Ecology (Chapters 2 – 5)

Ecology (Chapters 2 – 5)
1. Define Ecology:
2. The interactions between __________________ and their environments
determine the distribution and ___________________of organisms.
3. For example, what would limit the abundance and distribution of Kangaroos in
4. Define:
5. Ecology and evolutionary biology are closely related sciences.
•Events that occur in the framework of ________________________(minutes,
months, years) translate into effects over the longer scale of
__________________________(decades, centuries, millennia, and longer).
6. ____________________________________is concerned with the behavioral,
physiological, and morphological ways individuals interact with the environment.
7. Define:
Population ecology:
Community ecology:
Ecosystem ecology:
Landscape ecology:
8. Who is Rachel Carson and what does teach us?
9. Ecologists have long recognized distinct _______________and regional
patterns in the distribution of organisms.
10. What is “biogeography?”
11. What are “species transplants?” Give an example.
12. What are some problems with specie transplants?
13. _______________ and habitat selection contribute to the distribution of
14. ______________factors affect the distribution of organisms. Give examples:
15. ______________factors affect the distribution of organisms. Give examples:
16. ___________________ and ____________are the major climatic factors
determining distribution of organisms.
17. Define:
18. What are global climate patterns determined by?
19. What causes the seasons?
20. What causes precipitation and wind?
21. What latitudes are the world’s major rain forests? Why is this?
22.The geographic distribution of terrestrial biomes is based mainly on
regional variations in climate. List the major biomes and give a brief
description of each.
23. Human activity has radically altered the natural patterns of many biomes. Give
some examples:
24. List the aquatic biomes and describe them.