LANDMARKS OF WORLD HISTORY A Chronology of Remarkable Natural Phenomena Renaissance, 1501-1700 G=Geological phenomenon M=Meteorological A=Astronomical M M A A G M M G M M G M G M G G A G M G M M A M M G M M A M M M G M M A M A G M M G A M G G M G M M G A G M M M M A M G G M 1504 YEAR A.D. 1502 1502 China 1504 1505 1506 1506 MONTH DAY July 1 December February 29 January 13 1507 1510 1508 (before) 1508 1508 1509 1509 1509 June 1510 1511 August 3 September July 29 September September 10 July 25 September 1513 1513 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1517 1517 1518 1520 July 21 September January July 19 January January June March 1520 May 1522 1523 1523 1527 1527 1528 1529 1530 1530 12 15 26 23 26 March 13 November April 1530 1530 1530 1531 1531 1532 1532 April 12 July February 5 February 13 September October 8 November January 26 August 24 November 1533 LOCATION Santo Domingo 13 (c) Meteorite Jamaica Afghanistan Pouille England, France Santorin Earthquake Milan, Italy Santo Domingo 9 Santo Domingo 14 26 Bavaria Earthquake Hekla, Iceland 4 Bellizone, Alps Earthquake England 30 London Central Europe Abdus R., China England Valence, France Bavaria Béziers, France Erdfut Oliva-Gandia, Spain Meteorit e Florence, Italy Holland Damascus Ecuador 1535 1536 1537 1537 1538 1538 1538 1540 1540 1540 1540? 1540 1541 1542 1543 1543 April March January August 21 23 6 15 January 9 September March 23 April 28 November December April 20 Guatemala England France China Switzerland Sunspots? 1 Rome 4 Lisbon, Portugal China, Europe 2 Ecuador Volcano Sweden Mt. Etna, Sicily Florence, Italy Austria, Italy Naples, Italy China, Europe 29 Central Europe England S. France Limousin, France 26 England 12 Venezuela Mississippi PHENOMENON Hurricane Near Panama 'Large star' fell with noise like thunder Lunar eclipse Earthquake Ball lightning? Cold Part of island sank into sea Tornado Hurricane Britain Hurricane Turkey Holland Nordlingen. 2,000 k. Volcano Cremona, Italy Mountain fell & diverted River Brennio Heat Switzerland Cold Rain floods Meteorites Severe winter Snow Earthquake Snow Tornado? 2 stones fell Fall Thunderstorm England Volcano Rain Rain Comet Mild winter 'Two eyes & brows' on Sun Venezuela Flood Holland Earthquake Halley's Comet North Sea Volcano Cotopaxi flung 200 ton stone 10 miles Halo complex Volcano Aurora? Hail Ground uplift Comet Italy Warm year Hot summer Cold Meteorites? Drought Sicily Earthquake Flood D B W C G 3 S D M E C E S S M ' L T 6 1 G 3 P 6 R ' H C V E C E N E 1 S M P S C 2 G B 2 V T V S G V S L R E C R M M G G A A G M A G G M G M G G M M A M M A M M A M M G A G M A M G M M G M A M M M M M G M M A G M M A A G G G A A A M G A M A A G G M G G 1545 Lyons 1545 1545 1546 1547 1548 1550 1551 1552 1554 1560 June 25 September April 23 November January 3 May 19 March 21 1554 May 1554 May 5 1555 1556 1556 January 23 1556 January 24 1556 September 1558 July 7 1559 January 30 1560 June 2 1560 December 1560 December 1561 April 14 1561 May 17 1563 January 4 1563 December 1564 July 1564 October 7 1565 1566 1567 1569 August April 9 October 30 1570 1570 1572 1572 1572 1573 1574 1574 January 12 November January 6 November November February 2 October 1 November February 13 November December March 17 August 4 November November 30 1570 1575 1575 1575 1577 1577 1577 