Draft Outline

Draft Outline
Forested Wetland Issue of
Wetland Science and Management
(published by the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing)
Objective of the Issue: To provide (1) perspectives on forested wetland ecology and
ecosystem functions, (2) perspectives on management and restoration of forested wetland
ecosystems, and (3) synthesis and references for important paradigms and principles.
Audience: The primary audience is forest managers, policy makers and scientists.
Format: The articles are relatively short, 3-5 pages, with pictures (color) and graphics.
These are not primary research articles, rather they’re intended to convey information in
more general manner.
Timeline: April, 2007.
Potential Papers:
Forested Wetland Ecosystems – An overview to demonstrate the diversity of forested
wetland ecosystems (potential author: J. Chen).
Forested Wetland Functions - An overview of the ecological functions provided by
forested wetland ecosystems (potential authors: Trettin, Kolka, Barton, Chen).
Hydrology – An overview of the water balance, and the importance of the source of water
(e.g., ground water (fens), precipitation, and flooding). (potential authors: Sum, Amatya)
Wildlife Habitat - An overview to demonstrate the value of forested wetland ecosystems
as wildlife habitat (potential author: J. Kilgo, Hamel)
Restoration of Forested Wetlands – Focus on functional restoration (potential authors,
Barton, Kolka, Kilgo; this maybe more than one manuscript)
The role of forested wetlands in the carbon cycle. – An overview to establish the
relevancy of forested wetlands to climate change considerations. (potential authors: Chen,
Trettin, Kolka).
Modeling carbon and nitrogen in forested wetland ecosystems – An overview of the
application of a simulation model to assess C and N dynamics, with relevance to climate
change and environmental quality (potential authors - Li, Dai)
Riparian wetlands – Provide the basis for riparian zone considerations and stream-side
management zones. (potential authors – Kolka, Barton)
Using constructed wetland forests to ameliorate water pollution – Provide an overview of
constructed wetland concepts and an example of application. (potential author – Barton)