Biology Content Targets (2011-2012) Target Set 1 – Ecology I can


Biology Content Targets (2011-2012)

Target Set 1 – Ecology

 I can apply all lab/activity concepts, skills, and results from this unit as specific support of the targets listed below.

I can integrate two or more targets together into one cohesive idea or explanation.

 I can use the BioThemes to connect unit content in a detailed and reflective manner, citing specific examples from the unit.


I can distinguish between the biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem.


I can provide specific examples of a population , community and ecosystem , and distinguish between these levels of organization.


I can define symbiosis and distinguish between the three types of relationships in a community: commensalism , parasitism , and mutualism , providing an example of each.


I can describe and provide examples of producer/consumer ecological relationships.


I can describe and provide examples of predator/prey ecological relationships.


I can distinguish between habitat and niche .


I can explain the competitive exclusion principle , which states that no two species can inhabit the same niche so they must adapt, migrate, or become extinct.


I can predict how changes in one population might affect other populations based upon their relationships in a food web .


I can use a food web to identify and distinguish between producers (autotrophs), consumers (heterotrophs), and decomposers .


I can explain and diagram the flow of energy through trophic levels of a food web (i.e. ecological pyramids : energy pyramid , pyramid of numbers , and pyramid of biomass ).


I can describe energy flow through an ecosystem, accounting for energy dissipated to the environment as heat.


I can describe the role of decomposers in the flow of energy and transfer of matter in an ecosystem.


I can analyze and explain biodiversity issues and the causes and effects of extinction

(local, ecological, and biological) .

Local: disappearance from a previous location, ie. Deerfield

Ecological: not enough left to fulfill role in ecosystem

Biological: completely gone from Earth


I can recognize that, and describe how, human activities can deliberately or inadvertently alter the equilibrium in ecosystems.

Examples include introduction of invasive species , development of natural lands, edge effect resulting from suburban sprawl, etc

Humans also may have positive effects on ecosystems.


I can explain the influences that affect population dynamics, such as competition , limiting factors , birth/death rate , and immigration/emigration .


I can illustrate and interpret the features of the following population growth curves: exponential growth - J curve , logistic growth - S curve (including carrying capacity and population crash ), and predator/prey.


I can explain how biotic and abiotic factors cycle in an ecosystem (water, carbon/oxygen, and nitrogen), and describe the role of cycles in transferring matter crucial for sustaining life.



I can describe ecosystem stability, including stages of succession ( primary succession and secondary succession ).

I can describe the greenhouse effect and global warming and list the possible causes of each.

Idea for Future:

PROJECT: Human Impact on Ecosystems (negative and positive) ; present in a poster session

-Invasive Species, asian carp or others

-Global Climate Change

-Oil Drilling in ANWR

-Coal Burning Power Plants, air and water pollution issues

-Species Extinction, locally and globally

-Biomagnification, mercury contamination and pesticides, hormones in our foods
