Abstract Submission Form


Clinical Audit for Improvement 2016



Annual Conference:

Call for Abstracts

8 March 2016, Hallam Conference Centre, London

Healthcare Conferences UK are pleased to announce the 16 th Annual Clinical Audit

Conference. We are opening part of the 2016 conference to abstracts, although presentations from invited speakers will also be a major part of the event.

There are two types of presentation: a session in the main programme, and poster presentations.

Main Programme:

Sessions in the main programme are presented orally. Each presenter is allocated a

20 - 30 minute session followed by 5-10 minutes question and answers in the most suitable sector of the conference programme. If your abstract is selected for an oral presentation, you will receive a free delegate place for the whole of the conference

(please note speakers selected from the call for abstracts do not receive a speaker fee or expenses).

Poster Presentation:

Poster presentations are visual displays of material which will be displayed in the exhibition area throughout the conference, and presented by the authors.

If your presentation is selected for a poster display, you will receive 25% discount from the conference delegate fee.

All abstracts should be emailed to clare@hc-uk.org.uk

. Abstract guidelines are located on page 2. The deadline for submission of abstracts is Monday 26 th October

2015 (we cannot accept any abstracts after this date).

If you have any questions, please email clare@hc-uk.org.uk or phone 01932 429933

Best Regards

Clare Gallagher

Programme Director Clinical Audit for Improvement Conference


All Abstracts should include the following:

 All abstracts should ideally be completed on the attached abstract form, if you cannot use the form we ask that you use the suggested subheadings

All should include: title, author details (name, job title, organisation), 3 bullet points summarising the presentation, objectives of work described, methods used, results and/or expected benefits, conclusions

Maximum 1000 words (longer abstracts will not be reviewed)

Abstracts will be reviewed based on criteria as follows: acceptability for programme (i.e. relevance to conference themes), contribution to clinical audit and improvement, knowledge and practice, originality, completeness, comprehensiveness, clarity of objectives, methods, results and conclusions

Format: when emailing please name your word document “Clinical Audit

2015 & your name/name of first author”

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Clinical Audit for Improvement Abstracts

Review Committee – all decisions are final and at the judges discretion.

Feedback can be provided on request to support the decision.

Abstracts are considered on both Clinical Audit Projects and other issues impacting on the management of Clinical Audit at a local or national level

IF you are submitting a Clinical Audit Project then please ensure that:-


It is Clinical Audit (as opposed to research or service development)


The audit is focused on improving patient care


The criteria and standards are clearly stated, with reference to evidence


The sample size is sufficient to generate meaningful results


The processes followed in the audit are clearly stated


Recommendations and action plans have been produced


A re-audit has been done

The abstracts can be for any audits which relate to Improvement, Clinical Practice,

Patient Safety, National, NICE, NSF’s or local audit etc but they must show that the audit cycle has been completed. Abstracts can also be submitted for issues impacting on the management of Clinical Audit at a national or local level.

Failure to follow the above may result in the abstract being rejected, regardless of content.

The streams for Clinical Audit for Improvement 2016 will include o A Practical Guide to Clinical Audit for Improvement (including case studies on clinical audit methodologies, improving practice, implementing change) o Delivering an effective local Clinical Audit Programme o Clinical Audit Managers Masterclass – issues for Clinical Audit

Managers and Leads o Ensuring Clinical Audit delivers on trust board priorities o Meeting Clinical Audit Standards o National Clinical Audit: case studies and developments o Clinical Audit and Quality o Making a difference – evidence and case studies of clinical audit actions making a difference in practice o Workshops

We are also looking for abstracts specifically focusing on : o Re Audit o Clinical Audit leading to Cost Reduction o Clinical Audit for Patient Safety o Evidence that clinical audit does make a difference o Implementing national audit findings at a local level o Innovative clinical audit approaches leading to change o Involving patients in clinical audit o Engaging clinicians and frontline staff in clinical audit o Working across health and social care boundaries

All abstracts should be emailed to clare:@hc-uk.org.uk

Deadline for submission: Monday 26 th October 2015

Abstract Submission Form


Would you like your abstract considered for an oral presentation, poster or both?


Authors Names:

Authors Job Titles:


Contact telephone number:

Email Address:





Additional Information:

(NB: if you are unable to use this form please submit your abstract using the same titles as above – other formats will be acceptable)