1577 1578 1578 1578 1578 1580 1580 1580 1580 April 1580 1581 1581 6 1 27 October 1 July 26 August 27 1582 1582 1582 1582 1583 1584 May 13 August 12 September January 9 March 1584 1586 1586 England France England Guatimala Earthquake Basel, Switzerland Rome Notts., England St.Jago, Chile Earthquake Bohemia 1 Prussia 1 11 Switzerland Holland 14 Brabant Aurora Mexico February 4 February 22 November May May 1584 Belgium 1 24 July 9 6 Yorks., England England 8 Earthquake Bergen, Norway England Korea Azores England Europe Earthquake Nörten, Germany Meteorite China, Europe Thuringia Lithuania Peru Earthquake Japan Norfolk, England Switzerland July Hail England 6 Palestine Europe 6 Italy Lisbon, Portugal Saxony Earthquake Iceland Korea Yugoslavia England China E. Europe 23 England Hungary Aurora France 24 27 Germany Torgau, Prussia England Italy Switzerland Earthquake England Guatimala Peru Men & beasts k. Stones larger than lemons Hail Europe Earthquake Obscuration Thuringia Earthquake Aurora Meteorite Subterranean noise. More shocks in April Volcano Aurora Earthquake Ball lightning Earthquake Earthquake Malta Tornado Meteorites 'Burning spears' Coloured rain Lillebourne Germany Halo complex? Meteorites Tornado Bergen, Norway Earthquake Aurora Volcano Paraya erupted Anomalous phen. Solar eclipse Tornado Sea retreated, great landslips Aurora North Sea coast Earthquake England Europe Cold Sea flood London Spears & armies in the air. Again Sept. 25 Europe Valdivia, Chile Tornado Tornado? China, Europe 'Very remarkable earthquake' Fall Snow Comet China Volcano Earthquake Holland, Germany, England 'Very considerable' Shower of stones Comet Meteorite Aurora Arequipa ruined Comet Tornado China Meteorite Landslide Also Italy. Lake Geneva much agitated Lightning Earthquake Earthquake F E W R B A ' S L F S 8 8 2 W 7 5 R M A G 3 H A 7 ' D C 6 T S W C S L 2 A C E B ' C Y P S C S 2 T 3 P T T C 3 3 M C S G M A A M M A G G A G M A M M G G G M G A G G G G A M G M M M A A M M M G A M G A G G M M M A G G A A G A A A M M A G A G G M G M G A A G G 1586 1586 1586 1587 1587 1587 1587 1588 1590 1590 1591 1592 1594 1594 1594 1595 1595 1596 1596 1597 1598 1600 1600 September October 8 December March 5 July 2 September October March 25 September December July 26 1601 1604 1606 September October 9 1606 1607 1607 1607 1607 1607 1608 1608 1608 1609 March 27 January 27 February May 28 October 27 December January 20 May 15 November June March March 1 30 March 12 June 25 July 22 December January 3 March 7 November July 20 1601 (c.) 1606 1609 October 1610 1610 1611 1612 1613 1615 1616 1618 1618 1618 1618 1619 1619 1620 1620 1621 1621 June 22 July 6 December November 8 May 29 May 1 June August August 25 September November February 14 July June 15 December April 10 September 2 1622 1623 1623 March 1623 January 10 24 November 1624 1625 1626 1626 1627 September June 12 July 30 1627 1628 1628 1630 November April 9 August 28 September 1627 Japan Gale Germany Lunar event? Tornado Holland Korea Comet France Earthquake 15 Austria 7 West Africa Azores Earthquake Austria Cold winter Italy Meteorites England Gales Europe Cold winter Colombia Volcano France River burst Japan Earthquake England Hekla, Iceland Volcano Hungary Solar eclipse 26? Peru Volcano Tyrol River burst Unknown Volcano Great eruption