Course Level Objectives Performing and Fine Arts Communications Program / Speech and Theatre Program Course Objectives Assessment/Artifacts SPEE 200 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the field of communication, the different areas of study that comprise the field, and the vocational pursuits in which communication majors can specialize. 2. Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of basic theories of communication processes. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental principles of effective communication in different communication contexts, in particular, interpersonal and public contexts, group contexts, organizational contexts, and mass communication contexts. 4. The student will acquire facility in a variety of communication skills Use a variety of formal and informal assessments aimed at meeting program goals and positive student learning including exams, class discussion, small group discussion, peer review, outlines and individual and group presentations. SPEE 201 1. To rehearse and portray a character in a play or musical staged by the FSU Theatre Company/University Theatre. Hours = Number of hours recorded and verified on the record sheet. Workshops = Number of workshops attended during the class period. 2. To work on the construction and / or running crew of a play or musical staged by the FSU Theatre Company/University Theatre. 3. To learn the steps necessary to be an integral part of and to evaluate the effectiveness of a production team. SPEE 212 1. Explain how speech is produced in the body. 2. Describe an effective career speaking voice. 3. Lead the class in a physical and vocal warm-up. 4. Differentiate between career speech and conversational speech. 5. Use effective voice and diction in common communicative contexts. 6. Pronounce correctly commonly used words. 7. Use appropriate nonverbal communication. The Raven “V for Vendetta” Mid Term G & S Patter Children’s Story Shakespeare or other Classical Sonnet Oral Interpretation 60 second Radio Commercial News Reporter - Group Monologue/ Persuasive 8. Use a standard dialect of English (career speech) in appropriate situations. 9. To develop a base knowledge of current texts and materials appropriate for speech communication. 10. To relate, appreciate, and apply the elements of communication. 11. To demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter through practice, testing, and giving speeches. 12. To understand the barriers that impact and impede clear communication. SPEE 225 1. Develop a consistent set of rationales for using presentation technologies 2. Describe presentational problems and their potential solutions in terms of the processes of communication and learning Student will be evaluated based upon their performance and effort on all class presentations and papers. Written speeches will be graded according to criteria established in class handouts. 3. Discuss presentational situations in terms of methods and media that would be most appropriate for different types of learners and objectives 4. Describe the physical characteristics, advantages, limitations, and presentational applications of the most commonly used presentation technologies 5. Understand and be able to create the basic components of a well-organized presentation 6. Learn how to use a variety of presentation technologies effectively (PowerPoint, Web, handouts, posterboard displays, props, handouts, etc). SPEE 311 1. Develop basic proficiency in the physical and vocal skills necessary for the meaningful communication of literature; 2. Attain reasonable understanding of the logical and emotional meaning of literature by means of written analyses; 3. Broaden the scope of contact with significant ideas in literature through analysis, performance, criticism, and class discussion; and 4. Develop critical skills in evaluating both the written worth and artistic performance of literature by means of written and oral critiques. 1. Oral presentations. 2. Readings and Analyses. 3. Final program. 4. Quizzes and Exams. 5. Daily work/Participation. 6. Optional points for homework, etc. 7. Potential research papers. SPEE350 1. Gained an ability to write advanced Speech of Introduction speeches for themselves and others in a Product Proposal Speech variety of styles. Campaign Speech Motivational Speech 2. Demonstrated an understanding of Weekly Reading Quizzes audience analysis, research, writing, and revision in the speechwriting process. 3. Gained an appreciation for the role and power of strategic language in their personal, professional, and political lives. 4. Learned about the history of and current trends in speechmaking in America. 5. Gained an ability to critically examine the speeches of others. SPEE 390 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of theoretical approaches towards the study of communication. 2. Be able to compare and contrast different theoretical approaches in terms of the following attributes: (a) the view of communication embraced by different theoretical perspectives (b) the assumptions about the individual and society which undergird each theoretical perspective (c) the types of research questions which can be studied within each theoretical perspective (d) the types of research methodologies commonly utilized within different theoretical perspectives 3. Categorize specific research papers within a general theoretical perspective. 4. Learn and use some of the resources available on-line to do communication research. 