bonded atoms.) Stronger bonds have shorter bond lengths
 Be able to arrange compounds in order of Bond Length
o Know the difference between non-polar covalent and covalent bonds non-polar covalent
compounds share e- equally. Polar covalent share them unequally, making a dipole (one end
of the molecule has more positive or negative charge than the other)
o Which types of elements form metallic bonds? metals
o Know how metallic bonds are different from ionic and covalent bonds they are held
together by the attraction of the positive nucleus and the sea of electrons
o Be able to describe what is meant by a “sea of electrons”
o How do metallically bonded metal atoms form cations? The valence e- of the metal atoms
join the electron sea where they can move around to any of the metal atoms. When this
happens the metal ions become positive cations
o Metals are good conductors. Be able to explain why using the electron “sea” model the e- in
the “sea” are able to move around between metal atoms
o Know the properties of metals
 Conduct electricity and heat, malleable, ductile
o Metals tend to have high boiling points. Explain why using the electron sea model
o Know what alloys are
 What are examples of alloys? These are in your notes and the book
 Is steel an alloy?
 Bronze?
 Sterling silver?
General Bonding Info
 Be able to use an element’s group number to figure out how many bonds an atom can form
 Know the octet rule and be able to use it to help draw Lewis structures
 Some elements (like Boron) are exceptions to the octet rule
Name: __________________________ Date: _______ Hr: _____
Determine if a bond is ionic, non-polar covalent, or polar covalent using electronegativity values (by
calculating ΔEN) ΔEN > 2.0 is ionic; ΔEN < 2.0 is covalent; ΔEN between 0.0 and 0.4 is non-polar
covalent; ΔEN between 0.4 and 2.0 is polar covalent
Understand bond dissociation energies
Be able to predict the formula of a compound if given two elements that will combine take a look at
your notes, HW, and the book if you are unsure of this one. Remember that in a compound the
positive and negative charges must cancel out so that the compound is neutral.
Name: __________________________ Date: _______ Hr: _____
Lewis Dot Structures
 Be able to write Lewis dot structures for individual atoms (like Na, B, O, F, Mg, etc) and ions
(monatomic – fluoride, oxide, lithium ion, aluminum ion, chloride, etc) and polyatomic ions
(ammonium, carbonate, nitrate, nitrite, etc)
 Be able to draw Lewis structures for diatomic molecules
o Know which elements are diatomic (remember HONClBrIF)
 Know when to make double and triple bonds
 Know what a resonance structure is
o Be able to identify correct resonance structures of the same substance
o Draw multiple resonance structures of a compound if required
 Be able to draw correct Lewis structures for polyatomic ions
o When given a formula for a polyatomic ion, which element should be the central atom of the
Lewis structure?
o Remember, in polyatomic ions some elements can make more bonds than they normally
 Practice drawing Lewis structures for the following:
o Phosphate ion
o Nitride ion
o CH4
o CO
o CO2
o H2O
o Nitrate ion
o Carbonate ion
Naming Ionic Compounds
 Be able to write the name of an ionic compound if given its formula
 Be able to write the formula of an ionic compound if given its name
Polyatomic Ions
 “poly” means “many atom”
 Polyatomic ions are groups of atoms that are covalently bonded. As a group they are either
missing electrons or have extra electrons which gives them a charge.
VSEPR Theory
 Use VSEPR theory to identify the bond angles in a molecules
 Use VSEPR theory to identify the shapes of a molecule
 Be able to determine whether a molecule is polar or not based on its shape and symmetry
 Know what a dipole moment is
 Be able to draw rough sketches a molecules dipole moment vector