created haze over Scandinavia 8 Europe China, Europe Supernova Germany Drought Japan Earthquake Mountain rose from sea in one night Belgium Gale Severn, England Sea flood Switzerland Mild winter Prague Sunspot Halley's Comet London England Severe winter Dantzig Cold spring 8 Scotland England Moon England Severe winter Frost lasted 4 months. Thames frozen France Glacier advance Lunar eclipse 2 Sanriku, Japan Crete Earthquake Buildings thrown down. Also Germany to Dec. 7 Thuringia Cloudburst England Late snow Switzerland Hot summer Styria Meteor Switzerland Earthquake Mt. Conto in the Grisons fell, 1,200 k. 4 Switzerland 16 China Comet Hekla, Iceland Volcano Europe Lunar eclipse 9 Europe Jalandhar, India Meteorite I ron fall. Made into weapons France Aurora All over France Europe Cold winter Devon, England Meteorite Norway Earthquake 'More violent than any remembered' 17 Germany Azores Earthquake Island 1½ leagues long rose nr. St. Michel 2 Katla, Iceland London Waterspout Italy Earthquake Apulia Flood Phillipines Earthquake Mountain 'levelled' in Cagayan province 27 Nice, France England Meteorites Pleurs, Italy Landslide 2 Azores England 6 England Germany E H B ' F F T Y E S L W S 1 L M I S B 1 R E V E D N M H V S P C F D E 1 L 1 E F S H ' R C T A M L A 1 M V O 3 1 M 3 2 V A G G A M A G G G G G M A A M M G A M A A A M G G G G M A A M A G A G A G A G M M M M G M M M G M M M A G M M M M M M G G M G G G M M M G A 1630 1631 1633 1634 1634 1634 1634 1636 1638 1638 1638 1638 1639 1639 1640 1640 1640 1642 1642 1642 1642 1643 1643 1643 1645 1645 1646 1646 1647? 1647 1648 1649 1650 1652 1652 1652 1653 1654 1654 1655 1657 1658 1660 1660 1660 1661 1661 1662 1662 1662 1662 1662 1663 1663 1663 1664 1664 1665 1665 1665 1666 1666 1666 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1668 November December August 15 October 11 October 27 December January 25 29 16 Ethiopia Messina, Italy North Sea Belgium Azores Java March 27 Italy & Sicily June 2 New England October 21 Devon, England China Meteorite? November 29 Chile January 27 England April 4 Europe April 14 Europe June Germany August 4 England December 2 Ofen, Hungary Meteorit e Europe March 10 S. England April 12 New Guinea Earthquake February 12 Norway November 30 April 5 Constantinople May 16 Hasnia, Italy? Rochefort Meteorite? February 18 Saxony Europe September 1 September 24 April 8 Scotland Palma, Canaries November 2 Smyrna March 30 Denmark July 23 Italy December 10 June 21 England February 27 Europe June 2 England June 21 Pyrenees November 3 February 20 Gdansk March 21 London Oomi, Japan Earthquake January 15 London February 18 England July 20 England December 10 Novy-Ergi, Russia Meteorite February 5 Canada August 15 Russia August 28 England February 19 England August 16 London March 21 Germany July 2 England October 15 Canada Earthquake January 18 Hungary Earthquake April 21 Kent, England November Assyria Earthquake Schamaki April 6 Italy August 27 Virginia September 1 October 23 Lincs., England November March 5 Europe Alsace Vesuvius, Italy Volcano? Mirage Sea flood Meteorites Mt. Etna, Sicily Volcano Volcano Earthquake Earthquake Tornado Stone fell, destroyed many houses. Many people k. England Aurora Aurora Earthquake Lunar eclipse Fall Meteorit e 'Mass' fell. 