check list

Self-monitoring and assessment check list
Tick off [] the boxes if you think you are able to do the tasks and you have the skills listed.
The relevant grammar resource references are included if you wish to revise them.
I have a clear idea of what the sentence final particle is about.
Sentence final particles: ね/ねえ (sympathy)
I can use the sentence final particle よ for both polite and plain style sentenceendings.
Sentence final particle:よ (assurance)
I have a clear idea of how to use the sentence final particle か in both casual and
formal conversation.
Sentence final particles: か(marker of questions)
I can recognise the gender difference in Japanese language, making use of my
knowledge on gender related sentence endings.
Gender differences in Japanese language
I have a clear idea of how to use the Japanese verb くれる.
Verb of giving-1 くれる
I have a clear idea of how to use the Japanese verb あげる.
© WestOne Services 2009
Verb of giving-2 あげる
I am aware of the common mistakes relating to あげる and くれる.
Common mistakes related to あげる and くれる usage
I can use the appropriate register in formal and informal communications.
Basic rules for choosing the particular style in writing to
When you need/intend to demonstrate respect to the readers, use
polite forms at the end of sentences. If you do not need/intend to
do so, you may use plain form.
If you are writing about serious business, use polite form. If not,
you may use plain form.
It is also common to start the messages with formal greetings using
polite form and shift the style from a polite one to a more casual
one in the body of the message, and finish with formal endings.
If you feel that your message is a significant part of your life, and
you want to show the serious mood/atmosphere, use polite form
even when writing to somebody close to you
© WestOne Services 2009