5. Write papers which analyze theories according to given criteria. Two paper assignments Read the article/book and then write a review of the manuscript Class discussion Exams SPEE 430 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of intercultural communication including the following: a. verbal and nonverbal communication across cultures b. persuasion and pragmatics across cultures c. code usage and language preferences d. intercultural social episodes 2. Demonstrate and be able to apply principles of effective intercultural communication such as: a. BASICS of Intercultural Competence b. Description, interpretation and evaluation c. Ethics of intercultural competence Use a variety of formal and informal assessments aimed at meeting program goals and positive student learning including exams, papers, presentations, group research and peer review. THEA 203 1. Critically analyze, critique, and construct meaning from informal and formal theatre. 2. Trace, generally, the evolution of theater from its earliest beginnings to the modern stage. 3. Gain an understanding of theatre as both an art and a craft by studying the roles of the practitioners including actors, designers, directors, and playwrights. 4. Distinguish between several theatrical styles and the several dramatic genres and to relate dramatic content to theatrical production. 5. Conceptualize theatrical productions as a whole, integrating its several components in artistic interpretations. 6. Understand and appreciate the several roles and responsibilities of the production staff. 7. Relate and appreciate theatrical productions as social, political, economic and cultural institutions. Production Experience THEA 221 A. Develop a greater appreciation of the art of the theatre. 1. Method to accomplish goal: They will experience theatre through the study of history, writing and acting their own script produced in the style of Quizzes Midterm Production Analysis Final Exam Class Assignments Greek Group presentation Mid Term Quizzes Essays on four (4) plays Final Creative Project the ancient Greeks. B. To help students to understand how the theatre both reflects and is influenced by the society and period in which it occurs. 1. Method to accomplish goal: By discussion of the topics; love, lust, greed, power, personal destiny from ancient plays comparing similar themes today. C. Describe the basic concepts of theatre with an understanding of its basic elements and special qualities 1. Method to accomplish goal: Offer an opportunity to creatively develop a scaled model of ancient theatre such as masks, amphitheatre, costumes, etc. D. Describe the role and importance of the audience and critical perspective. 1. Method to accomplish goal: Class discussion of the 4 plays read and viewed. E. Analyze the production qualities and performances in plays seen and studied. 1. Method to accomplish goal: Class discussion of the 4 plays read and viewed. F. Describe the effects of social, cultural, economic, political and philosophical events on theatre development. 1. Method to accomplish goal: 2. Class discussion throughout lectures. G. Identify significant names, dates, terms, and events studied. 1. Method to accomplish goal: 6 Quizzes H. Discuss production techniques, plays, playwrights, theatre buildings, acting styles, and audiences. 1. Method to accomplish goal: Class discussion and quizzes. I. Identify and discuss themes as well as the dramatic structural elements of plays studied. 1. Method to accomplish goal: Class discussion of the 6 plays read and viewed. THEA306 A. Have flexibility in voice and body B. Score and interpret a scene C. Utilize ‘career speech’ D. Apply improved scene study skills to developing a character E. Eliminate common vocal and physical habits for ‘stage presence’ F. Create an entire scene with blocking, character, stage business, etc. G. Understand and apply basic fundamental skills of various acting techniques. H. Strengthen concentration. Expand imaginations. Increase awareness and physical coordination. I. Focus attention outside self. Create and sustain 'contact' with fellow actors. J. Learn to play objectives/actions THEA 337 1. Recognize the primary types of performance spaces, their characteristics, parts and machinery. 2. Understand the members of the production team and the timeline and development of a production- the realm in which technical theatre exist. 3. Develop a working knowledge of the tools, hardware and materials utilized in scenic construction. 4. Explain the basic principles in electrical and lighting theory. 5. Be able to work independently and in groups on assigned tasks. 6. Understand the functions, construction, and implementation of the scenery and lighting designs in education and industry, for the stage. 7. Utilize the elements and principles of design and color theory through practical application. Quizzes/tests Oral Presentations/scenes/monologues Research paper Journal Observation Project Peer Critique Final Exam Exams on text and handouts (Midterm and Final), one play production analysis, shop and class attendance daily grade (unexcused absences will yield a “0” for that day) flat project, scenic painting project, knot quiz, and final project and drafting paper work. 8. Operate the basic tools and materials used in the execution of various types of designs. 9. Produce theatre technical drawings and their standards including execution of sample drawings of these types by hand. 10. Understand the relationship of the designers and the assorted crews that work under them as part of a team effort to create a production which is an artistic expression composed of many separate parts, which succeed in creating a product which is different and greater than the sum of their individual parts. 