'Doubtful' Sunspots Aurora Several shocks Whirlpool Phillipines Earthquake Fall 8lb. stone fell on ship, killing 2 men Meteorite Noctilucent clds. Hamburg Santorin Island Solar eclipse Volcano Europe Earthquake Meteorites Earthquake Scotland Hot summer Cold winter Tornado Earthquake Katla, Iceland Halo complex Aurora Mountain sank & left level ground Mild winter Gale Tornado Fireball, detonations, shower of stones Earthquake Anomalous phen. Summer cold Haloes Thunderstorm Fall Tornado? Preceded by very loud noise Also shock in England, prob. same date Fall 5 towns & 45 villages ruined, 4 new mts. raised Earthquake Earthquake Hurricane St. Kitts Tornado Caucasia Comet M V ' F G S V S R S H S T A S F M B 4 A S M E W R 5 M M V M E C 3 M M B H G W M V 2 2 L S ' S H G 2 I B ' 2 8 5 J H M E T A G A G M M A 1670 A 1671 G M G G G M A A A G G M G 1679 M G A M G A M M M G 1686 M M M? 1686 M M M G M G G M M 1688 A M G 1690 G G 1692 G G G 1693 inhab. fled G G M G M M M M M A M M G G A 1668 1668 1668 1669 1669 1670 June 21 August 17 November March 11 March 17 June 20 July 11 February 27 1671 March 31 1671 December 1672 1672 April 14 1673 1674 August 1 1676 March 21 1676 September 1677 May 28 1677 November 1678 June 17 1678 August June 4 1680 July 18 1680 October 9 1680 November 1681 July 1682 May 2 1682 September 1684 January 1 1684 February 9 1684 December 1686 1686 July 1686 1687 1687 1687 1688 1688 1688 1688 January May 9 July July August October 31 29 4 25 20 March 1 July 10 October 30 December 20 1689 November 1690 January 11 October 17 1691 February 19 1692 1692 June 7 September 1693 1693 1694 1694 1694 1695 1695 1695 1695 1695 1697 1698 1698 1699 1700 January 9 January 13 April 22 September November January June October May May June January 29 28 4 3 19 5 Italy Turkey Meteorites Earthquake Boston, Mass. Etna, Sicily Volcano France Fall England Halo complex China Met eorit e House damaged by fall Ortenau, Germany Met eorit e 10 lb. stone fell Schamaki Earthquake 9 S. England Greek Islands Earthquake Italy Earthquake Canaries Volcano Holland Tornadoes Italy Meteor 20 England Germany Meteorites? 13 Palma, Canaries Peru Earthquake Herts., England Crop circle Ararat Earthquake Devastating. Flames issued from ground Massachusetts Tornado Spain Earthquake 14 Saxony Cape Cod Fall Europe Earthquake 4 Europe England Severe winter English Channel Sea ice 23 S. England Ternate Volcano 'Vast shower of ashes' Germany Fall Lisle, Holland Hailstones Leipsic Anomaly Fireball half size of Moon motionless 7½ minutes Venice Tornado China Typhoon Yorkshire Tornado Lima, Peru Earthquake Boston, Mass. Coloured snow Jamaica Earthquake Smyrna Earthquake England Aurora England Severe winter Thames frozen to Feb. 6 '89, frost fair 24 Africa, India England Gale Ireland Earthquake Dublin & Kilkenny Transylvania Earthquake Ile de Fer Volcano Off African coast. Eruption lasted 6 weeks Jamaica Earthquake 8 Europe Spice Islands Volcano Lake of fire 'took possession of ' Sorea Island, Italy Hekla, Iceland Wales 8 2 Iceland Ireland England Bohemia Brazil Hertfordshire Norfolk Ecuador Java Jamaica Earthquake Volcano Anomalous phen. Italy Scotland Sea ice Fall Cold winter Summer cold Comet Hail Late snow Volcano Earthquake Meteorite? F 6 L L S 7 V F S 1 S U L M M V S O 1 E C B S H T I B D S T D D L R E 2 S C S 3 P E C A ' E S W C F 3 T S F M B F