Phorophyte preferences in Lobaria spp. and Lobarina spp. 1. General plot-information Date: DD,MM Weather: 1=good, 2=intermediate; 3=bad Collnr.: Collection-number Pointnr: Point number = Map number (M) – Plot number (P) Alt: Altitude of the plot (m above sea level), retrieved from GPS or map. X/Y-Coord.: X and Y Coordinate (GPS) UTM: Capital letters_X_Y (map number). For example UTM(ED50): DB 225-227 546-550 (map: 1532 IV) Area: Area where the plot is situated 2. Topography Altitude: Altitude of the plot above sea level (in meter). Aspect: Average aspect of the plot in degree (0-360), measured with a compass. If the plot is flat, no aspect is being assigned to the plot, and the value written down is 00. Slope: Average slope of the plot in degree (0-90), measured with an inclination measuring instrument. p/r: Kind of tree – p=phorophyte of Lobaria and/or Lobarina; r=reference tree. (x) 3. Light and moisture conditions around the tree sha: Shady. Low light regime on the tree trunk. (x) dif: (x) Diffuse light. Light regime on the trunk between shady and sunny. sun: Sunny. High light regime on the trunk. (x) Dry: Vegetation type dry. Ferns and other plants with paper-like foliage very scarce, but at least some plants showing adaptation to drier sites, for example hard leaves (in Polytrichum spp., Phorophyte preferences in Lobaria spp. and Lobarina spp. Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum etc.), succulence (as in Rhodiola rosea). Ground usually dry. (x) Mesic: Vegetation type mesic - neither dry nor moist. Ground not permanently wet. (x) Moist: Vegetation type moist. Ferns and other plants with paper-like foliage common (e.g. Mattheucia strutiopteris etc.), plants with hard foliage scarce. Ground permanently wet Bark sample?: Reminds of collecting bark samples of all trees. () Incr. sample?: Reminds of collecting increment cores of all trees. () 4. Phorophyte species Aln: Alnus incana, Gråor S. myr: Salix myrsinifolia, Svartvier S. pen: Salix pentandra, Istervier S. seri: Salix caprea ssp. sericea, Silkeselje Sor: Sorbus aucuparia, Rogn Bet: Betula pubescens, Vanlig Bjørk Pin: Pinus sylvestris, Furu Pop: Populus tremula, osp 5. Other Variables Inclin: Inclination of tree in degree (0-360º). Living: Tree is still living, most of the tree material living. Dying: A major part of the tree is dead, but there are still twigs living. Dead: Dead tree. The whole tree is dead; no living twigs. Phorophyte preferences in Lobaria spp. and Lobarina spp. Decay: Decay class of logs, snags and stumps, modified after Linder et al. 1997. 1= Recently fallen/standing dead tree, leaves and bark still present. 2= Leaves absent, bark and twigs still present, wood hard. 3= Bark beginning to fall off, wood mostly hard but infected by rot. 4= Bark fallen off to a large extent. Wood mostly soft. Hepatics beginning to colonize the trunk. 5= Branches fallen off, log sagged to the ground, wood partly fallen apart. 6= Log almost collapsed, wood very soft. Pleurocarpous mosses colonizing most of the log. DBH: Trunk diameter in breast height (cm); measured with a measuring tape. Measured to the nearest cm. Breast height is 1.3 m above ground. Alt: Tree altitude (m); estimated to the nearest meter. Barktex: Bark texture of the trunk, as defined in Holien 1996. 1= Trunk and base smooth. 2= Trunk smooth and trunk base of medium roughness. 3= Trunk and trunk base of medium roughness. 4= Trunk of medium roughness and trunk base rough. 5= Trunk and trunk base rough. Tree type: Logs are dead trees standing, hanging or lying on the ground. Snags are trees broken/cut at a height above 1.3m. Stumps are trees broken or cut at a height below 1.3m. 1=living tree 2=snag 3=stump cut 4=stump broken 5=log 6. Abundance and height of Lobaria/Lobarina species Cover: Lobari(n)a species filling a quadrate of n*n cm (e.g. Cover=10*10 means species found on 100cm2). Hei: Average height of Lobaria/Lobarina spp. on the tree Asp: Average aspect of Lobari(n)a on the tree (0-360º) = the aspect with the highest cover of Lobari(n)a. 361=no average Phorophyte preferences in Lobaria spp. and Lobarina spp. determinable (growing all around the tree, no aspect with highest Lobaria-cover. Size of Lobaria/Lobarina spp. Size: Size of Lobari(n)a individuals (cm) measured on the lower 2m of the tree trunk. Measuring the highest possible distance through the thallus to the nearest millimeter. Of each species, a maximal number of 10 individuals are being measured. If there are more than 10 individuals, the selection of lichens to be measured in size happens randomly. Literature: Holien, H. (1996): Influence of site and stand factors on the distribution of crustose lichens of the Caliciales in a suboceanic spruce forest area in Central Norway. Lichenologist 28 (4): 315-330. Linder, P., Elving, B. & O. Zackrisson (1997): Stand structure and successional trends in virgin boreal forest reserves in Sweden. Forest ecology and management 98 (1): 17-33.