11. Observe and analyze 2 live stage productions for their use, application and effectiveness of all technical elements and to gain an increased appreciation of the elements of technical theatre and how they’re integrated into a production. THEA360 To gain an understanding of improvisation as a learning tool. To understand creative arts, movement, and to develop a base knowledge of current texts and materials appropriate for theatre for young people. To relate, appreciate, and apply theatrical productions and improvisations as learning tools. To demonstrate knowledge of the subject and develop a variety of instructional strategies with practice, testing, and making unit plans. To understand the individual elements of drama having impact on the learning process. To critically appraise and construct meaning from informal and formal theatre and understand the creative processes in both. To understand and apply the peer critiquing process as an essential part of the learning process. To conceptualize theatrical productions as a whole, integrating various components into artistic interpretations that include using technology for research, production, and enhancement. To enhance leadership by developing creativity, confidence, and understanding of cultural differences with dramatic activities. To develop attentiveness and sensitivity with students with classroom participation. To understand the process of adapting to space/location limitations and how that alters theatrical interpretation Scenes, Company Participation, Critical Evaluations, Peer Evaluations, Class Participation, Lab Hours THEA 402 To conceptualize that interpretation by application and adaptation as an ensemble in a collaborative venture. To sharpen interpersonal skills with in class activities. A. Have flexibility in voice and body, increased awareness of self and physical coordination. B. Be able to score and interpret a scene utilizing the process of script analysis. Quizzes/tests Oral presentations/scenes/monologues Research paper C. Apply improved scene study skills to developing a character in a specific historical period. Journal D. Eliminate common vocal and physical habits for ‘stage presence’ Peer Critique E. Create an entire scene with blocking, character, stage business, etc. within a specific historical period. Observation Project Final Exam F. Understand and apply the basic fundamental skills of various acting techniques. G. Create and sustain 'contact' with fellow actors. Learn how to play objectives and accomplish specific goals. H. Interpret literature from a performance view and formalize literature into a visual and oral form. K. Repeat processes and develop permanence in performance. THEA 420 A. Trace generally, the evolution of AfricanAmerican Theatre. B. Critically analyze, critique and construct meaning from classic and modern AfricanAmerican plays. C. Distinguish between several theatrical styles and several dramatic genres. D. Relate dramatic works to the social, political and cultural environments in which they were created. Participation/scenes/critiques term exam Theatre hours (30 hrs.) Final Exam Mid- COMM 210 1. To generally trace the evolution of mass communication from it earliest beginnings to the modern age. Discussions 2. To understand and appreciate the roles and responsibilities of two mass media, i.e., the press, business. Panel discussions Student Presentations View, review, and analysis 3. To distinguish among several media forms and relate them to several media content. 4. To compare the mass media of various times and various societies. COMM 330 COMM 350 1. To develop an understanding of how to write for public relations and mass media with an emphasis on writing that is accurate, complete, organized, clear and on deadline. 2. To develop an understanding of the basics of editing. 3. To develop an understanding of how to use appropriate style. 4. To have an understanding of how to write for different media. 5. To have an understanding in developing a concrete writing skills. 6. To have an understanding of the differences between writing for the media and other forms of writing 7. To give students the opportunity to discover various jobs possibilities for media writers. Student Presentations 1. Distinguish between the philosophies and principles of management. 2. Identify local and national entities used to distribute information and entertainment programming to mass audiences. 3. Explain the role of the manager and its relationship to the accomplishment of organizational goals. 4. Identify management activities involved in managing personnel, programming, marketing, sales, finance, engineering and law. Case Studies Class Discussion Research project Writing Projects (advertising copy, public relations, script, news/ magazine article) Research Papers Class Discussion Panel Discussion Student Presentations View/Review/Analysis COMM 370 COMM 385 1. To generally trace the evolution of mass communication from it earliest beginnings to the modern age. 2. To understand and appreciate the roles and responsibilities of two mass media, i.e., the press, business. 3. To distinguish among several media forms and relate them to several media content. 4. To compare the mass media of various times and various societies. Quizzes Exams Class Presentation Practicum / Daily Log 1. To develop an understanding and Research Paper awareness of the total process of Weekly Assignments communication. 2. To build critical thinking skills that will Exam help students analyze the larger role of Class Discussion global communication 3. To better understand International communication in the information age. COMM 410 1. To demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter, how it is related to other disciplines, and to their lives. 2. To demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the content that the facilitator plans to teach. 3. To gain practical learning experience. 4. To bridge the gap between the academic and professional worlds. Class Discussion Video viewing and analysis Student Presentations Exam